Wolf RPG

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Doing the tagging of @Grezig
He simply couldn't get enough of this place. It had been quite some time since he had found himself infatuated wth the waters, and it seemed the near 2 year old was going through that phase again. Perhaps it was the weather changing over that made him lust for water and aquatic food. Could simple be something he subconciously wanted. He didin't know. What mattered was that Siqsa got what he wanted. That was solace. 

As he did his circuits in the river, a glint winked at him from his left. Without hesitation, breath held and he arched his spine up, coupled his hinds and pushed both in a wave, simultaneously. Forelimbs were folded as paws tucked and like a canine dolphin, he dove. The Wolfdog was apt at hunting underwater, on land, and anywhere that was worthwhile with quarry. Whiskers tickled something fleeting on the left, and with tucked ears he swerved a trap of bared ivories directly at it. Something snapped under the retrieval, just as he closed his jaws, and he tasted the juices tha flowed from it. The reminesce of the water, but with meat. He was successful, yet again. 

Swinging his body in a serpentine swirl, it was minimal effort to reach the surface yet again, and as it was thought of, there it was. Oxygen flooded those lungs as he was brought back to the overworld. It was morning, and the sun blared it's warmth across his drenched and underwater body, the pelt of his glittering it's telltale genetic inclusion with the azure sheen. He appeared to belong in the water, a marine wolf. Funny he had the irises of the polar opposite element, and they seared the banks of the river for the closest purchase with their volcanic garnet and topaze mix of hue. 

Eventually he made it, and with the final push, Siqsa made his way upon the shore with his catch. Something that glittered with all it's scales, but moved no more; turns out he caught the meal by it's skull. A chuckle was tossed out as he dropped the meal in the grasses. Killing two problems with one bite? Well. He was a god at this whole fishing thing. 
Somehow, all of Grezig’s new acquaintances were met along this river. She supposed that was simply good luck, and was thankful that the pack had settled where it had. Every wolf she came across was a potential new recruit, and this one looked almost unsettlingly like Corvus. He was eating a fish as she came closer and called, “Hail!” She sat down where she was, then, to let him know that she was not after his food. Her back was straight—her posture demanding respect—but she let her tail thump behind her and kept the rest of her body language friendly.
A single bite in and company came afront his peripherals.
Typical of a catch. He assumed it was the smell of meat and edibility that drew the sounds from the timbers, but his assumptions were not correct; a frame of ash, bark, and woodland palette came and seated a comfortable distance away. It took a matter of inhales to cleanse his passageway of fish, and he had come to understand it was a female. Russet woman with flinty scaling through her pelt, and her scent sharply reminded him of other wolves settling their home nearby. She must have been one of them, as her scent was not a singular one. 
She called the greeting as though he were expected to duck his head and salute. Or she simply could have been announcing herself boldly as to not startle him and trigger a mess. His molten gaze waltzed up and down her body as he made note to read her as she announced herself. The baritones that were becoming of his aging body chuffed back his own greeting.
He hadn't even shook himself, but doing so might elude to the assumption that he was tidying up his appearance for her sake. Yet the dastardly craving to pelt this woman with river water was strong. Choices...
Wasn't worth getting killed over. 
She may have illustrated her pleasant demeanor, but he took no chances. He didn't even have Arana to throw in front of him. Would've been the quickest way to get rid of her. 

Turning his gaze back to the forest behind her, Siqsa figured he needed to weasel his way into somekind of shelter, and soon. It was already growing colder with every day that passed; fall was swift in it's gait, and seemed uninterested in slowing, nor stopping. the leaves of this place had enough brown bleeding in them to be the earliest sign. So it was impossible for him to muster another winter, alone. 
 "What can you tell me of your family?"

He launched into the topic with sudden impulse. A crease settled over his dark navy brow as he attempted to figure a way to word it better. Would she know he meant 'pack' by family? Or would she just think he was a damn creep trying to get in her business?
"Are they looking for extra members?
Maybe that would clarify that a bit. Siqsa didn't speak much, if at all. So this was probably the most she was going to get from him.
He gazed at her for a long time before he spoke. She let his eyes wander where they would. It did not bother her. Finally, he said hello, and she gave a tiny nod of the head. He then turned his gaze elsewhere, looking behind her, but his eyes did not focus on anything in particular, and she could hear nothing approaching. He was merely thinking, perhaps, or attempting to ignore her. She was about to get up and leave him to his fish when he spoke again.

’What can you tell me of your family?’ he asked her.

She drew her brows together, head cocking to one side. Her family? Her birth family, or her pack? And why did he want to know? Before she could respond, he clarified himself.

’Are they looking for extra members?’

