Wolf RPG

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perhaps she has ventured too far from the creek, and perhaps she will be punished for it. rightfully so, especially since she has set off to do what no woman should do--hunt and recruit. but their band is small, and full of useless women, and grayson and harrison are busy with other matters. they must eat, yes? addison is not the most practiced of hunters, but she can land small game, she thinks, if she tries hard. as for recruiting. . .she is glib, like her father, though she has had not much opportunity to use the gift of gab.

her body is still warm and spent from the dark man's desire. the odolf witch walks stiffly, across lands that must flood in the spring but are now nearly bone dry and frosted with snow. there is a pack nearby; she smells it, on the wind, and travels with caution. grayson would be even more furious with her should she disturb an established claim in her wandering. she slips along the river, frosty gaze peeled for the infinitesimal stirrings of rabbits and squirrels.

there is much to explore in this land. smaller mountains to the west, and an even larger range to the east. she wonders if they will stay near the creek or travel onward to conquer the towering crags. between the peaks are vast swaths of forest and meandering rivers; she marvels at how much water is here. the bounty of the hinterlands seems endless; thus, should not their ambitions be so, too?

addison buries herself within a clump of berry bushes, crouching in wait. the pungent scent of rabbit is close by, and she spots a hole here and there, undoubtedly tunnels leading to the home of a warren. how fruitful this warren proves is up to providence; she prays that she can not only take home enough game to feed the females at the creek, but also to do so without capturing much notice.

still, she will take the punishment from her brothers. she has already flayed herself many times over for her transgressions.

A scent crosses paths with his own as he continues this journey eastward. No simple trek is this, and he had admitted to himself that it seemed kind of foolish to venture away from home to tell Gwen of the home. But his heart and mind were both set, both launching 'sound' excuses to fill the reasoning in of the usually logical man. 'So she won't be surprised by the bear', he reassured himself. 'So she will know faces before they know hers', he whispered within his mind's caverns. He ignored how silly this seemed, and focused on the tracks ahead of him.

In the soft loam of the Hinterlands, tracks were abundant. Game and Predator alike greeted the face of the living Void, and he analyzed them where he could. It seemed this space was home to masses of rabbit, and there also seemed to be a few mink around this parts. Though he couldn't distinguish much from the overcast, the scents and lightly treaded world before him spoke enough as it was. And as long as he had been a lone wolf, he knew how to either ollow the trails, or remain away from them. Obviously he didn't want to get into a wrestle with mink; they had enough ferocity and speed to deter even bears.

Instead, he followed the trail of prints, scents, and droppings across the Tuktu, falling into yet another path of different species. But this scent was much more familiar to him. It was of his own kind. 'Female' was all eh could gather from the sweat of pawpaded prints, and curiousity reared a inquisitive head. The ex-Nightmare moved, silently following the tracks as though he had chosen her for his dinner, instead. But luckily, the rabbit trail was aligned with her's - Were they hunting the same rabbit? The prints of both were fresh, so he assumed they were.

Up ahead a few meters, the haphazard line of bushes and thinner trees overlooked the pass of more grassland and bouldered shrubbery. Chosing to break away from this path and try to hunt rabbit in his own line of aim, the assassin moved a bit more right of the bushes, bringing his onyx body to a standstill as movement in his peripherals caught him. It was large, but mainly blended in with the shrubbery and branches of the bushes it was behind. Certainly no rabbit, but too small to be a bear.
A breeze rewarded him with the knowledge of this being. It was the female.

His small pack consisted mainly of females, as he had come across them in his travels, or they had come across him in his lands. Kai had informed him of the one whom she nursed, the name of the small black wolf being Arrowbella, whereas the other female whom he had found enjoying the Falls was Phex. All three of his girls had unique personalities, and he was grateful they chose to follow him in this treacherous attempt into the unknown. But they had all needed places to stay; this female, though she seemed alone, as of now, bore light traces of other's scents on her hide. It seemed she had either run away, or taken a small walk to hunt for whomever she was with. And thus Cry made his mind up.

