Wolf RPG

Full Version: i empty myself with light until i become morning
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Antumbra has taken the time to rest from her travel, eat until her belly is full, and train with her remaining sons. Artaax’s absence has not gone unnoticed. Tux hasn’t mentioned his older brother having gone with Wildfire and Kiwi (the third wheel has already been forgotten, despite her relationship with Dio, and she hopes to find answers sooner than later. He’s a strong man, turning into his second year of life. He’s been devoted to Drageda since birth and she doesn’t suspect his loyalties have changed.

He’ll come home, she tells herself. She’ll have answers. He hasn’t deserted them too. Her jaw tightens, unknowingly grinding her teeth together.

In an attempt to distract herself, she finds her way toward the sound. The trees that arch protectively around the landscape hold most of her attention and the direct path she takes. Leaving Drageda isn’t in the forefront of her mind but she feels confident enough and if Blixen has desires to lay claim nearby, then so be it. New smells linger but her attention searches one in particular, making sure the brute that tried to join hasn’t loitered longer than his welcome, but otherwise she moves with purpose when she does not locate it.
making some assumptions, tags for reference!

It seemed as though the sea witch was loathe to leave the shore, and Rosalyn was torn.  She couldn't forget the fear the beast had inspired, and how it had chased her through the caves of this very grotto.  What if it were to return?  She'd told these worries only to @Erzulie, but hadn't counted herself whether they were enough to warrant departing.  They needed the security of a group going into these harsher months, and it was too late now to look elsewhere.  A bit funny that those she once counted friends were all enemies, and it was with her enemy she now lived.

Looking for some time to think, she left her lover and strode towards the edge of the territory, maybe to hunt.  There wasn't a lot since they were passing into leaner times, but a squirrel or a bird maybe if she passed into the fields above.

She made it nearly to the border when she was forced to stop, frozen, as a familiar shape showed itself.  Her hackles rose, but she didn't move.  She'd told Erzulie of her past with the wolves of Drageda as well, at least as much as needed told, and of this woman.  She supposed she shouldn't be surprised to see her here; they were closer to the cliffs than Stavanger Bay had been.  Perhaps she was just passing by.
Her long strides don’t come to a stop until she notes something familiar on the wind. It isn’t Eurycrates, or anyone else in Drageda (as she suspects many have started to really settled on their outskirts, but one that causes the cold, angry meteor to arise and smolder. She thinks of Wildfire and the many others that have left their borders. Of the last time she’d seen this woman, and the time before that.

Antumbra’s lips curl slightly as she turns her head, locating the sudden source in view. A growl lingers in the depth of her chest as she prowls forward toward the red deer stuck in headlights.

”Is one warning not enough,” she bears lowly, licking her lips and angling her posture forward. Each new step is slow and catlike, carefully one in front of the other. Should Rosalyn run, she’ll be on her heels in seconds to teach the lesson she hasn’t quite gotten the last time they came upon one another.
She was tired of fighting, and of justifying her right to exist in these lands where packs and predators seemed to dwell every mile.  So she supposed it was wishful thinking to assume that Thuringwethil would let her go unaccosted.

Apparently not, if you plan on giving another.  But I'm not sure what you are warning.  I want nothing to do with your pack, she returned, standing still, tensed.  She didn't want to fight the larger woman.  Last time had made it fairly clear she was outmatches, her own lessons of survival and necessity nothing much when matched against a commander's skill.  But she could hardly run now.
Antumbra’s slow steps cease when she is only a few yards away. The last time she’d been this close she’d been aiming for something vital. Restraint in this moment proves strong, her form a slight sway of anticipation. All the buildup since her return is begging, itching, screaming for some release. Part of her wants to make a wrong move. The occasional spars with the other warriors isn’t cutting it anymore.

“Then stay away,” she growls, her ankle twitching but it’s not apparent whether she’s coming or going. “This is ours.”. This. The coast. The fields. The sound. Traitors did not linger nearby as if they’d done nothing wrong. They don’t hunt them down. They are not worth the effort and resources, dependent entirely on their proximity and the cliffs are just over her shoulder. Leave.”
Rosalyn was never stupid, but nor was she ever particularly good at rolling over.  A lot of her life had so far consisted of others attempting to use her, of seeing her worth only so far as what they obtained from it.  Her time in Drageda had felt much the same; what can you give.. What do you owe us.

She owed them nothing.  And this woman had no right to call her a traitor.  To be a traitor you have to at one time have been loyal. Rosalyn said in a level tone, though she knew where this was going.  She was tired, and she was done.  No.  A silent apology to Erzulie; she wondered briefly, oddly calm, if her lover had known what she was getting herself into, traveling with a pariah.
At this point, Rosalyn could have begged for forgiveness, offered to leave and never come back, and it would be for naught. She does not see even see her. Her fur has moved from dark burgundy to bright, fiery red, much smaller and slight. The hardened anger she’s suppressed since she’s arrived home has unfurled and taken over, tendrils leeching out and grabbing on to every inch of her.

Wildfire has never been loyal. Antumbra’s chest rises and falls heavily, muscles twitching.


The beast launches though not to chase. Her jaws part as she flies across their shortened distance, aiming to latch hard on her scruff and force her to the ground. No, this time Wildfire isn’t leaving. Not until she says so.
Rosalyn had been expecting to be attacked for her words, past experience had shown the other wolf had a loose trigger and a savage streak.  But she had no idea what was going on in her previous commander's life and was not prepared for the speed or intensity to the attack.  

She caught hold of her scruff alright, and slammed her into the ground with a force that made her head swim.  She made a disoriented attempt to struggle away, then turned her head to snap at whatever was in range, panicked and furious in equal measure.

She'd had reservations from the go in settling so close to so many enemies.  Now there was time to regret not voicing them sooner.

i rolled a one yikes
PP w/ permission!

The woman, Wildfire (not Wildfire), collapses to the ground. Her teeth latch onto scruff and hold on, piercing flesh until she’s satisfied with she isn’t letting go, and bears all weight upon her. Legs buckle beneath her and she hits hard. Antumbra stays still for a moment while Rosalyn struggles. Teeth connect to her shoulder and she feels the pull but holds off, gritting her teeth a little bit harder and shakes her like a pup with a toy until she’s still. Whether or not she continues goes unnoticed and she uses all her energy to focus on her hold.

A slight movement of her back feet, pushing her to the other side, and she lifts her by the scruff and with all she has, slams her front end—head and all—into the cold-hardened ground.
Her opponent is too large, and Rosalyn's wirey form unsuited to fighting pinned.  She squirmed, desperate now to get loose, but she can't even call out with the grip the other has.  She should have been more ready, and now she's pinned.

Her breath was struggling from the chokehold and the shaking, but still she attempted to squirm out.  If she could just... get... loose.  She could run, and she'd have a chance.

Then she felt herself lifted, and abruptly there was nothing.
What little struggle the other gives is fought against but there isn’t much and as she makes the final slam, the body goes limp. Antumbra doesn’t let go for several long moments, breathing heavily through a mouthful of fur and making sure there isn’t any activity left in the twitching form. Dark eyes scan without letting go, glancing to the left and right. Blood fills her nose to prevent neighboring scents.

When satisfied the woman is unconscious (for she hadn’t intended to kill her and her chest rises and falls with labor), Antumbra begins to haul her back toward the borders of Drageda.