Wolf RPG

Full Version: i asked your name, you asked the time
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If there was a way to escape or wander, Eleuthera would find it. It was likely the effect of her childhood, spent in almost perpetual motion and upheaval — but it was all the girl had ever known, and she had never really experienced any reason that this type of life might have been bad. Was everyone a little cranky at times? Yeah. Had there been nights where they had to skip dinner because no one in their patchwork family was even a slight adept hunter? Also yeah — but it had been fun, and she had been happy, with her three siblings and two moms and one existence, all tangled up together.

Now, things had changed. Momma Olive and Momma Seabreeze had become alphas — oh, not alphas, Eleuthera was always sharply reminded by one mom or the other, but something more like member on a council — and they had seemingly finally settled on a place [an idea, a concept] called home. Sure, the land was pretty and ethereal and the willows’ pale, dangling tendrils greatly complemented the soft heather lilac of her pelt, but anything about being tied to one place simply repelled her. The young girl just didn’t understand the appeal of a life that was tethered and limited. Why change what was working for her so well? 

But Eleuthera could no more leave her family than she could remove her own beating heart. They were her heart and soul, her reason for being, and she drew more strength from the proximity of her siblings than her mother had ever gotten from the gods, she guessed. It would make her little clan sad, and her whole life was solely dedicated to doing just the opposite of that, so continuing on just wouldn’t do. Instead, the young sprite would simply climb the peaks of the neighboring elevations much as she had done in her time with Sunspire to occupy her expansive curiosities that way, and hopefully satiating her incredible wanderlust at the same time. 

Eleuthera strode across the base of the mountain, feeling the sun on her back and the wind against her cheeks, and knew she was accomplishing just that.  

Eleuthera's life had been in constant upheaval since her birth.  She was always moving place to place, and each new territory held a plethora of new faces for her to adjust to.  In that way Tux had been lucky; he'd never had to deal with moving.  He could scarcely imagine what life would be like living outside of the cliffs even though he traveled outside of the borders more often lately (hold your applause).  

But there was something invigorating about meeting new people.  Even the one who'd called him a little boy (even though he decidedly did not look like a little boy anymore)!  He didn't leave Drageda without a buddy, and this had been no exception, though he had split from his companion earlier that day.  Whoever it was, they were in howling distance, and he enjoyed the moment of solitude.

Until it wasn't solitude.  He caught her strolling from the corner of his eye, and he looked intensely at the colour of his fur.  It reminded him of his toes in a way, an anomaly, and he was so distracted by looking at her that he didn't even think to announce his presence.  (Oops).
Seq couldn't really recall how she had ended up tagging along with Tux, but boy, did she love it! Sure, she and Kiwi were like two peas in a pod, but she'd been strongly encouraged by her mother to branch out and make a couple of new friends. Sequoia didn't really understand why she had to have more than one, but she was willing to give it a go if it meant she got to do some traveling in the process. And this time, she wouldn't even have to be home by dark!

She and Tux had separated at some point earlier that day because Sequoia had been sleepy and Tux wanted to keep on going. She made him promise not to go too far, and then she nestled down in a crevice between two large rocks out of the way of the wind and the cold. When she'd stirred herself awake, she yawned, stretched her creaky limbs, and began to track down her pack brother.

The teal trail he left was easy enough to pick up, and up and up it went. She spotted him staring intently at somebody else, and she grinned, stepping lightly until she was right behind him. WHATCHA LOOKIN' AT, TUX? she said obnoxiously loud, hoping to startle him and grab the attention of the girl he was ogling.

The more he wandered, the more the dog fox fixated on the few goals that he had for the remainder of the year. He had yet to find a vixen that was to his liking, and that was, naturally, his most prominent goal. Like any other beast on earth, the Todd needed to find a mate and multiply, to spread his genetics. Foxes were generally monogamous, as was he, though this would technically be his second mate if he was able to find one. Even the kits from his first litter had perished and though it had been painful, it didn't deter him at all from seeking out another opportunity to be a husband and a father. It seemed as though in these parts, there were a great deal of wolves, which meant that there would be fewer foxes as wolves were competition for meals- especially in the winter, when they were less picky and would go for smaller prey which was generally what he would hunt and eat. Winter was on its way, of course, and he had yet to stake out a territory which he liked, where he could create as many caches as he could, dig a den, and hopefully entice a vixen to stay with him. But with so many damn wolves about, finding a safe haven from them was difficult. None of his caches would be safe, nor would his potential mate and kits if a fox found them mid-winter. Though he was usually left to his own devices in spring, summer and fall, he knew that he would be just as good as a meal to a wolf as anything else- better, perhaps, given the fact that the wolf would be eliminating another predator and ensuring their own success.

