Wolf RPG

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I'm referring to Pura's dingle, so I've slapped an 'M' for 'Mature' onto this just in case. I don't know if this is biologically OK, but.. I don't know what to Google, haha.

Unbeknownst to Pura, a whole load of illicit tomfoolery was going on in Blacktail Deer Plateau. He wasn't much of a gossip, and if word ever reached him of the goings on between Lasher and Peregrine (as told by Junior, the sole witness), he would likely dismiss it as yet another way that adults chose to waste their time. A favourite among certain pairs of Plateau wolves was long, intense looks - either hateful or full of desire, the look was the same to Pura - that took up far too much of the day. Blue Willow and Atticus had exchanged a few, much to the boy's exasperation.

Today was the day that Pura Virtúte started to change his mind about all of that.

It started innocently enough. He woke up, took a shit, wandered into the forest for a drink of water from the spring he shared with his sister and returned an hour later, ready to attack the day. A couple of the girls had submitted to the grooming committee and the third was nowhere to be seen, so Pura settled down for some maintenance whilst he waited for everyone else to catch up.

He cleaned between his paws, nipping at stubborn clots of dirt that had gotten stuck between his paws. Turning away for privacy, he got to work on the sensitive skin of his groin, remembering Junior's now distant attack on his poor testes with an internal frown.

And then something happened.

Without warning, something stiff and pink peeped out of the fold of skin that distinguished Pura's belly from the girls'. He stopped abruptly, leg suspended in the air, and stared at it. Seconds passed. A minute. Eventually, the brightly coloured visitor returned from whence it had come. The perplexed pup's nose followed it, snuffling around the little pouch - and there it was again! "Whattehell?" Pura whispered Perry-like at his penis, marvelling at the brightness of it.
I honestly do not know how this is going to go lmao....we call it a yanker or a pee pee or a thingy in our house Perry maybe better at this than me lol

Blue carried a rabbit in her maw as she came swinging into the clearing. Pura was sitting staring intently at his belly, she wondered on earth what for. She couldn't see from where she was what he was looking at so she traipsed over intent upon making sure everything was okay.

She lay the rabbit at her paws and spoke softly Are you okay Pura? She nosed his back gently, and kindly a little worried about him. She hoped he hadn't gotten a cut or had a tummy ache she would feel bad, but those she could soothe. Unbeknownst to her she would soon regret greatly coming over to the youth before her.
Pura was dimly aware of impending company, but paid it no heed until Blue was literally knocking on his back. Even then, it took a few nudges to break the trance that Pura's freshly discovered winkle had cast on its owner.

"Blue," the pup pronounced slowly, clearly, still hunched over his own belly. Without shame - and without dedicating so much as a fleeting thought to the potential ramifications - the mystified about-to-be flasher scooted around to face Blue Willow. There it was, staring at her like an angry little worm between the boy's open thighs. He gave his hips a little wiggle, grinned down at the jiggling peeper, and turned his bright little face up at Blue. "What...'s this?"
Blue Willow saw him turn and offered a smile that soon froze on her lips and she choked on a strangled potentially hysterical laugh. Good gods what was she going to say to the young Virtute. umm...well pura... What on earth, she sat down clearly uncomfortable, but knowing he needed to know, and at the moment she was cursing herself all sorts of ways for being the first to be there, when he discovered his little member.

She looked down at him again and sighed softly,That is what makes you a boy Pura. It's for when you are older and you want to make your own puppies with a female that wants to as well. You have to have permission from both her and the alphas. You use it for that. She fell silent as she studied him, knowing that her words were probably much to old feeling for him, but she couldn't just sit there and call it a schwing schwang or a dick or a giblet...i mean goodness what else could she say to him.
Despite her best efforts, everything about Blue Willow's expression screamed horror. The stiff corpse of a stick bug replaced her smile, and the look in her eyes was not unlike what you might expect from someone that had just farted in front of 600 prudish strangers.

But Pura missed all of those cues. He stared unabashedly up at the alpha, swinging his hips rhythmically back and forth, back and forth. The resulting breeze was apparently enough to keep his new friend interested in the outside world.

"Boy," he repeated emptily as he considered what he had just been told. Girls were involved, apparently, and Pura was no stranger to girls - 'cooties' would not be a problem for someone with three sisters. "Nana?" he asked. "Jun-ur?" They were girls, and his age.
Blue choked again as the little boy moved back and forth back and forth. She had to close her eyes and count to ten, while she tried to get her breathing under control. What on earth was she supposed to do now, good gods the boy was not ashamed in the least. Not that he really should be yet, he was still young, but by the very gods she wanted to scream in frustration. How could she make him understand that this was not appropriate, that he couldn’t just go around with his ying yang out and about and showing off to everyone on earth, he may give someone a heart attack some day, namely her.

The horror was increased ten fold when the youth asked about his sisters both adopted and biological and she shook her head so hard, she thought it may fall off her neck. No no Pura not your sisters girls that are not related to you and when you are much much much older like daddy’s age. Yes daddy’s age. She took a deep breath, trying hard not to have her heart beat so hard it fell out of her chest.
I lost Pura muse. :( Rush to 10 and end?

Daddy's age. That meant old - Pura knew that. The rest was too much information at once to process properly, but he caught something about 'sisters' and 'related' and 'no'. Blue Willow was daddy's age, wasn't she?

Pura scooted towards the alpha on his rear end, dingle still alert and pointing up at her face. "Blu?" he propositioned her, failing to understand exactly what the union of man and woman entailed. Poor Blue had only herself to blame - she could have told him it was for peeing only.
Yes okay....strangled laugh I really don't know how to answer this one....if this is how it's going to go when i tell my own kids it is going to be an epic fail lmao

Blue made a strangled sound almost like a sobbing laugh and she shook her head. No Pura not Blue either. You have to wait until your older much older than you are before you ask girls that. She didn't know what to say she was a little bit worried about it, but she had done the best she could all the while wishing that Peregrine had been the one to find his wayward son.
Blue Willow rejected him as gently as any woman could. Pura took no offence, but furrowed his little brow in confusion. If not Blue Willow, then who? "Doodee?" he asked, then clarified. "P-p..e--...Pe-gin?"

If he had to wait for girls, perhaps Peregrine would do in the meantime. His penis was clearly ready to rock 'n' roll, Blue Willow had said nothing of boys.
Her throat closed up at his next words and she spoke softly no not Peregrine either. You have to wait for boys too Pura. Blue was notabout to tell the boy he couldn't go after a boy, if he wanted his little yin to swing towards a male yang by all means more power to him, but he definitely needed to stop and wait until he was old enough to understand what was going on and why.
Blue Willow looked as though she was about to explode from both ends. Pura levelled a frown at her and put a stop to the stream of 'no's with a pensive "HM." Apparently, the thing between his legs had arrived early to whatever party it was supposed to be attending, and he could only sit, stare, and wait. Staring was something that Pura Virtúte was excellent at, so he pressed his chin into his chest and watched the bright little peeper as it slowly, slowly retracted back from whence it had come.

He will sit there and stare for an eternity, so it's safe to say that Blue could edge away without Pura noticing. :D Last post from me.
Blue Willow looked at Pura and then looked around. Realizing swiftly that he was otherwise engaged she slowly took a step back and then another and then she swiftly walked from the clearing, as she passed the trees she broke out into a run to try and dispel the frustration and the embarrassment and the uncomfortable feelings that bothered her.