Wolf RPG

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Nothing worsens, nothing grows

I know how it feels being by yourself in the rain

She had not known forests could be beautiful. 

The cove had been her home for the first year of her life and her second had been spent lost. She knew soon she would see the turn of another year and that would mark the beginning of her third - would she spend it here in this forest with the raven? 

Even in the years she had wandered, a lost naiad, Kai had clung to the coasts. Life inland was unknown and she had not been ready to venture into it. She was accustomed to the beauty of the sea, appreciated it but wasn't often surprised by it, but the forest was wholly unknown. 

The trees were giants - their worn brown trunks covered by soft, green moss in some places. It even reached half way up the sentinels in some places though it was beginning to brown and orange with the progression of the seasons. Their canopy stretched out overhead, a riot of green and red and yellow and orange, over the whole forest it nearly seemed yet there were small cracks where the light shone through to dapple the ground, to shade the forest and cast a green hue on the entirely of the heath. Mushrooms too found a home along the sentinels - little white and orange things with puffy tops and delicately membrane on their undersides. Their dangerous scent warned her not to even touch them but she could admire the complexity of the rubbery fungus. 

The ground itself was largely consisted of rich earthy loam carpeted with the same moss and patchy green grass which too was goldening with autumn's touch. In some places flowers still bloomed - small white clusters tangled in with the undergrowth of the forage, their larger yellow cousins, the occasional red blossom. 

The forest was home to a multitude of animals that she was unfamiliar with - though Cry had named a few for her - and they seemed to be everywhere. Even Tula seemed overwhelmed by the plethora of bird species she had never seen before. 

The morning came with pale grey light slipping through the roof of leaves and as fog rolled through the forest, Kai's uncurled from her sleeping area - her head popping out of the pile of leaves she burrowed into for warmth. The witch set off through the misty forest - the chill of the morning nipping at her nose. It had rained recently, leaving the forest floor damp underfoot, and the forest air fresh and cool. 

Crows cawed far above, amongst the canopy. The fog concealed them but an occasional flicker of black drew the wolfdog's pale gaze. Tula had remained behind, sleeping in the burrow she'd dug herself, so it was alone that she stalked into the forest. 

Rain dripped through the leaves, occasionally splashing her speckled coat with cold droplets. Her wandering was hesitant for she was not quite familiar with the entirety of Cry's domain. 

She came upon the meadow quite by accident. 

The Glade was lovely, even in autumn. The grass waved, the stalks turned molten gold in the morning rays that broke through. The deciduous trees were afire, their leaves blowing in the light rain to catch in her coat and swirl along the ground. Though the sky was grey with forthcoming autumn showers, Kai padded over the slight rise - gasping softly at the sea of purple that greeted her. 

As tall as the grasses within the Glade, they reached to Kai's patchy shoulders. A few blooms broke off and caught in her matted locs, their sweet scent perfuming her. The witch left them for she rather liked the scent of the dawn flowers. 

The diluge truly began to fall as she reached the outer reaches of the meadow - having travelled the length of the Glade. The trees here strangely bore fruit - round, purple things - their trunks must have once held many grapes but in the cold seasons only a few remained. Kai might have helped herself to one but another purpose for the produce soon became clear. 

A plump brown rabbit was raised on its haunches, nibbling at a grape as it strained to reach it. When at last, the rabbit had knocked the grape to the ground, it hunched over and began to feast. Kai followed suit, lowering to the forest floor and inching along on her belly towards the distracted prey. 

She was close enough to the see the individual bands of black, silver, and brown in its coat. As she hovered behind the rabbit, she was close enough to see the veins through the membranes in its velvety ears. Kai struck, her purple-stained muzzle closing around the back of the rabbit's neck. It kicked, thrashing in her jaws as it squealed with fear. Kai's own jaws clenched down suddenly in panicked fear, a single crunch and the rabbit went limp and silent. 

Kai dropped the thing in horror, stumbling back. 

"Tell me your name." A command from the midst of the darkness. Sometimes Kai imagined she could see some shadowy movement from within the pitch, that her eyes had adjusted to the cavern's darkness enough to catch a glimpse of his leg or tail

Her eyes closed, refusing. She knew her name but she would not give it away to this unseen demon. Her heart pounded. Adrenaline rushed through her veins in a cold flush. She knew what was coming.

