Wolf RPG

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the moonlight cascading over the rolling hills casts long, stretching shadows across the ground like the silhouettes of strange beasts in the night. the mayfair's own shadow drifts slowly across the landscape, but his attention is far from the earth under his paws. he moves as if in a trance, motions fluid and confident as his limbs carry him lazily to no particular destination. his attention is fixed skyward, argent gaze parting from the stars every few minutes only to assure himself that the path ahead is clear. he stops after a time, settling at the highest point of a hill with a soft sigh. somewhere far away, he hears a voice:

"you're home now. cortland... you're safe with me."

and his heart aches suddenly and fiercely for that home, though he knows it to be lost forever.
The boy has been keeping himself busy with patrols lately, but those patrols have deviated from their usual routes when he's intercepted his family members. In one case he'd trailed Hydra and then gone further south than he'd ever been, and this time he'd been tracking Jarilo until his path turned in to neutral territory; having grown disinterested in whatever his more passive brother was up to, Revui stopped short and began to mosey his way back to the mountain. He didn't want to be too far from Moonspear just in case something happened - he was hypervigilant ever since Charon had returned with half a face.

As he trailed along, Revui came upon a strong wolf-scent that didn't appear familiar. It wasn't laced with any other scent, which told him it was a lone wolf. He tried to place the smell but couldn't, since it was a stranger - there was the hope it was Yami, and that he'd discover her in the middle of nowhere and return to the mountain with her in tow, and that's what pulled him off course across the terrace.

He paused when he caught sight of the figure; they looked young, and they had a golden tone to their fur that he could make out even from this great distance, and that made Revui pick up his pace. The boy stopped abruptly when he was closer and the figure was more defined, because it wasn't Yami. He couldn't see the messy silver or brown tones that their twin carried, and the stranger was peering skyward — at what? He looked up at the open sky, but couldn't see anything besides the stars; for a moment he was fixated on them, but didn't let himself become distracted for long. Revui fixed the stranger in his shrewd gaze and with a huff, gave a sharp sound to garner their attention.
the grief in his heart weighs heavily on him, and he does not notice the approach of the other wolf until his sharp demand for attention pierces his thoughts. he sucks in a breath, tensing momentarily as he turns his head to look at the stranger. he's met first with green eyes, and he can only blink, a little startled by the prettiness of the color — but then he remembers there is a wolf attached to those eyes, and he notices the rest of him all at once. bulky and grey, younger than himself but already larger; an intimidating wolf, no doubt. he chuffs softly in return, dipping his head in greeting with ears folding passively against his skull and tail swishing slightly against the ground.
Revui is not a bright boy. He isn't attuned to his own emotions in the same way as others his age, having spent the bulk of his childhood trying to master all things physical instead. He was a long way from being a real warrior despite his innate strength, but that also meant that his emotional development was years behind too. Yet, when the golden boy hears his call and looks his way, even the emotionally dead Revui can see a weight pressing down upon him. Sense a sorrow in the sharp look that they share. Briefly he entertains the concept that this golden boy might be ill; there is something off about him, and without having any idea what that is (nor how to identify it), Revui is wary on his approach. He isn't afraid of what he sees in the boy exactly, but his struggle to understand at first glance has him curious. He drifts closer, sniffing the air as if that will grant him clues, but doesn't speak.