Wolf RPG

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It was a few days now, since Sunspire had left for their new home. Wraen had accompanied them until the mountain passage, which led down to the valley on the other side. She had remained on a rocky ledge, watching the assembled party go and grew smaller with every mile that took them towards Lost Creek Hollow. Part of her ached and craved to join the group, to be among family, friends and good acquaintances and she knew that it would be a long time before she will have shed all of the old habits. That she would stop missing them as much as she did now. 

Without the inhabitants Sunspire had become an empty shell. No echos of the voices, fading smells along the borders, disappearing footprints and well-trodden paths, landmarks that had at some point been important, now becoming forgotten. It was a ghost town and, wherever Wraen walked she was confronted by old and fresh memories, she almost expected someone familiar come around the corner and spark a conversation. People were gone, were alive and well, but somehow their ghosts haunted the place and finally Wraen had it too much of it. She left the area to have a respite from it all. 

In the rays of the setting sun, she plowed through the tall and yellowing grass of the Hoshor plains, tracking muskrats and other rodents, digging up and, if lucky, killing them quickly and efficiently. While doing this, she did not have to think much about the difficult decision she had made and the inevitable lonliness that was closing up on her from every corner.
It had been a week since the events between He, Liri, and Grezig had unfolded and messed things up; the discord between the tree of them was nothing that couldn't be repaired, but it would take time. And even though his mate had flat out told him to stop feeling guilty, he found that it wasn't quite that easy, especially now that beta had left. Kavik knew it wasn't for good, but it was still hard not seeing her around or smelling her around the territory, and he knew he was partially to blame somehow. He often wondered if they could ever go back to being friends now that she had unrequited feelings for him; it was depressing to think he had lost his friend forever, but he would understand if things couldn't be the same between them. 

Things with Liri were starting to get less tense, but it was still hard to forget that he had caused her pain. He was lucky she hadn't left his ass, and he vowed to never do anything to make her feel that way ever again. Having almost lost his mate turned out to be a pretty good motivator. Not that he actually meant to hurt her in the first place; he was just trying to help his friend, but now he saw the whole situation from her perspective and realized how ridiculous his request had been. He couldn't erase the past, unfortunately, so he would just have to show her that he was worth the second chance she gave him. 

These thoughts plagued his mind constantly, so today he had ventured farther from the plateau than he normally did, searching for a distraction from how heavy things had been recently. The grasslands he now found himself in were similar to the ones near the plateau where they often hunted. The alpha padded silently through the dying grass, ignoring the occasional scurrying plains creature until one pulled his eyes in the direction of another wolf. Lifting his nose in the air, he was met a familiar scent. He could figure out why he recognized it at first, so he took a few steps towards the female. Once closer, he realized it was the beta from Sunspire, and he released a low chuff to announce his presence before moving closer. Things with the mountain pack had stared off a little rocky, but they were allies now, so he had no hard feelings. Plus, Wraen had seemed kind and level-headed throughout the interaction. Still, he stopped a comfortable distance away, not wanting to assume she was up for company.
When Wraen heard the quiet greeting and turned to see, who it was, the first thought that entered her mind was - had Terance come back? From where she was standing the dark man and his green eyes looked strikingly similar to her brother. Only at a second glance and closer inspection it was clear that she had mistaken him for someone she really wanted to see. 

"Hello," she said, leaving her hunting spot and coming closer to exchange proper meet-and-greet rituals. "I sense a friend, but I can't seem to remember your name," she smiled at him a little apologetically and stopped within a comfortable distance from him.
The alpha dipped his head in greeting. I am Kavik, one of the alpha's from Blacktail Deer Plateau, he answered. We--met in the vale, he added a second later with a shrug, figuring she would remember the encounter from the information he gave her. 

I apologize if I interrupted anything, he offered. He wasn't sure what she had been doing before he showed up, but he hoped it wasn't too important. She probably had many things to do much like he did. Even leaders needed a break sometimes, though, so he hoped she would let him steal some of her time today. He was curious to see how things were going with Sunspire since their last meeting. He knew they were having some bear trouble. His thoughts briefly shifted to their own bear trouble before he pushed them away. He didn't want to dwell on that today.
"Kavik, yes, now it rings a bell," Wraen exclaimed, recalling the dark-pelted man, who had stood near Liri, when their encounter had taken place in the vale. It had happened some time ago, her memories were a tad bit foggy, on whether she had spoken to him directly or not. 

"Wraen, but you probably are better with names than me," she added with another smile. "How are things at the plateau - last I heard from Liri, when she came by - all is well," she asked.
He dipped his head respectfully in response to her introduction. He had remembered her name, but didn't feel the need to mention it. Things at the plateau have been pretty well, he answered first. Although, we did have a run in with a bear not too long ago. Luckily, no one was seriously injured, the alpha added. He was incredibly grateful that the situation hadn't ended any worse than it did, and he often feared the bear would come back to try and finish the job. 

