Wolf RPG

Full Version: in the wake of my name ( worth 1 roomful of kings )
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paging @Antumbra but open to anyone!

the journey back drageda was long. her wounds from the war have long since healed. her decision to stay had been temporary — clean up of a war took time and it was nice to see her mother and father again. it was better to unload the weight of her hatred and disownment of her littermates to gyda. the change from eske to blodreina came after the war. red queen. blood queen. it started as a joke: something druna called her in passing, surely meant to annoy her ( it worked, blodreina has a history of finding her siblings annoying ) until she decided that she liked it enough to change her name; thus winning her the upper paw with her younger sister.

goodbyes had been easier this time around and unburdened of things she had wished to speak to her mother of ( which also included loving and losing kendra ) she left her parents and younger siblings behind to return to heda and drakru. it is not the same being away from them and she feels a hollow absence in her chest of missing. the closer she draws to drageda's borders the more at home she begins to feel. with each step, the aching soothes.

drageda is her true home. it always was and it always will be.

she stops a respectful distance away from the borders, feeling strange being on the other side of them. she tips her head back and calls for heda.
popping in here real quick

He was patrolling when the call for Heda rang out. It was a voice he didn't recognize, and for a moment, his hackles rose as he thought The Worst. Quickly tempering that inclination, he instead trotted toward the sound, ears swiveling on the way in search of Antumbra. He saw a well-built woman at the borders, and swallowed every word that rose in his throat.

It had occurred to Vercingetorix that maybe he ought to be a little more, well, professional. It was all fine and dandy to be a flirt and pest elsewhere, but perhaps not in his official role at Drageda. Was this growing up? Fuck, adulting sucked.

Verx gave the woman a brusque nod and a beaming smile before returning his face to something more businesslike, sizing her up. Hei, he said, still listening for Heda's approach. She'll be with us shortly, I'm sure. He didn't want to start the ball rolling on conversation until his commander arrived, so that no details were missed by the assembled party.
She hadn’t really fought since the war but both of her sons have gotten so big in her absence, turning them into a worthy opponent. They’ve done well in her absence, as much as can be expected, but she can help fine tune their abilities. It is @Tux this day that she throws around with, knocking him to the ground in one swift movement as a familiar call tickles her ears.

Immediately, her head bolts upright and she pulls away from the growing brute on the ground. She doesn’t say anything aside from a quick glance of her eyes before pulling away and heading toward the borders.

Vercingetorix’s dark form is there and just beyond him she sees Eske. A grin splits her muzzle as she steps up, joining the duo.

”Eske! It is good to see you again,” she adds. It hasn’t been terribly long since they’ve last seen each other and deep down she knew the woman would return to her rightful home. ”I assume Sangeda is back to normal?” she questions, glancing to Vercingetorix for only a second before giving her attention back to the battle worn woman.
it does not take long until blodreina is greeted by a face that is vaguely familiar to her. she suspects that he doesn't initially recognize her and she lets out a low snort after her hei in return. ❝do i really look so different clean of our enemy's blood?❞ blodreina teases him with a low chuckle brewing in her throat but otherwise shrugs off the fact that he didn't recognize her. it wasn't as if they'd spent a lot of time together, after all. sea-glass green-blue gaze moves past vercingetorix to heda who's approach is swift. the grin that her commander wears as she is greeted warms blodreina from within and she holds onto the blossom of the rare feeling in her chest.

❝and you heda,❞ blodreina returns with a wag of her tail after a display of submission is given to the commander. ❝yes,❞ blodreina replies with a soft smile and a lofty shrug of her shoulders. ❝i don't think they really needed me but they indulged me until i was ready to return.❞ and it was good — to catch up with them and meet her younger siblings officially. ❝and i've changed my name,❞ she isn't sure how to bring it up and it feels a little awkward as she draws it to attention now a bit randomly. she's not embarrassed per say but she's been eske all her life prior to ( very ) recently. ❝i go by blodreina now. druna started calling me blodreina as a joke and i decided i liked it enough to keep it.❞ she informs the pair with a slow, sheepish grin tugging at the edges of her lips.
Sha, he bluffed, feeling sheepish. They obviously knew each other, but her face had totally slipped his mind. It had been a long few moons, goddamn. He shifted awkwardly, glad when Heda showed up and the two began conversing.

