Wolf RPG

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Grezig did not like to go far from Neverwinter Forest. She hadn’t left it much since arriving, but she recognized the need to get out every once in a while. She and Siege had not found many recruits so far, and this worried her. Two wolves could not hold down a forest that large or expect to survive ’til spring without half-starving. They needed numbers. She moved past the open fields to the west of the forest, and within a day found herself in yet another forest. This place reminded her a bit of Neverwinter, though it wasn’t as green. There ferns on the ground, but the trunks of the trees here did not have as much moss growing on them. Still, the canopy overhead was thick, like Neverwinter’s, and that plus the closeness of all the trees did not allow as much cold air to penetrate the place. She supposed, in the back of her mind, that if they had to choose a different location, this forest would do well.

She wandered the place, sniffing at ferns here and there, and trying to pick up the scent of animals just to see what was nearby. She would have to return to Neverwinter soon and tell Siege of this place.
Careful steps were placed upon the foliage of the forest. Her nose would drift among the curling ferns, noting that soon winter would whisk them away completely and leave the lands skeletal. Something she might also become, she mused quietly, though did not ruminate on the thought. She persevered no matter her situation—she would continue to do so.

She wasn’t fond of the idea of moving further inland. There had been something serene about the coast, but the salt in the air still clung to her nose, and she gathered it was still close enough that if there had not been a forest, she would be able to see it’s vast depths still.

Pausing, the scent of the trail used by a squirrel caught her attention. She considered the length of time it would take to wait out the potential morsel and see if it would come back when the gentle paw falls of crinkling forest ground pulled her from her thoughts. She noted the thicker she-wolf—one who seemed lost in her thoughts as well, and she blinked, considering the moment of opportunity to learn more of these lands. Chuffing softly to gain her attention, much like the dark seafarer had to her earlier, she waited to see her potential acquaintance’s reaction.
sorry for this shitty reply.

Grezig looked up at the sound and saw a cream-colored wolf ahead of her. Female. Slender muzzle with green eyes. She could be considered beautiful, if Grezig were into women. “Hail,” she called out, letting her tail wag behind her and her body relax to show that she was friendly. Grezig smelled no pack on the woman, so she assumed she was a loner. A potential recruit?

But the woman, it seemed, had other plans, and avoided her. Grezig shrugged. This sort of non-response had happened to her plenty of times and she was not affected by it. She turned a different direction and they both went their separate ways.