He tracked others foxes here and there, but it was perhaps a bit early yet to expect a vixen to tolerate his company to any degree. He'd found one only a few days ago- she'd been a beautiful creature, but perhaps a bit on the thin side. She was also a tad exciteable, and had been all too eager for his liking. He of course had a hedonistic streak so he did enjoy spending some time with her, but he knew that she wouldn't be the one he wanted to bear his children. She was impulsive, and wasn't terribly wary of the wolves around- in fact, she'd almost been dismissive of them, and had found herself a den far too close to a pack for his liking. Finding her to be a bit of a ditz and not worth his time, he'd quietly excused himself one night and had left, reeling slightly. Compared to his previous mate, this one had seemed far too immature and impressionable, and incredibly gullible. All three qualities were detested by foxes, particularly the Todd who would not have anyone who couldn't see through his lies and deceit. He'd managed to convince that creature that if she ever saw a red and yellow toadstoll that she should eat it- and it would grant her excellent long distance vision. She'd accepted his words as the truth, and had said that they should go mushroom hunting together, to try and find one...It'd all been too much, so he'd left the simple, slim little vixen behind and had set out to try and find someone with a lot more potential than she had had.

Eventually, his journey brought him to cross paths with a young wolf- less than a year old, but hardly a helpless pup anymore- who had a sort of greyish pelt, though there was a tinge of some other colour that the Todd couldn't quite distinguish or describe, though she was a pretty little thing. She looked fairly confident and comfortable as she meandered along the mountain's base and he warily raised his head as though expecting harm to befall the young female from above...But the mountain range was calm and tame, and hardly making itself suspect to distrust whatsoever. No signs of a rockslide were present, though the wind had been high enough lately to possibly start one if a mountain goat went moseying along the wrong place and dislodged the rock that held the mountainside together altogether. He had never seen a rockslide, but wasn't particularly eager to see one either. Nevertheless, he seethed along, closing the distance between them and stopping every now and again to duck in cover and try to hide himself from view. He was excellent at this game, but he didn't want to stay hidden forever. He knew he could outmaneuver this wolf if he had too, and generally, the younger ones were more demure and less likely to take offense to his presence.

The muted grey wolf- perhaps a bit too dark for grey, but he still couldn't pinpoint the word 'lilac,' which would have described her perfectly- was then joined by two other young wolves, ones with striking markings as well. One seemed a bit quieter than the other, and had a fairly dark pelt on him except for his underside which was much lighter. Almost like a weasel in the summer, the Todd thought to himself. He was joined, soon thereafter, by another wolf- one with a patchy coat of cream and beige, and to the Todd's delight, she had mismatched eyes. There was something so delightfully unusual about her appearance that he found her quite charming. The Todd liked unusual, pretty and shiny things, so out of the three of them, he found his eyes trailing to her the most. He approached, but maintained a decent distance, so as to avoid getting himself in trouble if they decided to team up and chase him.

”You know,” He called out in a sing-song voice. ”This mountain here used to be a volcano once.” He informed her, looking up toward the jagged edges of the mountain's peak. It did resemble one, in the most picturesque sense- like the kind that children make for models, or draw when they're very young. It's peak wasn't quite sharp, but slanted, and could very well have had a crater, but of course, the Todd had never checked it out. ”Might want to be careful next time you decide to climb it,” He advised, with a firm nod. Of course, it was all malarky- but she wouldn't necessarily know that.
Little did Eleuthera know, but her explorations and relative peace were about to uprooted and tossed aside as if they were weeds in her mothers’ gardens. Luckily, she was not aware of such happenings just yet! For the moment, the lilac girl was content to lazily explore and enjoy the sensation of earth underfoot and woodland scents in her nose. Eleuthera wondered if she might hunt, for the small creatures had grown plump from winter’s early preparations, or test her mountaineer’s feet upon new elevations. In the end those turned out to be nothing more than inane musings, and Eleuthera continued on.