Jaws closed around her slender foreleg - viselike, impossible to escape


"I..I.." she stuttered in her soft rasp, trembling as she stared down at the thing. I'm sorry.

It was so small, so defenseless. It hadn't wanted to be hurt. It just wanted its grape and Kai had destroyed it. 

It was beyond pointless to feel guilty about killing a rabbit, to feel guilty about hurting a prey animal - she had to eat, all carnivores had to. It was the natural order of things. And yet, the witch shuddered in disgust at the violence she'd caused. Bile rose in her throat and for a moment, she thought she might be sick. 

Rain trickled through the trees, cold on the back of her neck as it dripped down her coat. Her sides lifted a tad too quickly, betraying her shallow breaths as she struggled with the rising panic.

Kai was unsure how long she sat there, just staring at the rabbit in numb horror. But at last, she bent forward woodenly and picked the thing up in her jaws gingerly. 

Slowly, she turned and padded back the way she came - intending to seek Cry out and give it to him.
Carrying through the draft through the humid forest, the scent of all-too-familiar copper. If anything, he was moreso reassured by its scent. It meant prey was aplenty. It also meant Kai was on the move, getting healthier and fulfilling his wish of her. But untimely as he made the assumption, the fae walked through the curve of trees, bringing the meal to him, instead.

He he was found prone in the brush of fallen leaves, enjoying his respite within the helm of forestry. What he had told the Coywolf woman was true; the secrecy culled the demons in his heart. Atleast for now. 
Watching the speckled youth, he ‘tsked’ And began to shake his head until he saw the blank look on her face. No joy in the hunt, nor pride in her victory. Not even triumph at her prize. Concert immediately scraped the chastise from his tongue and from it flowed the question. 

“What ails you, Kai?” 
The brute had been wandering for a long time now and was tired. He'd turned his back on the amber forest and moved back deeper, much deeper, westwards. He should've returned to the Vale when he had the chance but...oh well. He liked exploring despite the impending winter where he would have to hunker down and sleep. Sleep and eat... he was so hungry...he could eat everything, and so he will. The shaded beast found himself in a forest, there were wolves here recently. Oh well, as long as he didn't interrupt his feeding. He snuffled through the undergrowth looking for something with sustainability. Something dead and rotting; flesh. 

He didn't care if they saw him, but he'd seen them. The pair spoke in an indistinguishable tongue; why would a bear bother to learn the tongue of wolves? He raked up a few mushrooms from the base of a tree and chowed down until he, at last, turned his jade gems to stare at the wolves. 
Her lips parted, but no sound was forthcoming. She shook her head, glass optics lowering to the scars that wrapped around her foreleg like some kind of intricate filigree, a tattoo that weaved in hues of pink and red along her skin. 


She dropped the rabbit, unable to stomach holding it in her mouth any longer. She nudged it towards him, knowing that she could not communicate the memories to Cry. The naiad was preparing to stretch out by his side when a flicker of shadow within the forest caught her attention. 

For a moment, the details of it were lost on her but as the beast lumbered slowly closer she froze in startled fear. 

"Cry," she whispered, nose pointing over his shoulder to indicate that he should rise and turn slowly. The bear wasn't looking for trouble as it chowed down on its fungi, or so it seemed, but at any moment it could easily become angered and attack. 
She had a dull gaze, something that was so depressing, he felt his concern deepen. The rabbit fell from her slender maws, and he grew even more confused as she gave it to him. As many caches as he had already made, and as lush of game this place was, it was common to assume he was full enough to function; why would she bring him more?

But as his brain scoured possibilities, adding up and subtracting potential facts from reasons while including and excluding logics, he caught wind of something that shook him to the soul. 

Bear. It burned through his body with such a scalding wave that he was momentarily paralyzed, just as he had been so many years ago. He couldn’t move, and running seemed too far away of an option. 
Then her voice held his ear, ripping it from the place of Void and Null, and the raspy whisper confirmed it as it too, was slightly scared. Almost as though his history had come to repeat, he was stuck in time. 

