Wolf RPG

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Had he been smarter, he would have went to any of the wolves he had met previously and inquired for a healer. But instead, his emotions ruled him, and logic faded as he internally scolded himself, pushing himself through a hell that peons would have been forced to endure. Everything on him stung, and with every movement his muscles protested. He was a crumbling mountain, and after a dip in the Whitefish River, he wasn’t much better. Sure, he had cleaned the majority of grime and dirt, but he hadn’t exactly washed himself free of the things that plagued him the most. 

A broken pride. Sore ribs. A swollen ear, and it was even worse trying to keep your head above water when the  neck refused to bend up. Had he not learned how to swim and be good at it, poor bastard would have drowned. 

It seemed he he only survived on luck and charity at this point. Charity however, he abrasively pushed away, refusing to be even more pathetic than he currently was. He couldn’t face Kavik, he couldn’t face Liri, he couldn’t even face Krarius, lest he bully the boy even more in his horrible state. Was it him caring? 
Or was the rogue scared?

Would it have been best for him to leave? To let this happy family live their life without his troubles? He couldn’t stop the pain that wracked into his heart, lungs feeling constricted in their ample cage. He held back his dismay as he stared into the waters of the river, all too aware of nothing, and ignorant of everything.

His mind couldn’t be made up, nor could he figure what was best for him. How did he feel? Awful. But the bastard didn’t exactly know how to channel it in any other way than hatred. He wanted to destroy Minori, regardless of her lesson or not. She had bested him, and where he would have wanted death from the loss, she had spared him. That was a mistake on her end, and a misery on his own. Scars would heal...

but they were meant to bleed.

Having given up on trying to sleep, Corvus sauntered around the territory, wanting to re-familiarize himself with the plateau. He was at least grateful for the clouds shielding his eyes from the sun's light, temporary as the respite would be. He spotted a dark figure in the distance by the stream. It was too small to be Kavik, so that left Corvus assuming it was a new face. When he was close enough to make out smaller details, he recognized the crimson-eyed boy from yesterday at the border. He appeared to be worse for wear and not too pleased about it. Corvus wondered what happened, and curiosity drew him closer still. An introduction was due, anyway. He could now make out the frustrated expression on his face as he stared into the cool water.

Once near enough to be heard clearly at an even volume, he said, You seemed troubled. It was a simple observation, but there was an underlying question of what had caused him to be in such a state. If the boy felt like explaining, he could; if he didn't, he could choose not to. Corvus didn't like pressing for answers. He awaited a response, curious to see how he would react and to get a taste of his character.
Almost a spitting image of his childhood’s last glimpse of his “Father”  Slade, the Alpha of the Nightmares, came just in back of him. Turning to look over a meaty shoulder, the wolfdog nearly jumped out of his own tender hide until he registered that this wasn’t the Nightmare King. Slade had perished months ago; plus this fellow wasn’t at all as massive as the Dark King. Slade also was straight obsidian, molded out of the Void, itself; this guy had a V of ivory across his bosom. 

The Demon was nearly livid with this guy for being nearly identical to his ‘dad’. But that couldn’t be helped by this guy, so what was the deal? 

Yea, shit happens.“ The Rogue has gotten tired of seeking emotional answers from strangers. First he had tried expressing himself to Krarius, along with Kavik, tried explain himself to Ruenna, and ended up getting into a fight for standing up for himself. His mind was weary, his passion beating a soldering pummel into the chest that seemed to not want it, anymore.  

Not that it matters. Unless you wanna beat my ass too for trying to be useful.“ Like why did she have it out for him, even? In all reality, she probably cared little about it, but the inferno brewed a toxic turmoil of slaughtered intent. “Minori seems to get off on bullying others. Join her, instead.
His appearance startled the boy, but Corvus assumed he'd simply caught him off-guard amidst his thoughts. "Yeah, shit happens," The boy shrugged off, but it was obvious to the shadow that he was quite bothered. Corvus was expecting that to be all the information he'd be given about the matter, but then he continued. “Not that it matters. Unless you wanna beat my ass too for trying to be useful. Minori seems to get off on bullying others. Join her, instead.“ A wry grin crept onto his face at hearing that. How interesting to learn that Minori was the cause of his sorry state. Corvus could already tell that this male had a sharp tongue, so it was of no surprise that Minori fought him for it... and won.

