Wolf RPG

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He'd gotten by well enough on the kindness of strangers while he was healing — but the weather is changing now, and soon he'll need to consider finding a place to settle. Friends to run with. Something. For now, he's content wandering.
The forest hasn't quite let go of its autumn colors yet, and they clash brilliantly with the light dusting of snow over the forest floor. It's a quiet morning, as most have been lately — not a soul in sight. He can see his breath unfurling into the misty air as he walks, but the cold hardly bothers him, thick as his coat is. He just feels oddly lonely as winter sets in; he misses his friends, and more deeply, his family.
There's no reason why Lily was so frequently out of the territory; Emily just liked to fling her random places on the map, and besides, gotta get that sweet, sweet Ambassador cred, ya dig? Anyway, the blackbird was wandering yet again, having traversed the ridge to travel deep into the sweet-scented glade. She breathed in and smiled, broadly.

Life was just about perfect for her right now, and while there were missing pieces to the puzzle, so would there always be. For now, she was content with what she had. A supportive boyfriend, a wonderful pack, a beautiful new home. She needed to count her blessings, and--

A shadow ahead caught her eye. The scent was buried beneath all the others of the forest, but there was something about the set of his shoulders that seemed incredibly familiar. His back was to her, and it was only when he turned slightly that she caught a glimpse of the red patch behind his ear and gasped, audibly.

No. It couldn't be.

She was petrified with disbelief, rooted to the ground, her mouth hanging open.
A gasp from behind him draws his attention, and he turns with ears perked to find the source. There's not enough time to form any real expectation, not in the half-seconds between meeting her eyes and registering her scent and realizing this is his sister, but he certainly would not have expected her anyhow. Lily? It slips from him before he can even turn fully, eyes wide at the sight of her. She looks... different, in some subtle way. He can't quite pinpoint it — but it doesn't matter now. A smile tugs at his features, incredulous and slightly amused. I know I'm stunning, but please — don't drool all over yourself.
He turned, but it was the sound of his voice that made it real. Her mouth snapped shut--my God, it really is you!--and then she began to laugh and cry at the same time, rushing toward him. She pressed her muzzle against his cheek, grinning, the tears streaming quickly down her face, cutting glistening paths through the dark fur.

What are you doing here, so far from home? Lily asked, incredulous. I didn't think I'd ever see you again. It was true--she'd long since given up hope that, with the duties of her life here, she would ever return to the plains. But now Freddie was here, God. . .

And all of the sudden, she had found the biggest missing piece of the puzzle there was. The other gaps were almost insignificant in comparison.
His words seem to pull her from her reverie, and he can only grin for a moment as she rushes toward him, laughing and tearful and just as beautiful as he remembers. The one and only, He manages, a little choked and a little breathless as he embraces her. His smile turns sheepish at her question, and he pulls away slightly to answer her better. Well, about that — I followed you, actually, not long after you left. Too boring at home without you there. But I erm, got sidetracked for awhile. Got roped into leading a pack. And then I fell off a cliff, almost kicked the bucket. He laughs slightly with his last words. I know that sounds crazy. But I'm alright now, and — hey, what have you been up to? I smell pack on you.
It was just like it had always been, before. He told her about his adventures, his follies--I fell off a cliff, almost kicked the bucket--God, don't tell me that, she burst out, giggling in an almost hysterical fashion. I--

Lily grinned, beside herself with joy. Well, I suppose I kind of got roped into leading a pack, too, she responded, amused by the similarity in their stories. Sort of. Elysium--it's a sanctuary. I just, you know, keep everyone happy--or try to--visit other packs--

God, he was going to come back to Elysium with her! Oh, Freddie, you have to meet everyone; they'll adore you, Lily gushed. Seabreeze, Olive, the children, Delight--oh, Delight will think you're so handsome, and he's pretty, too--Kha-- She broke off, giving her littermate a sly smile. Freddie, you'll never guess what--I have a boyfriend now!