The haze seemed to keep him until his thoughts raced through him, trying their hardest to revive his statuesque form with anything. 
The first thing that came to mind was Slade, his Uncle from the Nightmares who had saved him from that trauma of bear. But what haunted him was that there was no Slade. No Uncle here to take on a bear and survive. There was no fighting this one. 

But this place; this was supposed to be his home. And he had members here who relied on him to make it so. 
He couldn’t face Gwen without it being so. And Kai- she was right here, so close to both him, and this ursine. He had to do what he did best. And Protect her.
but the cost was high; he couldn’t allow himself to die, yet. He had to atleast know Gwen was here and safe before something as foolish as death finally caught up to him. 

Taking up the rabbit, the ebonian freed himself from the aweful place, stood and turning in the direction of the bear, began to walk. Not too far from the hulking beast, he tossed the rabbit where the bear was enjoying his meal of fungi, and waited for either death, or freedom from his mental chains.  
The ursine grunting continues as he smacked his lips. The fungal mass was nice, pleasant even, but did not satisfy him. His brilliant green eyes stared at the dark male as he slowly turned and approached. Fear radiated from the lupine's very pores as he walked towards him. No aggression was seen from the creature, Kovertol knew that fear made him weak.

He couldn't get too strong, but can't be so scared that he would rally his forming pack and chase the bear away from the thriving place.

But the rabbit, already dead, was an offering. It landed two lumbering paces from the bear. The jade gems followed the fall of the creature before rising again to the male. "You are most kind, but also foolish, wolf,"  he said levelly in the ursine tongue. Kovertol was yet to meet a wolf that could understand him and doubted that'd change today.

He took the two steps and picked up the limp creature in his cavernous maw. His eyes flitted to the female. 
The bear turned and walked off into the depths of the decaying forest; accepting the offering of peace and companionship.
The brute was not the most fearsome predator she had encountered for the carnivorous fish of the sea were known to flock to the scent of blood from miles around. Even the huge orcas she had seen, wolves of the sea, were far more dangerous - at least where she came from. But this was the forest, not her cove. As unfamiliar as she was with the bear, she knew it was a creature to both fear and respect. 

Wild eyes watched Cry go, the naiad taking a step after him as if she would stop him. What was he doing?! He was just approaching that beast? Panic swirled through her, setting her pulse racing and her body to trembling as she feared the worst. 

Cry dropped the rabbit before Kovertol silently. The beast rumbled something in an unknown tongue, his voice like that of gravel grinding underfoot. He took the peace offering in his tawny maw, lumbering away slowly.

Kai's paralysis slowly flooded from her system as the beast disappeared. Stained paws led her to the raven's side, unable to resist from sniffing him over for injuries with concern. 

Her pale eyes landed on the lattice of scars upon Cry's spine, thinking back to the marks she had seen upon the territory's trees - courtesy of Kovertol. Something clicked into place and with the acrid perfume of fear still clinging to the both of them, she suddenly understood where he'd received them.

Kai brushed her temple against him in silent comfort, knowing better than to ask.
Cry felt atleast some of the tension leave his body, the bear looking at him with contempt. He had crossed a threshold which most wolves either thought nothing of, or chose not to consider. It was a dangerous one, but one he decided to risk for the benefit of his Family.

The bear had spoken something to him, a language flitting from thick and dark lips so lost on the Wolf that he couldn't understand it in the slightest. The Assassin thought it might have been too long for a simple 'thank you', so the pieces of puzzle eluded him. After his attempt for kinship however, the Phantom felt Kai draw near, and she rubbed against him in either gratitude, or understanding what his motives were of this situation. He couldn't read her mind, nor know what she intended, but the Guardian accepted the touch as it helped him remained grounded here, and now. She had no idea how important of a role she played here; maybe one day he would tell her.

Watching the gaze shift in the emeralds of the massive Black Bear, Cry kept himself immobile until the beast went on it's way, taking the offering with that lingering respect. He had done it; or atleast he bore them some time until some terrible conflict insued. But in the animal world, food was life, and to offer your food to another was you issuing your desire for them to live. Would the bear see it as such? It had spared them here, after all.

Turning to Kai, he was weak, externally, as if his body had done all it could and could no longer support his trembles. Fuck, that was an effort. Sheepishly, he grinned at the dappled fae, and asked as though it was plain he needed it, "Perhaps I will rest now?"
Her concern melted away to be replaced by relief. Cry was okay. The bear...was a friend of sorts now?