She was a competitor for food, and while he would have no problem getting his own, he would have to be more aware around Tuktu for this woman's band of travellers. The breeze told no more of her, and instead blew the whiff of rabbit across the both of them, and slinking further to the right, Cry brought himself close to dens. He was going to dig them up, and see what he could find.
she would have found no harm in competing with food with another female, but to her immense disappointment, the first to come across her path was undoubtedly male. molded as she was in the misogyny of her family, she will not fight him for the kill. it is his duty, his obligation--his pleasure to pierce skin and taste fresh blood. she should never know that satisfaction.

in fact, it was foolish to even come out here in the hopes of catching something. gritting her teeth, addison rises slowly from the brush, head bowing low in deference to the dark man.

my apologies, sir, she murmurs, loud enough for him to hear but not at a volume to scare away his game. i did not intend to spoil your hunting. please forgive me; i will take my leave. mouth pulled tight in a troubled frown, she turns and begins to pad away, tail between her legs, hoping that he does not punish her for her sin--

--or, worse, seek out her brothers to inform them of her grievous fault.
A voice came from those berry brambles and it was was brimmed with regret, spiced with a tinge of resentment. Surprise pierced him and while it hadn’t hurt him enough to show on his face, his usually emotionless voice was laced with gentler tones. Now, the hunt seemed much less important as he had to work on social skills.

“No,” he began, straightening and showing he meant no harm. “All is well.” It wasn’t too strange this woman’s behavior. Stavanger Bay, a pack he had remained in for a while, had subjective cultures, and he had seen some questionable things behind women being led to be lesser, but then again in this pack she might have traveled with, she could have just been the omega. But for her to be scalded enough to scold herself so willingly to another loner, it puzzled him much more until he recalled all he had known on the matter.

He had no quarrel with women, nor men. Both abused each other if given the chance and personality, and the assassin had killed both genders in names of contracts. However, it was not biased, only business. This woman had done him no wrong, and thus the Phantom found no sin to be under her name.

”I don’t see a problem here,” he reassured her, coming only a couple steps closer. “What’s your name?”
she stops very suddenly at his 'no,' fear rippling through her. all is well. slowly, her ears swivel backwards to catch the sound--the incongruous sound!--and she turns, eyes still on the ground, to stand facing him again. he is. . .is her master, and she will do his bidding, whether it comes in a voice tinged with kindness or with ire. the former is strange, though.

the girl winces slightly at his question, knowing she will have to answer--but that her response, if truthful, will give her away. a lie to a man, though, would be an even more egregious sin. addison, sir, she murmurs, letting the two words and four syllables fall to the ground like rain, cold and small. i. . .

addison turns her eyes to his face, though focusing on a spot just south of his left ear, upon his cheek. please, sir, i beg of you. . .don't tell anyone i was here, she pleads softly, trying to maintain some shred of dignity. i know i am in no position to command you, nor ask any favors. . . i only ask that you show me mercy. please forget you saw me here, hunting.

her blood is filled with ice. not the good kind, either, the coolness that kept her above the rest. it is the sickening submission that came from somewhere primal, hammered into the genes of odolfs for generations. it is all that she has ever known.
It had been confirmed with her posture and wordage the predicament she was in. He wanted to look over her body to see had she been maimed in horrendous ways by whoever kept her prisoned in their customs, but she had met his face with her own gaze ; had he looked her over, the girl might shy away even more.

“I won’t,” he assured her with a promise. Hell, he didn’t know anyone around this area and rather than give the girl up, he’d want to find out as much about them as possible. “Who are your family? Do you have shelter?” Obviously she had a place to go; others scents had been upon her. But he wanted to not be physically intrusive. If she felt free enough to speak of it, then she was free to do so to him. “You do not have to hold your tongue around me, Addison. You live a different life than I.”

To assist her, he gave a piece of his own identity if it helped move her. “I an Cry.”
too many questions. too many questions. and he knows too much, already. she shakes her head rapidly, gaze trained on the ground. sorry again, sir, she whispers, stepping backward. i must be going, now.

without another word, she spins and trots away, tail between her legs. her heart pounds with fear at the thought that he might pursue. her ears swivel backward, listening for his thundering approach.
Gonna finalize this beautiful piece - Thanks so much you marshmallow of gold<3

Cry watched as her structure deconstructed right before his eyes. It seemed he had played it too forward, even though he considered it a subtle card. But as one who didn’t speak much, he should have known better. 

Something hideous had had made a reappearance in his heart, a dark whisper across his mind to inflate that quiet voice of his and demand her to return, to answer his questions. To keep her here, and identify much more than just herself. But with a firm shake, he pushed that past life from his mind, purged it from his heart and cast it away. His life as a Nightmare was over - that lifestyle was nothing but trouble and had no place in his current goals. 
So he let her leave, a nod being the only punctuation behind his lurking thoughts. 

And before they could come back harder, he turned himself and resumed his focus on finding the rabbits.