Minori has a fiery temper. It's best to hold your tongue around her unless you're looking for a fight, Corvus advised. Though the boy likely heard his name from Kavik yesterday, he wanted to give a proper introduction. I am Corvus. What is your name?
I’m not worried about her! I’ll fight her whenever her ass-“ getting worked up had overbearing effect on his bruised ribs, and his lungs suffered him for his negligence. Bracing himself, a series of coughs wrecked his sentence into a smatter  of letters and jumbled words. Pulling his wheeze back, he finished his threat. “whenever her ass is ready!

Who the hell was he fooling? 

And wait a second; this dude knew her rude ass?! Immediately guarded, the dark navy brute stumbled to his fours, already fighting a failing war to bristle menacingly at this stranger, who ended up not being a stranger after introducing himself. 

So would he hate this guy too? Just for him knowing Minori? “You can keep it! You and Minori can keep your names until the very end of Time. “ 

His legs began to shake as the foundation began to crumble. Exhausted still, the brute searched for more to curse this man with, but in the end, the 2-year old fell back to the ground in a heap. 

Siqsa“, he panted out, damning his lack of energy.
The stranger yelled passionately, even through his coughing fit. It drew a chuckle from him. Good. Keep that fire in your belly, Corvus encouraged. It was refreshing to see empassioned fighting spirits, reckless as they could be sometimes. The youngster scrambled to his feet, bracing himself almost as if ready to battle.

The boy continued to snap after Corvus' introduction. “You can keep it! You and Minori can keep your names until the very end of time." Corvus wasn't sure what that meant, but he grinned at the sheer intensity of this individual. He wouldn't be surprised if this only fanned the stranger's flames, but he wasn't opposed to that. The boy did finally give his name, which he found odd after how furious he was with him. Siqsa collapsed then, clearly exhausted in every sense of the word.

Your passion is admirable, Siqsa; just don't push yourself. I look forward to watching your next spar with Minori. After that, perhaps we could spar someday. Corvus said, his voice nothing but genuine.
Trying to ease his war-drum of a heart, Siqsa took deep breaths, swallowing and licking his chops as he salivated. He was extremely hot; and his stomach was nauseous. Shaking off the dizziness, he scowled at the stranger before him, distaste forming with bile in his throat. “That wasn’t a spar-  she got lucky!“ he convinced himself of it, having no belief in her simply being a more agile and experienced warrior than he. 

Siqsa wasnt a fan fan of this Corvus calling himself better than him- even though it hadn’t been said. Not even in the slightest. But delusional as heat pooled in his chest, he was also heated he could spit lava. A fever was setting in the beast, and it made him more rampant. 

You don’t know what you’re talkin’ bout...“ his words slurred as he went toe to toe with this exhaustion. 

But miliseconds after, sleep consumed him.

Siqsa was breathing hard, and drool was collecting in his mouth. He looked ill. Concern for his health was beginning to prick at Corvus, but he knew that nothing he said or did would quell his fiery temper. “That wasn’t a spar — she got lucky!“ Corvus quirked a brow in suspicion at that.

There is no luck in battle. There are those who take advantage of situations and those who don't, He said, firm in that belief. If Siqsa were bested, it was because Minori out-fought him, and that was that. But Corvus kept that to himself, as he didn't want to work Siqsa up any more than he already was, given his progressively worrying state.

“You don’t know what you’re talkin' 'bout...“ Siqsa slurred before losing consciousness, body going limp on the ground. Corvus was even more concerned now, and when the boy didn't rouse, he scooped him onto his back. It was difficult, especially considering the youngster was of a decent bulk, but he managed. He carried him off to the den site, which Corvus discovered felt like light-years away when carrying a nearly full-grown male on your back.