Blodreina, Verx said with a whistle, grinning. Very fierce. And now I don't have to ask you for your name again. He made a face at her before falling silent, waiting for Antumbra to speak again.

The training frustrates him and fulfills him at the same time.  There is only so much growing he was capable of doing in the absence of heda, and he feels that now she is back there is so much he has missed out on.  He has a good-natured scowl on his face as the call rings out, and he takes a minute to gather himself as heda sets off.

He is late to the summons, but arrives nonetheless.  It is his duty as a prospective rauna to watch these interactions with the outsiders, to figure out the right questions to ask and when.  He is ... a little disappointed to find that this is not one of them, and the realization dawns upon him that he will likely not be allowed to test himself against her.  Still he stands back, eyes set upon the stranger who addresses herself as Blodreina.

Feel free to skip me if I'm holding things up, or ping me in Discord. I'd love to use this for trade stuff.
Her ear twitches when she notes Tux’s approach, listening as Eske—Blodreina—speaks about her time with her family. It had been nice seeing wolves she hadn’t seen in a long time, proving to them she is still capable. Their recent win helps solidify both parties she is doing the right thing and losing her family over this only fuels her to prove it even more.

“It seems to be a theme after war,” she says with a grin. Fighting against an enemy is thrilling and doing so with wolves that know your style, can match her antics just as easily, turns out far more successful than trying to fight with the common wolf. The Redhawks are not warriors and Blackfeather was hardly an opponent. “Thuringwethil has been shed for Antumbra," she pauses then moves on, “I am glad you’re home.” Her smile widens and her tail twitches above her spine, gesturing Blodreina to set foot on her home turf once more.
i'm lazy and don't feel like grabbing my color code so just assume that speech text is in trigedasleng.

a flick of blodreina's ear is given as vercingetorix whistles and claims her name sounds very fierce. was he flirting with her? she's not very good at picking up clues regardless of how obvious they were but even so she's not sure how she'd feel about it since she thought she'd heard that he was her father's brother ...which would make him her uncle. maybe it was another wolf — blodreina didn't pay much attention to things like 'blood family'. as long as they were loyal to heda and they proved themselves as part of the kru then they were family blood or otherwise.

tux makes an appearance in the background — the last time she'd seen him he'd been a wee pup. it was almost alarming to seen him grown up ...but she hides the start of surprise and her attention is easily reclaimed by heda. i am glad to be home, heda. blodreina responds truthfully, crossing over the borders into her home. so what has happened in my absence? blodreina asks of the wolves gathered, not really minding which one answered.
Had he been able to read her mind, he would have one hundred percent concurred with the sentiment that his coming onto her was strange, at the very least, given their relation. But he'd completely forgotten that she was Gavriel's daughter, and so yeah, he totally was flirting with her. Should probably dial it back, now that Heda was here.

Sweet baby Jesus, would he feel like an ass upon figuring it out.

I just got here, Vercingetorix said, shrugging and turning toward. . .well, shit, Antumbra had been gone, too. Tux? He was just a kid, but an observant one, at that. His bi-colored eyes landed on the boy--with no great pressure, he would add hastily had he been writing this description instead of his human.
Blodreina asks about the happenings since their departure and while she has been gone just as long as she (albeit a few weeks short) but she’s been filled in enough to offer the happenings as of late. Their prospective neighbors, Wildfire’s departure, and whatever she can accurately recall from before their arrival.

“Come, let’s get you fed and some rest,” she urges, turning to dismiss the boys before leading Blodreina back to Hougeda.