That was, until she heard a shout from behind her. Instead of fleeing from the sudden fright of it, the pearl’s entire body seized up and froze immediately; perhaps an unintentional teaching from her mothers, both of whom had encouraged this behavior on several of her most frightful moments. She braced herself for something, then closed her eyes and tried her best to be an invisible presence which could evade detection… but when nothing came nearer to her or even addressed her directly, Eleuthera loosened her posture enough to shoot a glare of red-hot pointy daggers over her shoulder, at the two voyeurs.

Eleuthera drew a deep, audible breath through her nostrils and prepared to give her admonishing statement — 

but she was approached by yet another! This time, a fox. Now, this was the first time that Eleuthera had ever encountered a fox, so this was something entirely new to her. Had she been younger, she might have been struck by the subtle resemblance of a fox to a coyote or bobcat [which had afflicted her childhood with their evils not once but twice], but by now Eleuthera had grown into her adult figure and, anyways, this fox didn’t seem to entertain any cruel intentions. Not now, at least. 

“What —” the lilac girl asked quietly as the flame-kissed creature said something about climbing volcanos. Then, remembering the two strangers to her rear, Eleuthera shuffled into a quarter turn and, all red-hot pointy daggers again, repeated her inquiry What?” and waited exasperatedly for someone else to make sense of this for her.

He thought he had ditched Sequoia, at least long enough to stretch his legs, but it turned out that she was right behind him.  His mouth dropped open in shock as the girl spun and shot him a glare that could've knocked him over.  He turns around to miss the Todd's arrival, and fixes himself upon his packmate.  Sequoia! he shouts, Why'd you do that?!  But the anger dissipates as quickly as it came, because he can't truly stay mad at her — it reminds him of Kiwi, and besides, he wasn't the kind of boy to hold grudges.  

A little sad, his voice softens. She has fur like my toes, and your eyes.  As if that made sense to anyone else.  And then he was hearing something about a volcano, and his interest was piqued.  Hey, didn't Drageda used to be on a volcano?
She noticed the fox immediately after half-screaming at Tux, who seemed rather annoyed at her. (Mission accomplished!) She giggled childishly at his question, not answering because "for fun," was just too hilarious to say out loud. Besides, why had he been staring at her? Was that something she'd do when she got older? Maybe it was an adult thing to do. Tux was an adult, right? She couldn't remember if he'd earned the Drakru name yet.

Tux said something about her fur, which got Sequoia looking at her, then his toes, which caused her focus to shift that way. Now that he said that, she noticed he had more toes than usual. That was weird, wasn't it? But the girl's coat didn't have extra toes, and then he said something about her eyes, which caused Sequoia to realize she couldn't actually see her own eyes. What about my eyes? she asked in Trigedasleg, ignoring his question about the volcano along with the other wolf and fox. Her question was more important anyway.
WC: 833
The three young wolves, fortunately, didn't seem to take interest in him the same way adult wolves would. Perhaps the next generation of canines her wasn't completely fit to be damned after all. If he could get through to these ones, and let them see that he was no danger and not a vermin to be chased out, he might have an easier retirement. The lilac-hued female, a small and pretty thing who seemed a bit perturbed by the appearance of the other two, addressed him directly, though her question easily could have been aimed at any of them. The Todd could tell that she wasn't from the same area as the other two wolves, who shared a kindred scent that told him they were packmates, if not siblings. They certainly seemed to know each other, but the female with the slight lilac tint to her soft pelt certainly seemed like the odd one out...When not considering the bright red fox who was in their midst, of course. This, he found, worked to his advantage. At least, then, not all three of them were on the same side- and perhaps they would not gang up on him.

When the male spoke, he was intrigued by the meaning behind what he'd said about the young female's fur, his own toes, and the mismatched eyes of the wolf who accompanied him. Tux- as he assumed was the wolf's name- made relatively little sense until the fox gave a glance to each aforementioned quality. The female who'd addressed him directly had an odd shade to her pelt, and when he looked to Tux's toes, he was pleasantly surprised to see that he had one extra toe on each foot. This was excellent- it was more ammunition. The female with the mismatched eyes- well, that one was easy enough to explain. And so, using a bit of deduction, he was able to glean some meaning from the youth's comment, and he nodded in understanding. When his companion, the piebald female, spoke, the Todd stepped in- not physically, of course, as he was bound and determined to keep a certain amount of distance between himself and the wolves just in case- to explain. He couldn't tell what it was that she'd asked, as it was in the same foreign language that the dark male had used, but he did understand that it was a question, so he decided to supply what he thought was an explanation.