Once the den site was in view, he howled for assistance. Finally, he neared a den and slid Siqsa off of his back. Corvus sat vigilantly by his side while awaiting someone's arrival. In the meantime, he panted to catch his breath.
In light of all the changes that seemed to be taking place within Blacktail Deer Plateau, Ruenna had forgone her usual explorations in recent days in favor of keeping closer to her pack. She was able to respond quickly to the call, recognizing the voice of their newly-returned recruit. She hoped he hadn't already found himself in trouble. 

"Ruenna Redfern," she introduced herself with a nod as she came upon the man. There had been so many wolves at the border when the wraith returned, she hadn't had the chance to remind him of her name-- if he had ever known it. He was panting hard, as if he had just finished some serious exercise. Rue wandered up, curiosity etched upon her features. 

As Rue neared and saw Siqsa's crumpled form, her expression changed immediately to one of concern. She sucked in a breath and met the man's fiery gaze. "Do you know what happened?" she inquired, ears flattened with worry. She had chosen her words carefully, not wishing to sound as if she were accusing the rejoiner of anything. Rue stepped forward cautiously, tilting her head in a wordless request to approach the unconsious youth.
Everything drifted in and out of focus for the dreaming wolf. Faces that came and went, scared and furious, both coming to remind him exactly how little he positively impacted anyone's life. It was an abomination what he was, but strangely, he couldn't regret it. Not even after that same voice, the one who had come to tell him to revamp himself, spoke again.
"Shed," it began, taking on the previous lesson it tried to instill in him. "Let go", it continued. How could he possibly do that? The faces of fury and fear danced closer to him, bodiless skulls morphing much more sinister as skin, flesh and muscle bled from them. The fading of reality introduced the Demon to much more than what he had anticipated; but what had he anticipated? To be free? He had freedom, and he wasn't exactly used to it. To make friends? There were plenty of wolves around, and surely none of them wanted to befriend his pompous ass. To have a family? A 2 year old wouldn't just be adopted and given a childhood, again. He ran in circles, both figuratively and literally. He ran, legs kicking up a storm of hellfire and flint, around the circumfrence of this wretched volcano. Paws began to blister and crack as he only went higher and higher, blood soon staining the path he didn't want to take. 

Soon, he would be at the top of this Volcano.
And impending doom would last him lifetimes, and beyond.
The new beta was quick on the scene; so quick he was still in the process of catching his breath. "Ruenna Redfern," She introduced. Ah, so that was her name. He'd take care to remember it. Corvus returned her nod. Catching sight of the unconscious Siqsa, she asked, "Do you know what happened?" Ruenna seemed unsure of whether she could approach, so he stood and backed up a few paces to signify that she could.

I'm not sure, He admitted. He collapsed on the ground and started breathing heavily and salivating. Then, he passed out. Corvus' gaze drifted back to the boy then. He was concerned, but he didn't let it bleed into his expression too much.
Rue took the unspoken invitation to step forward and examine Siqsa. She leaned over him, nose wrinkling as it passed over his swollen ear. "Infection," she confirmed, voice troubled. A frustrated rumble sounded in her throat-- quite an uncharacteristic sound for Rue. Had Siqsa been getting himself into trouble again? If he wasn't more careful, his mouth would be the death of him. 

Rue nodded at Corvus's recounting-- she had no reason not to believe him. Rue's tongue swiped gingerly over the young man's crown, confirming that he was fevered. She gave him a few more licks for good measure, less for diagnositc purposes and more to simply express her worry. She then backed away. "If you don't mind, would you see if there is a furred skin inside one of these dens? We'll need to pack that ear in snow, but keep the rest of him warm." Rue wasn't sure which dens belonged to which wolves and hated to take a skin without permission, but certainly no one would begrudge her borrowing in order to help a sick packmate. 