How are things with Sunspire? Kavik asked. He hoped the bear hadn't terrorized them as well
"Geez, those bastards never give a break, do they?" Wraen said in response to Kavik's news that bears harassed his pack even in the presumably safe location. A devillish little voice in her head told that Treason would be delighted to hear this, the former beta, on the other hand, felt sympathy for the troubles their allies had been experiencing. 

"Sunspire decided to move to a new location. It's in a forest beyond the mountain range," she explained. "We had drained the resources there in one season and the chances for the winter looked pretty grim. So - they moved and I stayed behind. Decided to take a break from leading and figure out some stuff in life, before moving on to something else."
No, they don't, Kavik agreed. They had chosen the plateau in hopes of avoiding any bear problems, but it seemed they had not been so lucky in that regard

Wraen stated that Sunspire had decided to move out of the mountains due to draining resources. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they all got settled safely, he offered in response to the news. He understood the need to move to a more plentiful area; he would make the same decision if placed in a similar situation. He was surprised to hear that the female had not only stepped down from her leadership position, but that she had also left the pack. That's a brave decision, he said first before dipping his head and adding, I hope you safely find whatever it is you're looking for. The other wolf seemed perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but being on your on could be dangerous. She had been kind to them at time when she didn't necessarily have to, and so the alpha hoped she traversed safely through her adventure. If need anything while out on your own, you can always find help from us at the plateau. He knew his mate thought highly of the former Sunspire member as well and also wouldn't mind offering aid. And of course, if you decide you are ready to join a pack again and want a change, you're always welcome on the plateau, Kavik added, putting it out there just in case. He thought she would be a valuable addition to the ranks should she ever wish to join them.
"Come to think of it... I kind of feel guilty now for driving you out, when your pack first arrived in the vale. We had resource problems already, but the idea of leaving had not occurred  yet," Wraen said with an apologetic smile. "On the other hand, our scouts had reported more than one bear lurking around there as well, perhaps, it was for the better not to settle down there permanently." 

She was surprised to hear a praise, when she did not feel worthy of it at all. Brave was the last thing she thought of herself. And though she enjoyed her freedom, the reality often got better of her. Especially, since after a while she would not be on her own anymore. Maia would join her as well and she would be responsible for her younger sister again. 

"Thank you for the offer and I will remember about it, when the going gets tough," she dipped her muzzle in gratitude. This was the second offer for a shelter in the past few days and she felt warm inside for being liked by so many. Enough to add her to their ranks without much second thoughts. "This is supposed to be sort of a soul-searching journey. I have yet to find out, what is the thing I am looking for," she added truthfully. "But that is probably the same for everyone, who decides to take their own path. What was it like for you before meeting up with plateau wolves?"
Oh, don't feel guilty, Kavik answered, It turned out to be for the best, anyway. We're quite happy on the plateau and harbor no ill-feeling towards you or your former pack. His words were the complete truth. They may have been not so happy with the Sunspire wolves at first, but that all was now water under the bridge, especially now that they had all settled well in the plateau. Plus, the alpha had grown to really love his new home; he couldn't imagine being anywhere else. 

She expressed gratitude for his offer, stating that she would keep them in mind. Kavik nodded in response, understanding her need to wander. Wraen then asked about his time before finding his packmates. Well, I was never truly alone. I met Liri in Bracken Sanctuary, and we decided to leave and start own pack soon after, Kavik explained, the corner of his mouth tugging up a little at the memory of meeting his mate. We found Grezig not long after leaving, he added, pain building in his heart when the statement reminded him of the tension surrounding the beta now. Even then, it was hard to be on our own, especially when we found the pup we ended up adopting as our own. It was certainly a time of high stress and anxiety for the alpha, and he was very glad it had all lead them to a much better place on the plateau.
"I am very happy to hear that," Wraen said, "I told this to Liri, when I met he last, you have chosen a place that's rich in history. It has been a cherished home at least for two different packs before you. Morningside lived there until they decided to move, and my mom lived there for a few years, becoming one of the leaders as well." In a way the plateau was just like an old manor-house that had seen many people come and go, people fall in love or fall out of it, children being born and grow up, and though the people that had once loved it were long since gone, Wraen was sure that the place remembered and echoes of all that had happened there were still there to be found.

"I am glad that you found the kid, the wilds are not a good place for children to wander on their own," Wraen said, recalling all too well, how some kind of wildcat had attacked Ibis, and tragedy had been averted only because there were people around to fend the hungry predator off. "Did he or she ever tell, what happened? Did the original family lose him?" she asked.
Kavik was not surprised to hear that other packs before his had enjoyed life on the plateau; it had treated his pack well so far, aside from the bear attack. 

