Wolf RPG

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The monster had been lurking in the shadows of the marshes, with the mud and muck clinging to her pelt as she slithered through the waters. Her burning ember eyes glared with a trembling sort of ferocity, the unknown power surging from within her causing her pelt to shudder. She was a creature, a monster, of no true purpose or aspirations, but merely survived and excelled in life by relishing in the satisfaction of current desires and impulses. Simple urges that would send her forth, molding each of her days as a new one that could not, and would not ever, be replicated in its exactness ever again.

A hefty, gurgling exhale that rumbled through her throat as the she-beast began to wade out of the waters, her paws gripping and thrusting against the shifting mud beneath her. The she-beast had fled from the previous battle, but never surrendered. A creature with intentions as spontaneous and varying as her own could never call one situation a victory and the other a failure - there was no goal to compare the results to. Instead, she simply claimed her prize and learned to be proud with the minute achievement she'd stacked up. A lone group of wolves - a family, likely - had found themselves in the unfortunate measure where the she-beast stumbled upon them and found herself irritated.

Daddy dearest didn't make it.

So with a face laden with the unsurprisingly stoic features, the bitch hauled her prize with her as she traveled. Perhaps it was a bit sentimental, but every day since then she'd take a little time to gently lick and bathe the corpse, her fangs nibbling a bit here or there to devour her victim one bit by another. Her teeth would grate themselves against the resisting, putrid flesh that lay buried beneath rugged, stiff fur. This creature was as disgusting dead as he had been alive, and would soon cause revolt in her guts.

But for now she wandered, her lumbering form shifting through the deep shadows that sunk low in the air, burnt out only by brief glimpses of flickering firefly light. Vague scents were off to the west, scents of a pack. A wretched scowl split across her maw, teeth baring at the though of the weak-willed cowering behind borders, behind shallow statuses and imaginary protection.

Disgusting vermin. Noire would rid them, just as she had for the blackened corpse at her side.

He hadn't seen his sisters in a while now. Revui wasn't accustomed to being tasked with things, and their absence meant that everyone had to be extra vigilant in order to keep their home secure - not that he minded, being the way that he was. It bothered him more that Hydra, Lyra, and Ayla were off having an adventure and he had not been able to keep up. Arcturus had, to some extent. He pined for adventure as strongly as he desired his family to be returned to him. The Cerberus were mighty and they had much to teach him. That they lured Arcturus away, leaving Revui to mind the mountain alone, also bothered him. He had thus decided to go hunting for his brother regardless of the safety concerns - he might have been a prince upon the mountain, accustomed to a certain level of security, but Revui wasn't going to let anything stop him. All these silent demands proved to the universe that the mountain had spawned a beast who was inherently, powerfully, selfish.

It was not enough that he sneak away from his place beneath the stars. Not enough to steal his way down the mountain along it's many passages, without a word to anyone. Although he did not speak he could have easily singled out someone and let them know his intentions. The thought never graced his mind. Before long Revui was striding through the angled trees of some foothills, and then he was crossing the border. As the scents of his family's claim faded around him he felt a certainty, a confidence, much like he had felt upon finding Behemoth (or the intimidating Buckshot); the world was his to explore and to conquer. It wasn't quite as thrilling as the game he had played upon the mountain — of deer and teeth and blood — but being away from home afforded a certain sense of wonder that even the surly boy could appreciate. He felt liberated.

Going north a few days ago had yeilded some decent results; that had been where he'd found Behemoth, but Revui doubted that much lay in that direction beyond a few lesser mountains. East was a bust as well. Or, rather, he did not want to tempt fate and find that burly bear-wolf again — he was still quite irritated by the way that stranger's voice sounded in his ears. Beyond the tone, the sounds themselves didn't hold the lilt he was accustomed to. Behold, Revui was xenophobic and didn't even know it. So he went wherever his whims took him, and they took him across the hillside until it began to descend in to a more even plateau. From there he could see a vastness that went on for miles — a seemingly endless corridor that vanished where his eyesight failed. The horizon held some secrets, but by the time he realize just how spacious the wilds were becoming around him, the sky had begun to darken. By evening he was prowling through a foreign glen and Revui hadn't found any sign of his brother.

He had spent the entire day - and part of the early evening - hunting for his family members. In that time, Arcturus could've returned home. Perhaps even his older sisters, with news about their lost one. Understanding this only brought a new sourness to Revui's already strained mood. He was tired of roaming and his belly needed to be filled, and to find that his efforts had all been for naught made him, understandably, frustrated. He wasn't mindful enough to consider bedding in the glen for the night or else he would have sought some shelter, then headed back at first light the next day. No, his hunger was too strong — it was always one of his biggest motivators — and thus he set about finding something to eat. Revui's attention drifted from his brother to his next meal, and with his attention fully devoted to seeking out prey scents, he was stunned by the subtle aroma of blood in the air. It was so faint he would've probably missed it had he not been so hungry.

