Wolf RPG

Full Version: thank u next bitch
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With a new territory comes new exploration and though Mallaidh has explored the ins and outs of the tangle, there is much to be seen surrounding it. It had taken a while to map the territories surrounding Drageda and she’s spent a little time in the taiga but not enough to benefit on the true exploration. If they were going to live somewhere new, they had to know what surrounds them should something happen.

And knowing Drageda, something always happened.

Mallaidh tightens her jaw, lowering her nose to the snow covered ground. There’s disturbed footsteps that reveal the buried ash below and she carries a mix of ice and soot attached to her without much care. The last time she’d been here hadn’t been that pleasant but it doesn’t look the same and she can pretend it something different, for a little while.

With snow covering the tip of her nose, she jerks to attention when the sound of a shriek in the distance breaks the overall silence of the rise.
max fucked up. she had for sure lost her guide and now she was officially lost. the girl wasn’t an awful tracker, but she wasn’t the best either. just get to the plateau, she thought, and you can find your way from there. well she couldn’t even do that right, so now she just roamed from place to place, hoping she’d find any sign of the coast.

she found herself in a desolate world. it reeked of soot and death. it felt like ghosts haunted this forest. a shrill caused her to yip and jump back. nope, nope, gotta get the fuck outta here.

max picked up the pace but a silhouette in the distant stopped her. this person might be dangerous, but they might have directions. she was kinda desperate to get home at this point so she barked to get its attention.
Her fur bristles in response to the shriek, ears pinned back against her head. At first, she isn’t sure she heard it. A look around shows no other signs of life but the call had been distance and, possibly, in her head. It doesn’t happen again, accept—

Mallaidh jerks again, turning to look down the rise at another wolf after they bark across the distance. Is that the one that screamed a moment ago? If not, did they hear it too? Uncertain what to make of it, Mallaidh picks her way down a little with a curious bark of her own.