She inquired about Illidan's past, and the alpha shook his head, disappointment filling his expression. He refuses to talk about his family, so we're kind of in the dark about what exactly happened, he explained with a sigh. The youth had always seemed so dejected and angry that Kavik mostly just wanted him to feel safe and loved, so if that meant not pushing him on traumatic subjects he didn't wish to talk bout, then so be it. He had no idea how to do this parenting thing, but it just didn't feel right forcing him to discuss something that caused him so much distress. When we first found him alone and scared, he could barely give us any information to go on. Even now, he hasn't given us any more information. Our beta has been discussing leaving to go look for Illidan's family, so hopefully she'll be able to find something, he finished. He wasn't super hopeful, though; Grezig didn't have much to work with, and it had been months since they found the juvenile, so any information might be hard to come by at this point.
"That is very unfortunate," Wraen said, feeling both sympathy for the young cub and curiousity about his mysterious past. The simplest explanation to his refusal to talk was that something very, very bad had happened either with him or his family. "It's good then that they have you, maybe in time he will open up," she added. Upon mention that one of the plateau was going to look for the kid's parents, made her recall, if she had heard any inquiries about a lost puppy during her time at Sunspire. Indra's nephew Lucas aside, no one came to mind. "Must be a full-time job - taking care of kid?" she asked.
Kavik nodded at the woman's encouraging words. I hope so. It was a kind sentiment, but the alpha had the feeling that Illidan would probably never open up to anyone. He hadn't done so yet, and the more time that passed with the youth in their care, the less likely Kavik was to believe they would ever get any information about his past.

He's not like most children, but he has been a constant source of worry for me, he answered with a small sigh. Kavik still feared what the juvenile would grow up to be; he still seemed fairly antisocial, although his last conversation had gone better than their previous ones. Not to mention, Kavik had noticed an increase in patrols from the hooded youth, which he was hoping meant he would stick around for a while. He never really knew with Illidan, though. I just want him to be happy, the alpha added a second later with a small shrug. It was really all he ever wanted for the lost boy.
"I think that with the right doses of attention and letting him be, you should be fine. Some people need more time than others to mull over things," Wraen was more of an optimist that Kavik, she hoped for the best in the introvert child's future. It was also possible that she would think differently, were she to meet Illidan in person and get to know him better. 

"How is Elixir and that lovely scout... Ru... Rue? Ruenna! Doing?" she asked about the two other people besides leaders that she was acquainted with. "I remember that Elixir was very keen on learning about plants and their properties. Does she still have interest in it or does she occupy her free time with something else?"
Kavik nodded, sighing again. He been doing pretty much that the whole time Illidan had been in their care, so he hoped it would pay off in the end. 

Wraen next asked about Ruenna and Elixir. They're both well, he answered first. Ruenna has been doing a lot for the pack. Liri and I consider ourselves to be very lucky to call her one of ours. The silver female had moved up the ranks quickly because she steadily provided for the pack in more ways than one. His mate seemed particularly close to the woman, and he was glad for that development, especially given the tensions that had formed between her and their beta.

Elixir is still learning about plants and stars, as well as becoming quite the pack counselor, the alpha continued. She was another pack member they were lucky to have. The wolfdog had been with them since the beginning, and she had proven herself to them time and time again. It was no mistake that both of the wolves mentioned were at the top of the ranks.
"I am very happy to know that they are doing fine," Wraen replied and with this remark her stash of questions to ask to Kavik, who she knew only formally, was empty. She sighed, as the awkward silence set in, shuffled from one foot to the other, smiled at the guy and then pretended that some sound had caught her attention and therefore required her to look over her shoulder. It would have worked great, if there really had been something big, remarkable, scary or funny, but you can't expect to conjure a dragon in the middle of an empty field with wishful thinking only.

"Well... ah... I should be going now. It's going to get very dark soon and I want to reach my cosy corner before the nightfall," Wraen gave up and decided that parting was the best cure for the situation. "It was good talking to you, pass on my well wishes to Liri, Elixir and Ruenna and I will give a call, in case I am in need of anything in Blacktail deer plateau," she finished, standing there to haer the same polite monologue from Kavik and then be on her way.
Kavik watched curiously as Wraen grew what he thought seemed uncomfortable, at one point looking over her shoulder at the empty clearing. He supposed he wasn't the best conversation partner today. She finally put an end to the painful silence, stating that she needed to get to her safe place before it got too dark. The alpha understood that and would hate to place her in any danger. I will pass that along to them, he answered when she asked him to pass on well wishes to his mate and pack members. She said she would let them know if she needed anything, and he nodded. Of course. 

I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you again soon, he offered, dipping his head and rising to his feet with the intention of heading back to the plateau unless she had anything else to add.