”I believe what young Tux here is saying,” He said, in an approachable and friendly tone, ”Is that each one of you is remarkably unique. Special,” He added, so that they took his comment to be a compliment. Indeed, it was quite a sight to see three wolves, each with a sort of trademark attribute which set them apart from what he would classify as 'normal' wolves, if there was such a thing as being normal. He gestured first to the little female whose coat was a soft, plush blend of fawny brown, greys and the unmistakeable greyish purple tinge to it. ”You, my dear, have a beautiful lilac hue to your coat; very rare and special indeed, and you will be quite a beauty when you grow up. Young Tux here has an extra toe on each foot...And I'm not sure if you were aware of it, young master, but such an anomaly is a mark of good luck. And finally, heterochromia,” He said, gesturing to the female with mismatched eyes. He gave a definition, so that they understood. ”Mismatched eyes; a sign of intelligence, beyond what one normally sees in a wolf.” He said. Naturally, he was playing the wolves along, but he spoke without hesitation, and with such ease that he could have easily been speaking the truth.

Of course, he'd left the lilac female hanging, so he gestured toward the mountain's peak, not ready to give up on that explanation either. ”A volcano,” He said, pointing up to where the clouds guarded the peak. On a day like this, it could have easily looked as though the clouds were actually steam, which worked in the fox's favour, as it would make it all the more convincing. ”I believe it's dormant now, so relatively harmless...But when active, a volcano can be quite dangerous.” He said. Had the wolves ever heard of a volcano before? Tux had said something to his companion in a different language when he'd first mentioned the volcano, so he wondered then if the youth knew what it was he was talking about. ”A mountain that hides flames that pour out in a thick and heavy water that melts everything in its path...But you'll hear and smell it well before it happens,” He reassured them, so that he didn't end up giving them nightmares later. Though the Todd was full of tricks, he was not an altogether sinister fellow, and he did find wolf pups to be entertaining, to say the least, and not worth harming.
No one bothered to clarify anything for her at first — in fact, the boy Tux only set about to confuse her more by mentioning toes and eyes and fur, and then transitioning to a foreign tongue which sounded more like nonsense to her than it did real words. The spotted one responded in turn, and the lilac girl’s brow furrowed in childish consternation. She did not come here to be bothered by strangers who made no sense, and pedantic foxes who knew far too much about geology for comfort. 

…but the more the fox spoke, the more Eleuthera found herself to be enchanted by him. When he called her a beauty she blushed and fluttered her eyelashes endearingly, and then she smirked internally when the two others only received compliments about being lucky, or worse yet, intelligent. When he began speaking about volcanos, she was a little lost at first — truthfully, she didn’t care and wished the topic of conversation might return back to the prettiness of her fur — but when his words turned to fire and flame and melting, Eleuthera’s snapped back to attention. 

Her ears perched atop her crown, she nearly gasped “ — is that where you come from? A volcano?” because it all suddenly made so much sense! That’s how he knew so much about the natural phenomenon of volcanos, and why his fur was set ablaze with hues of orange and red that prior she had only seen on a bird’s plumage, or in the changing autumnal colors of the leaves — but this fox, with his fluffy fur and cunning intelligence, he was seemingly made of fire.  

“You look like what my mommas say fire looks like,” Eleuthera mentioned wordily, finding it easy to ignore the two wolves in favor of this new spectacle in front of her.