Revui's jaw grew taut. He reflexively licked his lips and stood for a moment with his mouth ajar, tasting the air, until he got a good whiff of the aroma, and then he shut his jagged mouth and went in to homing mode. His head dipped below the natural line of his shoulders and he began to sniff the soil, finding that the dirt was quite a bit colder here than on the mountain. The boy trailed along like this for a few minutes before the scent died out and all he could smell was the slight dampness in the air; although it had been cloudy all day, there was a chance that rain was on its way. That or the season held its own cool note to it, which was just as likely. A few more tracing steps and deep breaths, and he was at a loss. The scent must have come from somewhere else — and so he paused and lifted his head, and that was when he saw it. Around a bend in the trees there was a silhouetted form that he estimated to be pale, like his father. It was difficult to tell how large the body was because it was moving, and as Revui was drawn closer to investigate, he noticed a darkness breaking up the silhouette; it was a wolf, and much larger than he initially judged. 

It was carrying something.

She was aware of the other as soon as the slish-slosh of his steps came within earshot. A hot shiver slipped down her spine as she tensed up, her tail coiling against her hind legs - not in defense, but rather an innate protective motion over her kill. Lips peeled and fangs were laid bare, brows furrowing over hot, beady eyes that shot daggers in the direction of the noise. Noire was a beast of shadows, of death and chaos and an active force in shattering the status quo. Such formidable shades did not cower or wilt when their solitary is compromised.

Another approached, either ignorant of her presence or arrogantly assuming hospitality in this precarious, teetering situation. A low, simmering growl gurgled, like a distant thunder of a terrible storm, before growing in volume as she slowly turned her head to face him. Behind her lay her toy, her precious black-clad corpse, full of putrefying wounds and outlying bones. It was her trophy to keep, hers to possess and mutilate at her own whims, a memory of a simple victory in a complex world. Noire would burn the whole world down before giving any sort of quarter to this fucking nobody.

And then he paused. And she paused.

He didn't seem to be the idiot her first flickering thoughts conjured - only a fool would approach so daringly, so presumptuously. In the moment he paused, Noire was able to actually asses this stranger before her, this greyscale brute of a creature. The gurgling in her throat was set to low, ears twitching in mild irritation and the slightest hint of curiosity. There was muscle beneath that fur, and weight to his bones, though what lay behind his eyes was either true nothingness or cloaked behind effort. To say she was intrigued would give way to the delusion that the savage cared, but it'd be a lie to say some small second thoughts weren't present.

"Mine." Simple words were hissed grotesquely though clenched jaws, her voice low, grated, almost unrecognizable. It was the biggest courtesy she could offer the intruder - yes, intruder, she was here first after all - though some small part of her yearned for some refusal. It was simple enough for the beast to make an art of slaying the weak and unworthy, but to be frank it was almost tasteless when compared to the true skill required to face an opponent of equal measure.

With a slow, deliberate pacing, Noire would slowly uncoil from the soggy ground, turning to face perpendicular to the green-eyed male. Head hunkered down low, shielding her prize behind her, as her lips peeled to show her pretty yellowed fangs to the boy, making herself clear. I'm not here for coy games.

The boy became so still in that fleeting moment he could've been chiseled from a marble slab. He became like stone, moving his eyes at first and then his ears, and finally took a stride and it sounded like a gargoyle stomping in the underbrush. Revui was a large boy and he was destined to be a large beast once he was finished growing, and he wasn't trained in subtlety, but he wasn't stupid. He was cautious of this large shape. Nervous wasn't exactly the word because he had never felt fear when confronted with any obstacle or threat — nothing, yet, had threatened him badly enough. But yes, he was cautious, having learned from his encounter with the few rogues that he'd stumbled upon in the past few days. This one was interesting because of what they brought with them but Revui wasn't going to race on over. He was better than that.

He took a few steps and stopped again. In those steps, as he drew only slightly closer, he got a better view of the creature that loitered just beyond. Indeed, it was some sort of creature and not something he'd consider to be a wolf, because there was something otherworldly about them. Revui was not spiritual, but perhaps if he was then he'd recognize a demon when he saw one. His gaze traced the dark marks along the stranger's back with a quick look but his interest was inevitably drawn towards the unsheathed knives, yellowed and grimacing, that caught the dimming light. He took another step — bold, stupid, ignoring the warning that played in the air but not entirely, pushing just a bit beyond the limit — and then he halted again. The boy's eyes narrowed slightly. He licked his lips and leaned a little bit where he was standing to get a better look at what the stranger had with them — so curious, so hungry, — but he stayed back.

It looked like something grotesque, but he did not look for long. It was dark, and there was a distinct aroma of blood which had drawn him through the glen in the first place. It looked to be more than enough to share but clearly this creature was not intent to share; and so he waited, tense and eager to press his luck, wondering what the fuss was about.