Kai was not unfamiliar with companions of other species - often they'd been her friends more so than her own kind - but she was accustomed to the ways of the wild. Something that big and menacing was given a wide berth. Yet, it seemed Cry was breaking the boundaries of what was known - of what was expected. She couldn't help but respect him for it - the titan that could speak to bears. 

She nodded, a wispy laugh escaping her throat with relief. 
He grinned himself, taking to reclusifying himself further in the thicket of trees by Tesoro Glade, where the majority of peace within the Keep seemed to be. It was a bit of walk, but with determination to rest from the previous situation, the Phantom was on his way. If Kai had decided to come with him, he would not heisitate to show where he would be sleeping, a dugout cave in between two fallen trees. It was hidden under the thick brim of folliage above, the garmets of trees only giving enough light for him to see by, not to bother him nor anyone else who passed underneath.With it being so near the sea, Cry could hear the waves in the distance as the trek to the edge of Shadewood was made. He loved this spot, close enough to the waters to hear them, but back enough in Shadewood where he could easily rouse should there be need for it.

Soon coming to the opening of his careful cavely den, he stretched, showing his own desire to be rid of today, as the sun began to lower. So much had happened today, and truth be told, it was alot for the assassin to handle. But as it were, he wouldn't give up the responsibility; no, this was his calling, and he embraced it.
Hesitantly, she followed after him. 

Her glass eyes sought him subtly as they walked, wondering both where they were going and wondering at the relationship between them. She cared for Cry, without a doubt there was emotional intimacy between them - the kind of trust that didn't need words. She loved Cry, but was there something more? 

Could she be in love with him?

That question alone brought forth confusing and conflicting emotions. She couldn't answer it and her eyes slid away, silent as she padded after him. 
Though it were still early morning, the woods shielded much of the viable rays and trapped only a few prisms between the lush but Autumn stricken leaves. Almost as though nothing but shade and warmth were permitted by the forest, itself. The name suit it well.

He hadn’t slept very well as of late, and figured this would be a fine time for it now that he had some peace of mind. Plus, Kai had come, hadnt she? Turning to look over a lean shoulder before bringing his entire front to face the multicolored youth, he regarded her as he lowered himself to the den’s front. 

She look abashed for something, or atleast her mind was troubled somehow. The Guardian wanted to ask her exactly what troubles her so immensely- she had been fine moments prior, or so he thought. But the trouble was her speech. He knew she didn’t mind speaking to him in her broken way of it, but he didn’t want to force her to speak should it stress her even more. 

So he continued to watch the young Sea-Fae as he physically transcribed how concerned he was, his ears quirking to splay outwards, then laying back as he didn’t exactly know how to help her should she not express herself to him.
The gloom of the forest was beckoning, it would hide the emotions that so easily shone through her pale optics and open features. Would that it could hide them from Cry, her gaze drawn to him as dark ears lowered in concern. Her face was far too expressive to hide anything from the raven. The witch's head ducked casually, as if to hide the perplexing questions brewing behind her sentient gaze. 

Kai shook her speckled crown slightly, a brief smile flashing in the dark titan's direction, as if to say Don't worry about me. I'm fine. 

She darted forward hesitantly, brushing her muzzle against him in silent language, before opting to disappear into the embrace of the forest. 

Kai had a lot of thinking to do. 
As he gathered what he could from simple deduction, he supposed she had a question - but she dismissed it with a smile of capable pearls. Well, if she had a question, she would surely ask; the Sea-Found hadn't seemed to hide anything from him, before...either that, or he hadn't looked hard enough. Such a thought crossed him and the Assassin felt himself feel bad. Maybe he was meant to offer her conversation?Was that what she desired?

Apparently not, as she ghosted forward and caressed his muzzle with her own before melding back into the grasp of the heartlands of Shadewood. The onyxian watched her as the speckled body disappeared through oaks and yews, through timbers of near all kind as the sounds of lonely waves from a far off sea followed her home.

Hell, he needed to get better with understanding her, he chastised himself as he settled down for a nap. And his final thoughts were a blur as he fell sullenly into a doze, but he swore her face was the one whom he saw last behind closed lids.
