Wolf RPG

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Revui had disappeared, though his trail at least led somewhere unlike Yami's. The fate of his sister was still unknown and it unsettled Lyra, thinking back to Galaxy. It seemed every litter was fated to have at least one who wouldn't make it to adulthood - Korei being the exception, though that was a miracle in itself. Thankfully, Revui was more than competent on his own it seemed, but he had only just recovered from an attack. Lyra didn't want to have to heal him all over again.

So she headed coastwards towards a deep forest. Her brother's scent was old and faint - the snow did not help either - but she knew she could always call on @Hydra's tracking abilities should she need. With a determined gait, the Ostrega delve into the weald to continue her search, becoming shrouded in shadow from the setting sun.
she had left behind the man she had helped previously. it had to be a few days now, yet she could not hope to track him now - even if she wanted to. Huntington was still seeking some form of 'base' for herself. someplace heavy with flora and with obese, slow prey. someplace near running water. plenty of cover as well. a rich area was sought. she was careful not to tread on pack land; the scent of many wolves caused her to turn in the opposite direction. 

though she had met several wolves raised in communities thus far, the woman was not keen to commit herself easily. by chance now, she seems to have met another. pale gaze flickered to the darker coated female, though she did not so much wave her over than ignore her at first. the setting sun made the area bleaker, if even possible. "greetings" the other seemed to be searching for something. that is what she assumed from her gait. 

to be somewhat polite, she moved to the side to allow the other passage. she had been standing a few paces away, the other coming toward her it seemed. Huntington would wait until she passed by, seeing no outward link to diving further into an unwanted conversation. 

A figure materialised before her out of the darkness, the shock of white that enveloped her skull demanding Lyra's attention. The girl paused mid-step and straightened with her ears thrust forward, immediately curious of the stranger. She had odd marks upon her face, deliberate spots that fanned from her glowing yellow eyes, different from the chaotic mess of freckles that adorned her sister's and father's muzzles. How odd. She was somewhat reminded of an opossum.

"Hello," she answered stiffly, noting the polite side step. Normally, she would have taken her leave here, seeing no point in further conversation with the stranger (besides, she had much more fun when said stranger was a handsome man), but this time was different. She was on a hunt. Lyra regarded the other with a tilt of head before adding, "have you seen a boy around here? Large and grey, green eyes?" Probably biting some unfortunate creature.
the other regarded her however brief her own words had been. a reply was given, a short greeting, though not much else. two people passing each other in the near-night was not uncommon. she could scent many on the stranger's coat, leading her to believe she belonged to a pack. whether it was in the area or not, she did not seem to care enough to ask. Huntington's eyes drifted to the woman again as she asked her question. a slow smile broke face.

that was not quite a unique, ah, description. it could apply to many other 'boys'. yet she was behaving herself for now. she would not bite out a sarcastic reply. not unless given reason. "you are the first I have come across here" she spoke quietly, giving the other nothing important. not unless she desired a detailed list of wolves she had met thus far. there was the dark woman with the lighter paws she had seen in her first night, but other than that there were many others.

"who is it you seek? one of your family, a friend or a packmate?" she asked in return. 

She gave an unhelpful reply (unaware of how unhelpful her description of Revui was), and Lyra felt her jaw tighten indignantly. She could have emphasised just how large this boy was, or that he had wounds that no doubt had not healed completely yet, but she remained silent instead, acting as if the stranger could read minds. She looked her up and down once more. She was small and thin enough to convince Lyra she was a loner - and had been for quite some time.

"My brother," she answered, slowly beginning to start forwards again and motioning for the woman to follow if she wished. "He has...a tendency for getting into trouble, I want to make sure he's okay." She was sure he was fine, he had proven himself well. Lyra simply wanted to talk to him about the importance of not immediately taking off and reopening wounds that she had only just finished tending to, damnit!
the other woman seemed displeased with her words. yet it didn't take a genius to see that. the jaw tightened as if biting back a snapping reply. Huntington merely stared at her. she had done nothing - albeit her own information was useless - but reply to her question. she had, in essence, worked with what she had been given. no name, no details... ninety percent of the wolf population was grey. even her base coat was such the hue. her dead eyes seemed to bulge a bit as if not widening but merely interest had been piqued. somewhat.

my brother came the reply, still, no name had been given. the woman walked forward, continuing. the skull-mask bobbed a bit as she turned, her hips swaying in tune to her steps as she walked after the other. she was dreadfully bored, so why not give the woman the time of day? there was no harm. she had not met the other for a long period of time, unaware that this brother had been met by her and treated as well, and could not recall the scent anyway. "then, is he injured?" she asked bluntly. trouble could mean anything.

or was he merely just a lost soul? her mind drifted to the scene she had happened upon earlier; blood spilled upon the earth and the smell of many panicking wolves. yet she could not remember where the exact location was now.