The Todd had it right — that's exactly what he'd meant!  He nodded fiercely until he realized that, well, nobody was paying attention to him.  He recieves a scathing look from the pretty girl and fixes his features into a sneer before he looks back at Sequoia.  He's right.  That's all I meant about your eyes, he says in lieu of apology, shuffling his feet anxiously.  His eyes move up to the "relatively harmless" (not)-volcano, and he awaits for someone else to take the reins.
For a second, Sequoia wondered how the fox would know Tux’s name. Then she remembered that she had screamed it, and she giggled to herself again. The fox went on and on about this and that, but Sequoia only paid attention to the bit about her own eyes. At least Tux hadn’t meant she had an extra eye... as she couldn’t imagine that being very attractive. The wolf that wasn’t Tux seemed wholly uninterested in them, and instead continued to talk to the fox. Sequoia shot Tux a “what gives?” look. She was used to eating foxes and talking to wolves.

Can we eat it? she asked in a low whisper to Tux, licking her lips and getting The Look in her eyes when she refocused her gaze on the small red creature. It was really quite odd that neither of the three wolves (including her) had lunged at it yet, but Sequoia was now much more interested in filling her stomach rather than her ears.

The trio of wolf pups seemed to be entertained easily enough, but like with any creature, they also grew tired of one entertaining subject quickly enough, more quickly than he would have liked. Two of the wolf pups seemed content to listen to him and agree with him- the young female had even seemed quite complimented when he’d spoken about her fur, so he knew he’d gotten through to her. The darker male still spoke in some language he couldn’t understand, though it sounded vaguely like the same language the splotchy female had used earlier. Perhaps they were siblings, he supposed- or packmates in the very least. But though the male seemed kindly enough, the female had a different look about her. Fortunately, the lilac female actually seemed interested in him as a character, and less because he was a fox.

He smiled and nodded when she spoke, comparing him to the colour of lava. ”Yes. Well, sort of, my dear,” He hummed thoughtfully. ”We’re all born very near to volcanoes, see,” He said. He tipped his nose toward the mountain’s peak where it towered above them...Too far for the three of them to reach, likely, but the Todd could have managed the journey on his spry little legs. Climbing was no trick for him- even trees were his allies as he commonly used them to escape wolves when they decided to be predators, rather than act like cousins as they ought to. ”I...I can’t actually tell you much about it; our ties to the volcanoes must be kept secret, you know; only us foxes may know,” He said quietly, watching her out of the corner of his eye. But then the pale female spoke, and he knew he’d hoped for too much from these children.

He sighed heavily and looked at her tiredly. ”Must you be so immature?” He asked, rolling his shoulders as though to ready the muscles lest he find himself needing to get away in a hurry. ”You do we’re both canines, right? From the same family? Eating another canine is simply barbaric,[/b]” He said, the disdain present in his scolding voice. He hoped that using a tad of shame might smarten her up- and perhaps turn the other two wolves on her so that she would learn her lesson. ”For your information, I am a [i]sir, not an it. And just look at all we have in common,” He said, lifting each forepaw for them to see the claws there- permanently extended, just as theirs were, before he turned in a circle, showing them his form and his long, bushy tail. He bared his teeth momentarily in a grin. ”And you see these, too; these teeth eat meat, just as yours do.” He said, flicking his tongue across them in a slight threat. But no sooner had he bared his teeth than he had sheathed them, and had resumed his proper stature, sitting with his back slightly arched and tail wrapped curtly about his sooty paws. ”But if you don’t care to converse with a cousin, I’ll begone,” He said, tone slightly woebegone as he stood up and cast another glance to Eleuthra, the most reasonable of the group by far.
Eleuthera’s curious gaze suddenly became heavy and deadened when she learned that the secrets of the volcanos were for foxs’ ears only. Of course something as cool as fire spilling from beneath the earth wasn’t for her — wolves were so boring, while almost every other animal had something cooler than her. Deer could run full-speed for miles and miles and miles and never stop, birds drifted weightlessly upon the winds and the fish breathed water. Even foxes were made from volcanoes and breathed fire! Wolves, however, just sucked. “Oh,” she muttered, suddenly downtrodden.

— then the other girl said something so utterly inane that it re-inspired the prior moment’s volatile annoyance within her body and soul; mind and gut. Couldn’t she see that Leu was talking to the fox and having a fucking conversation? The Todd did not like her suggestion either and made a strong rebuttal regarding this ancestry and common family lines — if they were truly cousins, then Eleuthera couldn’t understand why The Todd couldn’t tell her the fiery secrets of the volcano — but she politely waited for the incensed fox to finish anyways, because that’s what goddamn ladies did. Then she added her two-cents. 