"I'm going to grab something from the medicine den," Rue tilted her head toward the den where Liri stored her supplies. Thank goodness Siqsa had taken sick so close to the densite-- or perhaps the wraith had carried him here? That would explain why he seemed out of breath. 

Rue returned with a mouthful of herbs, selecting the ones that Liri had fed the injured after the bear attack. One or more of them likely had infection-fighting properties. The problem was, Rue had little experience with the healing herbs of this region and had no way of knowing which herb was the antibiotic. 

Rue spit the herbs in front of Corvus. "Do you recognize any of these?" Rue asked the man, recalling that he had recently been nursed back to health by a woman who was presumed to be a healer. "You would have been prompted to consume it once or twice a day for a period of weeks." Most herbs with healing properties were repulsive to the tongue, so if Corvus had been fed any of these herbs regularly it was unlikely he would have forgotten already.
Corvus watched silently as the beta examined Siqsa. Ruenna appeared frustrated at the sight of his infected wound, and he wondered if there were a connection between them. The tender licks to his forehead seemed to back up that theory, in his mind. Corvus nodded at the beta's instruction to retrieve a furred skin and turned to search for one. After a bit of rummaging around in a nearby den, he managed to find a deer skin. He dragged it out and draped it over Siqsa, blanketing him in warmth.

Ruenna swiftly returned from the medicine den with herbs and dropped them before Corvus' feet. "Do you recognize any of these? You would have been prompted to consume it once or twice a day for a period of weeks." She said, puzzling him for a moment before he realized it was possible she wasn't very knowledgeable in medicine. He'd simply assumed that she was, but perhaps Ruenna was just trying to take initiative in the absence of a medic. Fortunately, Corvus did confidently recognize some of the herbs.

This is marigold, He said, placing his paw over the amber flower. Oh, how familiar with its bitterness had he become. It helps fight off infection and can be taken orally. If he has a fever, I'm not sure what would help with that. Liri would need to be notified of Siqsa's state so that she could give him further assistance, but it would do for now.
Rue found Sisqa covered when she returned, and she gave Corvus a grateful nod. Not only was the wraith able to pick out the correct herb, he was able to name it and provide some information about its applications. Rue' eyes lit up briefly; she had always enjoyed learning something new. She then filed away the knowledge for future use, knowing she needed to focus on treating Siqsa. They could encourage the youth to consume the marigold once he came around. 

Rue shook her head in a small sign of defeat when Corvus could not pick out an herb to treat Siqsa's fever. "Then for now, it'll have to be rest and fluids until we can consult Liri," Rue said with a small sigh. Both treatments would help the young man, even in the absence of an herbal remedy. Rue began to push snow around Siqsa's crown, which would serve the dual purpose of reducing the swelling in his ear and soothing the fever. The cold against his flesh would also probably wake him up in short order.
He nodded, sharing her slight disappointment at not being able to pick out an herb for Siqsa's fever. Liri would likely be around soon enough, though, and Corvus had no doubt she would give him the utmost care. Ruenna pushed snow around Siqsa's head to keep it cool, and Corvus took his seat beside the youngster again, taking the marigold with him. I will stay with him until he wakes and offer the marigold, He promised. ... And probably afterwards, He added with a grin, figuring Siqsa wouldn't be keen on staying put to heal. Corvus knew he sure as hell wasn't.
Rue watched as Corvus settled beside the youth, nodding gratefully at his offer to keep watch over Siqsa. "If you can get him to eat snow, that will help the fever most. As much snow as possbile really, unless he can get to a water source to fill his belly." Increasing fluid intake was the key to treating a fever, and at least Siqsa was somewhat lucky to fall ill in a season where one needn't travel far to obtain water. 