They two began to head deeper into the woods, Lyra's nose twitching all the while. The woman beside her had a wild scent that overpowered Revui's distant trail, but she was certain he was heading this way anyway. She would find it again once she had gained some sort of information from the other, which didn't seem to be a lot so far. Her flat voice sounded, asking a question, and Lyra nodded. "Yes. Recently attacked by a member of another pack. I fixed him up, but the fool decided running off again was a better idea." She gave an annoyed huff.
this was becoming old, very fast. Huntington had been patient. perhaps could even say she had the patience of a saint. she had gifted her time to assist this woman in hunting down her brother, yet no name had been given. no means of identification. their own stubbornness clashed with her aloofness. she did not even know the title of this woman and did not even bother to ask. why would she, because when it came down to it; she did not care. it was quite simple.

perhaps a petty part of her existed then, for she did not give her dubbing either. she strolled in the exhaustion the other seemed to have toward her. building it. waiting for it. a snap. some form of knowledge given, some anger, something. and then it was gone in a flash. Huntington decided if she would not cooperate, she would simply leave the other here to search for the missing boy. "I cannot assist you" came to her quiet tones "if I do not know the name of this boy."

all she was doing was following after the woman, involving herself in her own way. it was clear she was a newcomer to this landscape. identifying the pack scent the other held was foreign to her. she did not know any packs and knew deeply no one. "I do not even know how much help I may give" she went on evenly "for I am quite new to this realm." ah, was that so difficult to admit? perhaps a bit.
I cannot assist you. Lyra's temper rocketed, and she nearly turned and bared her fangs, the demand then leave me be! dying on her tongue as the woman continued quietly with a reasonable enough request. Her voice was steady, soft, and the Ostrega couldn't figure out if she genuinely wanted to help or not. "Revui," she answered after a beat, though doubted she would know his name even if she had met her brother; he was the silent, simple type who kept information tight to his chest just like his kin.

Her admission that she was a newcomer was not a surprise, and Lyra felt a knowing smile cross her features as she gave a glance to the pink-nosed woman. "I thought as much," she said with a nonchalant shrug. "Where did you come from? Travelling during winter is a brave decision." And by brave she meant really stupid.
unfortunately for the other, she had not been given the name of the man she had assisted days prior. she had simply left him after tending briefly to his wounds. he had insisted he was fine - though she had her doubts. though the man was grey with green eyes. and this woman claimed he had been injured. Huntington had enough intelligence to piece two and two together. what a fine red fate thread this had become.

"at the coast" she began, unflinching at the other's temper "I met a young man. he had a wound upon his breast. monochrome, green eyes..." Huntington did not bother to think this would give the other false hope, yet it was enough to give. "his name was not gifted to me. however, I believe this is your Revui." the coast seemed to be far from this area, however, and days had passed. many of them. if she could not pick up the young man's scent on her own, well it would be difficult for another.

she also doubted the other cared too deeply on the reply of where she had been. a number of options and tells could be given now. "I am here, and that is all that matters, no?" Huntington replied instead. many could perish in the winter travel. she had not. she had survived. it was clear the woman was not going to get the answer out so easily. she preferred not to speak of her past. "if he is indeed your brother" she carried on effortlessly "his wound is clean." there was no pride in her tone after admitting this. only a lingering suggestion she had assisted him.

Ah, so she had met someone. Slowly, she drew to a stop and listening intently as the woman explained. She spoke in a strange, formal matter which reminded Lyra of that stoic woman who had served as a guard for the Morningside pack. She had left a sour taste in her mouth, and this stranger was no different. Slightly more mysterious perhaps, but no less off-putting. Her information was welcome, however. The fact that this man had not given her his name was a good sign that this was indeed her brother.

The woman didn't offer anything in response to Lyra's question, instead shooting back a vague statement that left her irked. While it was true some wolves faired the wilds alone much easier than most, to a pack wolf who had been born and raised amongst family, the very notion seemed like insanity. The thought of extending an offer to join Moonspear's ranks did not even enter her mind; she already knew Hydra would not approve. She was too small. Too strange.

"I will search the coast, then," she said, as the conversation shifted back to Revui's whereabouts; it was obvious the woman didn't wish to share her secrets. Whatever. She didn't even care anyway (but that was a lie, the girl was burning with a desire to know). The fact that his wound was clean gave her some relief, but she felt a pang of possessiveness. "You cleaned it?" she said. It was as much a statement as it was a question. She didn't look the healer type.
she had absolutely little to no desire to share herself with a complete stranger. let the people that had nothing to hide share freely, or perhaps even too much. let the fools have their conversations about little else but the weather and other such fancies. "I did" she focused entirely on the other's incredulous tone. though the young man had cleaned his own coat and she applied a coat of Balsamorhiza sap to prevent infection, she had done her job in an acceptable manner. "should I have not?" 

leaving her with that, she turned easily from the woman. stalking forward without her. not allowing her to put off her personal search of her kin. if Huntington had someone to search for her in such a way, she would not want them to be idle. though the fact remained; this Revui did not return to his brood. she chose not to point that out. "I wish you luck" she decided upon giving her that if anything. her tone left little to whether she actually did. "should I see him, I will let him know you look." he could not have gotten very far.

it was clear she was leaving the other woman here. the coast was still far away, and Huntington had business to attend to in this area. she would not keep the searching sister, and should they choose to be offended by it... that was her concern, not the skull-clad woman's. in a small part, deep within her dead heart, she was allowing the woman to continue without being burdened by a companion. she disappeared easily into the blackness of the woodland, exiting the area in which the woman had found her.

Thank you for the thread! :D

Should I have not? Lyra felt her eyes narrow slightly against her will. No, came a resounding voice within her mind, her controlling nature coming to a head. However, the tiny, rational part of her tucked deep away supposed it was a necessary thing to do. She wasn't thankful to the woman, but she was glad at least Revui wasn't running around with infected wounds. If his bullheadedness didn't kill him, it would be nature itself that did the job.

The stranger than wished her luck and turned, though Lyra doubted very much that neither of her parting statements were genuine. She watched with stifled infuriation as the odd woman sauntered off, melding back into the shadowy depths of the forest. She remained rooted to the spot even as her soft footfalls grew distant, turning only when she was satisfied the foreigner was far enough away. Good riddance. The Ostrega then headed back to Moonspear, keen to relay the information and continue her search for her brother.