Wolf RPG

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It was on that day that something surprising happened to the young bear. He had been careful to seek out all of the hidden places that were accessible to him without wandering too far from his family when Taggak had fluttered down and landed nearby. The raven was always a welcome sight for Sos; he had grown to depend on the presence of the dark bird, and took pride from knowing that his familiar was close to him at all times.

Tahani had said that there were tales of the ravens being able to speak the tongue of the northern wolves. Her tone had suggested that it was uncommon – a rare feat – but that the dark creatures were intelligent and reliable. Sos had promised her that he would get the ravens to talk to him one day, and he had not wavered in this. When Taggak would land beside him, the child would speak to the raven in as much of his familial tongue as he could muster for one of his age. The bird would often look at him from the side of its beady eye before pecking at the earth and cawing abruptly. It did not deter the young bear; he had felt the stirrings of a bond within him the very first time he had seen the ravens fluttering overhead their Blackfeather home. More so, Taggak had followed him across the great stretch of earth to the glacier.

It was on that day that the dark-winged beast had found a tongue for the child. Taggak was muddling about near to the bear cub when he had turned his dark skull toward the wolf and canted it to the side.


The wolf was stunned and marveled at his companion with a gaped jaw. The raven then hopped toward the pup with an eager step and placed a shiny stone a the boy's paws. Sos could not pull his gaze from the winged beast, for the shock of hearing his own name had shaken him. Taggak ruffled his feathers before spreading his wings and lifting himself upward into the sky. He circled overhead for a long while until he fancied himself a scavenged meal and flew to the north in search of such a treat. Sos followed his movements until he had vanished from sight. When the raven had finally disappeared, the child looked to his feet to see a shining fel-green colored stone that was as smooth as he had ever witnessed before. He did not know where the bird had found it, but he picked it up gingerly between his teeth and carried it back to where all of his secret things had found a home.
After her short trip outside, she makes a beeline for the den where her sister and the pack’s caretaker had been with the children though she does not necessarily shoo them off. Their company is welcomed. Part of her likes the densite of the children has become the hangout spot for those closer to the family. Others are still at a distance, and she doesn’t mind, but eventually she’s sure they’ll all fall into place. Most of her attention and emotional energy is spent solely on @Tunerk and Sos.
Shivali turns her head and notices that her son is not present, but she does not jump to conclusions yet, certain three of them couldn’t possibly have missed a child walking away. She picks her tired form up and scents the air, following after the trail that leaders her to her son, soft eyes watching as he walks with purpose. A low chuff escapes her lips and she beckons him closer.

@Tahani @Mirabelle for visibility
It wasn’t uncommon for Sos to find himself so enthralled by his thoughts that he disappeared. It was fortunate for him that his mother was so understanding. The young bear was not old enough just yet to know what it meant to worry for another being. While he had created a special bond with Taggak, he did not have to truly fret about where his familiar had gone. It was as though the young boy knew when the dark-winged creature would return.

Though he may not have been old enough just yet for worry, Sos was more than capable of feeling a vast array of other emotions. One that had managed to sink its claws into his flesh was the feeling of being lonely. When the raven was not at his side, he felt the absence like a wound. More than this, he had started to feel the loss of his family when they ventured further away. It was a confusing state for him to be in, but he was not entirely incapable of pushing through it. In spite of the peculiar budding emotions that he had discovered, Sos found a way to ground himself through the feelings in the earth and the touch of wind against him. It was a rare connection, but the young bear was more apart of the world around him than anything else. He could feel the spirits of the wild; he knew that he was never truly alone.

The sound of a chuff caused him to whirl around. The sight of his mother caused a smile to spread across his features. He made his way toward her with a wiggling body, pleased to have her so close to him. There was a moment where he thought that his treasures had been found out, but it seemed that Shivali was not deeply interested in where he hid all of his secret toys. Sos trotted toward her and looked up with an eager glint in his gaze.
The boy turns around upon her beckoning and she wags her tail, lowers her head a bit, and takes him into embrace when he’s close enough. Shivali is thankful she has somewhere safe to raise her children, with only the influence of their little family. They will know their ways as they were meant to be.
“My boy,” she coos softly, licking the top of his head as if he were to have a smudge. “Walk with me?” she asks of him and gives him a gentle nudge, taking a few steps in the desired direction (though it has no intention at all). If he follows along, she spends the next little while with him, adorning him with kisses when he allows her to sneak them before ending with a warm meal to share.