Rue nodded again as if she meant to depart. Liri would be by soon to supplement her care, and there was nothing left for her to do here. Instead of leaving however, the young woman hesitated. She looked over her shoulder, about to set off again, but again could not bring herself to move away. "Maybe I'll just.. sit with you until he wakes," she said a bit sheepishily. Rue settled in beside the wraith. "So.. it is Corvus, correct?" she asked, attempting to strike up conversation.
He nodded at Ruenna's instruction, storing the information for future reference. She nodded back and appeared to be ready to head off, but she hesitated, looking over her shoulder at him. This puzzled Corvus, wondering what was keeping her. Was it that she didn't trust him to be alone with Siqsa? He dashed the thought as if it'd never happened when she tentatively spoke again. "Maybe I'll just.. sit with you until he wakes." The beta then took a seat beside him. Conversationally, she asked, "So.. it is Corvus, correct?"

Corvus didn't mind conversation; he should get to know the new beta better, anyway. Yes, He answered before asking a question of his own: When did you become a beta? He was admittedly surprised to find the woman he couldn't even recall the name of in such a high position in the short time she'd been with the pack. She did seem competent enough for the position, Corvus was just surprised they chose her so quickly, especially when Grezig was already a fine beta on her own. Then again, a lot happened in his absence, so he couldn't accurately judge the decision as of yet.
"It was a recent promotion," Rue replied simply, expression carefully unreadable. In light of her conversation with Elixir, Rue imagined that there were probably others who questioned Liri's decision to promote Rue. She would not allow herself to be drawn into defending herself or her qualifications, now or in the future. Packmates who took issue with her rank or their own could bring it up with Liri. 

"Do you have a trade, Corvus?" Rue asked in an effort to change the subject. There were several things about Corvus that interested her more than his potential trade, but she figured that was the safest course of conversation presently.

Rue's gaze fell to the still-unconscious Siqsa, and concern broke through her facade of carefully-crafted neutrality. Rue dipped her nose toward the ground and nudged the youth's paw, stifling a whine of concern. It would not take a genius to deduce that her reason for lingering had less to do with Corvus or trust issues and more to do with her feelings for the afflicted.
"It was a recent promotion," Ruenna answered plainly. Corvus was hoping to get a more specific answer, but he wouldn't press her. He knew it had to be some manner of weeks ago since he wasn't gone for too terribly long. It wasn't that important, so he glossed over it. Ruenna then asked him, "Do you have a trade, Corvus?"

He answered, Yes, I am a mercenary. I'm working on becoming a scout. The beta's gaze shifted back to Siqsa with almost motherly concern, and Corvus watched her nudge his paw with her snout. He was going to ask about her trade in turn, but a more pressing question came to mind when he saw that. Are you close? He asked, voice surprisingly gentle. Corvus figured it wasn't too personal of a question. The way she was acting simply seemed to imply it, and he didn't know much about either of them.
The mercenary trade Rue would have guessed for Corvus, but the scouting less so. The two trades seemed to be somewhat incompatible with one another, seeing as mercenaries were to protect borders while scouts were to travel outside of them. Rue herself had thought to go for the scouting trade, but her recent promotion had her rethinking that plan. She could not be present for the pack in a leadership capacity if she was always traveling, could she?

Corvus distracted Rue's attention from Siqsa with his question, and Rue's brow knit in thought. "Probably closer than he is with any one else here, if I had to guess," Rue said with a sigh. "I just feel protective of him," she admitted, eyes sliding back to the youth's unconscious form. "He's so..." She didn't finish the thought. Instead, she added, "I worry he's been getting into trouble again. Provoking packmates seems to be his speciality."
From her answer, it seemed that he was correct in his assumption that Ruenna felt a maternal need to care for and protect Siqsa. It was touching. Corvus could tell from their brief interaction that Siqsa needed someone like her to look after him. I think a grounding person like yourself is just what he needs. He'll need to learn to control that temper and channel it in a more constructive way... perhaps I could help with that, He offered. It'd been a while since Corvus had mentored another wolf, but he missed it.
The void encircled him as he tumbled down the sides of the Volcano, his misstep saving him from the intangible and Unknown Fate. Knocking his body across nearly every boulder and craig with every limb and ligament, his body both slipping into segments of lava streams and blistering against heated obsidian. But he lived, and to most, that was what mattered. But as he wobbled to his fours,his self pity consumed him, and quite audibly, he asked “Why me? I didn’t mean to - I never asked to be this way! They did this to me! They made me this way!“ and in his ceaseless rage, his skid finished, as he turned back to the Volcano’s tower, and followed his still-warm path back up the tormentuous side.
Rue's gaze joined once more with Corvus's as he made the suggestion, and a small smile found its way onto her features. "Yes, I think that's exactly what he needs," she agreed, head tilting slightly as she studied the raven. His observations were insightful, his intentions altruistic... it was as if Rue was really meeting him for the first time. 

