Wolf RPG

Full Version: this ain't no pickernick
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The climb had been arduous, resulting in scuffed and worn paw pads and a lip which was curled back slightly in a show of crankiness. Eoan had been running – figuratively – for weeks now, chasing the horizon with every new dawn, ever awaiting life’s next great adventure since being forced – rather unceremoniously – to move on from the last place he’d settled.

Well, technically he could’ve stayed where he was, only all his limbs were unlikely to have stayed with him. Moving along seemed preferable to dismemberment. Moved on Eoan had and it seemed that all he’d found here to reward him for his patience and paw-wearing effort was bear scat. A lot of bear scat.

Despite his less than pleased demeanor, the view from the peak made Eoan pause and suck in a deep breath. His silver-blue eyes widened slightly – at least, until they narrowed sharply as he swerved around another pile of bear refuse. He let out an exaggerated huff before checking the dung’s scent – just to make sure it wasn’t so fresh that any part of him would end up on the receiving end of a bear’s high-five.