Wolf RPG

Full Version: There’s something I need to say
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The woman trotted through the valley, its intimidating walls were taunting her. She ignored the taunts being made in her own head and continued you her journey, until she caught the scent of territory markers. 

Oh good, I’m on some pack’s land. She thought. She didn’t know what she was going to do here, would she just wait for somebody to come and rip her pieces? Or would she howl instead? The possibilities were endless. She decided that she would howl, letting the pack know that Kona was here.

She gracefully lifted up her head and howled. Letting them know she was in the neighborhood.
It was a mistake made on his land before and, just as had been the case then, Xan was not so forgiving. It came as a shock, however, when he heard a call most unfamiliar rise from within his valley as he was returning from a patrol along the outside walls. It took only seconds thereafter for him to respond, limbs carrying him across the land and towards the intruder, who he greeted with raised hackles and a snarl.

“Who the hell are you?” he managed to get out, the words riding along with a growl. “And why are you on my land?” Every fiber of his being yearned to attack, especially given that his children lived there and one had gone missing already; he saw no point in extending kindness to anyone that dared to defy his claim, not then nor ever. Yet, for the same reasons, he did not attack, for he wished to not yet expose those children that remained to the violent side of nature and hierarchies.