Rue's attention snaped back to Siqsa as he stirred and began murmurring. She leaned in close, lapping her tongue gently over his crown to simultaneously soothe him and check his fever. His skin felt a bit cooler to the touch, she thought. "They made me this way!" Siqsa slurred out and then fell quiet. Rue's eyes found Corvus's once more to fix him with a knowing look. Their work was cut out for them, certainly. 

Once it was clear that Siqsa was not going to wake, Rue continued the conversation. "We seem to have similar interests, Corvus. I thought to train as a scout as well, but now..." The young woman's brow furrowed in thought. "Especially as Beta, I think my packmates need me closer to home. Coaching might do, or Advising, perhaps." There was much that could be pursued within the Counseling trade, and all of it could be done from within the Plateau borders. In fact, what Corvus was offering to do for Siqsa sounding very much like the kind of coaching that interested Rue. Similar interests, indeed.
Ruenna agreed, then gazed at him as if peering into his core. The look felt inquisitive and curious, so Corvus didn't mind it and calmly gazed back. Both the wolves' attention was caught by the sound of Siqsa slurring something from his nightmare. He could just barely make out what it was and furrowed his brow upon hearing it. Who caused him to be the troubled boy he was now? Corvus suspected he wouldn't be keen on sharing. His eyes met Ruenna's again, and he knew they were both thinking the same thing.

The beta explained her interest in becoming a scout as well and how that changed with her new position. He nodded in understanding. Counselor is a valuable trade. I don't know many who pursue it, He said before his eyes were drawn back to Siqsa. It would help him, too. Looking back at her, he added, I'm no counselor, but I could teach him not to be so... reckless — when he fights, anyway. Perhaps it'll carry over to other things. It was worth a shot, right?
Despite her worry over Siqsa, Ruenna was found herself enjoying her conversation with Corvus more and more as it continued. The man seemed to have an intuitive wisdom about others-- a kind of insight that most mercenaries lacked (or perhaps, ignored). Just from this short conversation alone, Ruenna could tell that Corvus was an asset to the pack in more ways than one. He was definitely worth the second chance he he had received. 

Rue nodded her agreement. "The Plateau already has one counselor, Elixir. She is quite skilled at what she does-- she.. she pulls the troubles right out of your heart and helps you face them." Rue's expression grew thoughtful as she recalled the night Elixir had counseled her through the terrors of her past. "I wouldn't want to step on her toes in that domain... but I think I could find my niche in assisting our packmates and leaders with the more.. practical matters." Elixir was an excellent therapist, but she did have a way about her that felt a bit... dreamy or idealistic or naive or.. something. Rue didn't quite have the exact word to describe Elixir's demeanor, but Rue had a feeling that it was the reason Elixir had been passed over for the promotion that Rue had instead received. 

Rue very much liked Corvus's suggested approach to assisting Siqsa. "Mercenary training is the perfect place to start with him. Truly, I doubt he would cooperate with any kind of character training... if he knew that's what you were doing." The corner of Rue's mouth quirked in amusement at the idea of Siqsa being more or less tricked into character growth and development. Even if it didn't amount to anything else, combat training would at least allow both Corvus and Siqsa to further develop their mercenary trades.
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