“Ah,” Grezig said, understanding. She nodded, more to herself than to him. “My pack could use the extra numbers, yes, to make it through the winter.” She gave him a once-over, then. “But before I take you back, let us speak more. I am Grezig, Beta of the Blacktail Deer Plateau pack. You are?” Grezig would not simply allow anyone into the pack. She thought of Thorleif, a recent deserter, though she couldn’t say she was surprised at his absence. His recruitment had been a mistake in the first place and she would not make that mistake twice.
Woe for the silent who be forced yet to speak, for meager food, water, and a place to sleep. 
His eyes met hers again, fire against forest. 
"I am Siqsa,
His tongue froze when it came time to part his last name. Would she recognize a Xandir? Xandirs were usually bad news, ousted from the general community simply due to the easy carnage they wrought; but his father was long gone. Had his father left a legacy written in blood and bones? Or was there nothing but dust on his name? 
Deciding to take no chance, he took his mother's last name. 
"Siqsa Ntima."
It was apparent he would have to make himself much more than his growing-to-impose stature. The only heirloom he had of his father was his size, and it was clear this yearling was going to grow into a massive lupine. He had only just started to fill out his paws. Shape came now, but muscle would later. His resume as of now, though? 
"If it helps, I am pretty good at hunting.
'Pretty good' was an understatement; he was damn good at hunting. Team coordination however, was something essential to pack life, and that was something he wasn't too expertised in. He had only hunted with his Sister, and even then it was hard to hunt with her. The Angel wouldn't heed his words, sprinting past him and bumbling the hunt. Every night he hunted with her, and every night she spooked the prey in the wrong direction. Yes, she was younge than he, but his youth prevented him from having tolerance for it. Instead, he grew to resent Arana. 

A wet left paw, large enough to atleast cover slightly more than half of the fish which was almost 11 inches long, nudged the food item to reference. 
"I prefer aquatic hunting, but other small animals are easy enough to catch.[font]"[/font]
Prefering to sit, his dripping hinds lowered and nestled among the low-growing grasses of the riverbank. His crown tilted, a look of slight inquisitive parting his usually stoic mask. 
"Are there specific trades you all are after, or is it just a free-for-all?"
Siqsa Ntima. A strange name to Grezig’s ears, but then again, her name probably sounded strange to others. No matter. She had met all kinds, with different names. Names did not matter. What mattered was skill and intent. 

’If it helps, I am pretty good at hunting.’

“Yes, it helps,” Grezig said. “We always need more hunters.”

Her brown eyes flicked towards the motion of his paw as he nudged the fish before him. ’I prefer aquatic hunting, but other small animals are easy enough to catch.’

“Mm,” Grezig said, to show she was listening.

He sat down, and she allowed her body to relax a fraction. He asked if there were specific trades the Plateau was looking for, or if anyone could be anything they wanted.

“We take all trades,” she replied. “Hunters, fighters, but also healers, counselors, and others. One of our number studies the stars, even.” She hoped that covered enough of what he wanted to know. He seemed competent, but the problem was that the last wolf she’d taken in who had hunted fish had also been mentally unstable, with the mind of a child. She needed to make doubly sure that this male wasn’t… well, an idiot, really. But… she could think of nothing else to ask him.

“Can you demonstrate your hunting skills?” she asked. “Catch another fish and I will lead you to my pack. That is my offer.”
He was trying to atleast show he had some kind of character, but that wasn't very easy with a introvert. 

"I like getting food," he said simply. So would that make him a Hunter? If the yearling could connect the dots, that would be nice. But his pride didn't allow him to be seen as an idiot if he was wrong at it. So his lips stayed shut on it. "Fighting is easy." Well, to some, it was. To others, well, they lost. Considering he was a wolf meant to grow rather massive, it was clear his biggest weakness would be against the speedier and more nimble of foes. He had seen firstpaw how they were the worst to fight against, landing light but efficient bites against you until you were exhausted. But had he gotten his bite on them a single time, the fight would be nearly over in that one blow. 

Did she just...
try an tell him what to do?

Foolish pride, bane to many oppertunities. 

"Excuse me? I mean...I know you just saw me dolphin my ass in this water. It takes energy for that kinda thing, and last thing I am to anybody is a puppet.

She came and ruined his whole zen, and the simple-minded yearling stubbornly sat his wet tail on the muddy bank and refused to do her bidding. He'd somehow miraculously find a pack who took his word instead of trying to make him jump through hoops. 
Or back into a pond, rather. 

Grezig took the male’s first few statements without response, for there was nothing to say. But then, at her request that he prove himself to her, he grew offended.

Excuse me? I mean… I know you just saw me dolphin my ass in this water. It takes energy for that kinda thing, and last thing I am to anybody is a puppet.

Grezig slowly raised one eyebrow as he spoke, keeping silent and waiting ’til she could be sure that he was done ranting, or whatever he was doing. Whatever good impression she had of him disappeared in this moment. If he could take orders from his betters (for she was a beta, and he was not) then he was not pack material—any pack, let alone the Plateau.

“Fine,” Grezig said, her voice flat. She stood and, without another word, walked away.