He had always given her shit--though not without kind words, too--about her past relationship failures. Ha! Who was perpetually single, now? (Neither of them, probably. Freddie had always been such a lover boy.)
Listening to his sister's rambling is easy enough; making sense of it fast enough to keep up with her is another story entirely. He almost snorts out a laugh when she starts listing off the most ridiculous names — Seabreeze, Delight? He chokes on the laugh and tries to pass it as a cough, only to break off abruptly with her next words. And you're sure he's real? He can't help but tease — but he's happy for her. I guess I've got to visit, now — I have to see this for myself. Tell him to run while he still can. This kind of banter makes him miss his friends, suddenly and fiercely, and his expression changes almost imperceptibly, sobering just slightly; it's subtle, only a slight falling of his mouth that was just barely curved upward, a dying of light in his gaze. But it's there. His heart still aches for that chapter of his life, however long gone it may be.
She laughed, and thought she'd never stop. She was so happy. Literally everything was perfect now. Lily had always felt invincible, with Freddie by her side. Now, she could truly fly.

Yes, he's real, she giggled, nudging him playfully on the shoulder. He started out really-- She broke off as she noticed the slight change in his face, the way his smile dimmed. She knew him better than she knew herself, and while Freddie was all fun and games, that didn't mean he lacked emotion.

Fred? Lily murmured, brushing the tip of her tail against his flank. You all right, love?
If there's anything he truly resents about his sister at all, it's her unfailing ability to see through him at any given time. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't deflect. Oh yeah, I'm fine, He says, grinning and faking an exaggerated yawn. Just getting tired of listening to your lovesick rambling already. Or maybe I'm just anticipating hearing about it for the next six months. And I'll say it now, I'm not giving you sex advice — except maybe not where I can hear it. He can't help chuckling a little, eyes sparkling playfully. He nudges her affectionately, hoping she'll let him push that feeling away for now. Maybe eventually he'll be ready to talk about it (probably not), but not now.
She laughed, though his deflection wasn't enough to alleviate her worry entirely. At his last ribald remark, she mock gasped, shoving her shoulder into his. God, Freddie! Lily exclaimed, rolling her eyes. As if! I don't need sex advice, anyway, she added smugly, gaze sparkling as she leered at him for a moment.

And I promise I'll keep the yammering to a minimum, she continued, wagging her tail. (Well. . .she'd try, at least.) Lily blinked at him in plaintive fashion, like a cartoon deer with abnormally long eyelashes. But darling, I have so much to tell you. So much has happened. And I'm sure you have lots of stories for me, too.

She had always adored Freddie's stories. They could last the entire day and she'd still not be bored. He had a way of painting pictures before her eyes with his words, dragging her headlong into the scene.
He smirks a little at her smug expression, but doesn't say anything else — there are more important things to discuss anyway. Like stories, apparently. Absolutely, He agrees easily, tail swishing. He can't help but add with a slightly teasing grin: I'll tell you about my pack of idiots, and you can tell me where in the world you met a guy named Delight.
He pauses a moment, expression sobering a little though his gaze still sparkles with joy. I've missed you, He confesses a little breathlessly, as if the weight of it has only just now hit him, and leans forward to touch her cheek lightly. I'm glad we found each other.
She laughed, her cheeks flushing with heat for Delight's sake. Then she melted altogether at the touch, and almost lost herself in tears again, mustering a watery smile instead. Oh, Freddie, Lily whispered, with a wistful sigh. I can't believe it. I feel like this is a dream, and I'm going to wake up in Broken Boulder--that's my old home--surrounded by cats--I'll tell you later--and you'll not be there.

The blackbird butted her head against his shoulder, very gently. Even dreams never feel this good, she breathed. I'm so happy you're here. Everything is even more wonderful, now. She pulled back and did a little jig in place, jerking her chin in the direction of her home. Their home, now.

C'mon, darling--I'll take you to the willows.