Wolf RPG

Full Version: all the trees of the field will clap their hands
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Aptly named for the sprawling oaks and towering elms that cast it entirely into shadow, Shadewood is a popular location for predator and prey alike in the muggy heat of summer, and the canopy catches much of the snow of winter.

For @Sequoia! Backdated a day.

As Mwe stepped through the threshold of the wood, he shook the snowfall from his thick winter coat. Perhaps it was a trick of the mind, but tucked away from the swirling snow— none of which reached the loam of the forest floor, so protected by a thick canopy of hibernating deciduous and layered evergreen as it was— it felt warmer here. More likely, it was due to the protection from the biting and howling winter winds.

He shuffled through the forest, scouting a makeshift den-site where he might make his home for a time. Mwe could smell the presence of wolves, but nothing overpowering, and nothing particularly recent. Still, he would be careful, for there was no way of truly knowing if this land were wilderness or simply a rarely-patrolled portion of claimed territory.e
Sequoia knew, at least on some level, that she wasn't supposed to leave the plateau by herself. Then again, she had never been much for rules or regulations. She was an adult, and nobody could tell her otherwise. Besides, she was Drakru now. That meant she'd earned her first trade, and scouting was her jam. If she couldn't practice that, what kind of scout would she be?! Not a very good one, she thought.

So out and about she was, exploring the surrounding territories, back in her element. She did kind of wish @Kiwi or @Buckshot had come along, but when she smelled a stranger, those thoughts went away. Hi there! she greeted, chipper as ever. He was a bright teal to her nose, and she immediately took a liking to his scent.

She must've spooked him, because he took off without a word. Seq shrugged, going about her day as usual.