“Ummmm,” she questioned without words. For the first time since their meeting, Eleuthera turned to fully face the duo of strange-strange-scented juveniles and she sneered, feeling the words simmer and sizzle on the tip of her tongue. “Isn’t there something else you could eat?” the lilac kitten said bitterly. Then she waited a moment and punctuated her part of the repartee with a huff and a “— Not like you need it.—” spat out of the side of her mouth, like angelica from the rugrats. She wasn’t sure why she said the last thing, as the girl was actually trim and quite lovely with all of her spots. But the stranger was threatening to take her new plaything, so Eleuthera's intent were to hurt. So hurt she shall.

Sequoia was ruining everything.  Everything.  Tux didn't care if they ate the fox or not but apparently the pretty girl did, and that made Tux feel more dejected than ever.  Sequoia only wanted to embarrass him, and the other two were angry with them.  He shot her a look as the Todd explained himself, feeling anger boil up from his belly.  But then the pretty girl said something more abhorrent than Tux could ever — well, let's be honest, he had thoughts like that pretty often but he never said them (which totally made it okay)!  

He made himself appear as large as he could, bristling with upset from both Sequoia trying to embarrass them and what the girl had said, and stepped towards her on his broad paws.  You didn't get to just say things like that — not to his family.  Not to Drageda.  With a primordial growl he lifted his lip and cut his gaze at both the fox and the girl, hoping at least one of them would pee themselves in fright (because he's still a young boy).
Trying to wrap up some old threads!

Gonna archive this since I'm the only active one now. :P

From the same family? Hardly. This fox was not part of Drageda, so how could he be family? Sequoia was ready to roll her eyes and walk away, but it appeared that the fox kept blathering on and on. She had never met anybody who was so long-winded, and it was bugging the ever-loving crap out of her to hear his voice. Before she could retort in any fashion, Tux was already on the job, puffing himself up and putting on quite the show. Sequoia put on a "that'll teach 'em" smile, flicking her tail and hoping they would get the point.

Let's get away from these weirdos, she said audibly this time, not even trying to lower her voice. Clearly they're a couple of freaks. The fox and the other wolf could say whatever they wanted, but Sequoia knew now who the real whackadoos were. What fox would chat with a wolf? And what wolf would think it was a smart idea to chat with a fox? It was certainly lost on Sequoia, and she finally took the opportunity to roll her eyes and show them her rear end as she began to walk away.
Whereas moments ago, the Todd was mildly worried he'd have to out-pace and out-maneuver a small pack of adolescent wolves, now he felt more secure, with the lilac female taking his side. she seemed repulsed by the idea of eating a fox, which flattered him...Plus she delivered a snarky remark that made the fox worry temporarily for her safety instead. The young male seemed offended as well, but he was drawn off course by the patchwork female whose comeback failed to impress the fox. He tilted his head to her, slightly, as a semi-respectful farewell when she turned to leave, but he didn't mind it at all. The male had been decent enough- but foolish to automatically take the side of the wolf who wanted to eat him. She was rude and inconsiderate. 

He favoured, obviously, the lilac female so when the patchwork female was far enough out of sight he turned his warm, almost sleepy gaze to her and winked once. "Envy can be so unbecoming," He practically purred to her. Of course the beige and white female would be jealous- and clearly both he and the lilac female were on another level, in terms of aesthetic.
Eleuthera was quick to dismiss the two foreign wolves, not at all concerned with the fact that they hailed from a nearby pack and had created a ripe opportunity for the girl to learn some facts about their new neighbors — it surely would have impressed her mothers and lily and delight — but Eleuthera decided she couldn’t care less about the boy who took too much offense to her words and the girl who wanted to devour her newest toy. It seemed as though they wanted to leave, and rightly so. They would find no imposition from Eleuthera. 

She turned away from the duo one final time to regard the fox fully, and she made quite a pompous show of doing so. 
“Right??????” the lilac girl answered him, loudly enough that there was no way the other two miss how much she didn’t care. Her annoyance was fleeting, as it always was, and soon Eleuthera’s attention went back to the main topic at hand: volcanoes, fire and the possibility of imminent death. 

“Wait, so,” she asked, eager to glean as much information from the little red encyclopedia as she could.  “The mountain hides fire? Where? Inside?”