Wolf RPG

Full Version: Frolicking In The Meadowsss
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Korei Julia went away from the area of the pack. This had been the first time doing so, since Alarian had disappeared. Still the scar weighed on her, but she also knew that she could not stay all cooped up there. Yet she did not venture too far, going to the nearby territory. Wandering through the trees, looking around...

Until she came to it. A meadow. She realized she knew this place...this was the place she got help after the cougar attack. Korei sighed, standing in the meadow. Feeling the air around her, going across her fur. She truly had come far.
there was a commotion off in the distance where the forest met the meadow. a great squall, the flapping of wings and shrieking of birds as they took flight, the shifting of boughs as they were released of their tension. beneath the trees roamed a dark shape, careening between the trees but without a discernable shape — not until it broke away from the grove and veered across the meadow's edge.

the birds were having a fit; most of the older ones settled without any fuss upon other branches, but the younger members of the starling flock were zipping away as fast as the wind could take them. they twisted as a murmuration away from the wolf. their movements were reminiscent of a school of fish avoiding a shark, creating a halo of emptiness around the man's path as he moved in to the meadow.

he was panting heavily; his heart was pounding in his ears, but a smile painted his face with gaity, and he was too preoccupied watching the chaos he'd created to bother noticing the girl idling nearby.
She looked up, as something was happening. Birds were flying about, as if disturbed. Quickly she curled up, trying to tuck herself away against the ground. Her eyes frightful, full of fear now. Something was coming, something dangerous enough to disturb all the birds. 

Till something came out, panting...another wolf. Still she was frightful, but at least she watched with some interest now. Remaining rather quiet, watching the other wolf from where she was in the meadow.
Once the wolf was free of the trees it was possible to see him, to observe the man's deep chest expand and contract with his many breaths; before long his heart had returned to an average pace and he had no shortness of breath, perhaps a clue towards his good health (certainly his athleticism). The birds made one collective twist together and returned to their forest, settling with their many layered calls among the trees.

The man wanted to dive in to the woods again and keep playing this game; he took a deep breath and stretched, joints clicking softly as he worked his wiry limbs, then shook off - mentally prepping for another bolt at the grove of trees - but then he noticed a pale shape not far off. The longer he focused on it the more canine it presented. He realized that it was a wolf and they were cowering against the ground. Briefly their eyes met; she became a bit bolder and approached to investigate, and the swarthy boy merely smiled for her.

Dia duit ansin! He called to her; for now the game of chasing the birds was waylayed. Any man worth his soul knew to be courteous when beautiful women came crawling out of the woodwork. Boyt ye miss? So'tiz a gran' day ter be oyt an' aboyt, aye?
Korei Julia watched the wolf with her light gaze falling upon them, from beyond the meadow's grass. But with her white fur, she stood out. She kept her as still as possible, holding her breath as the wolf seemed to turn to her. That earned a surprised gasp from her, when the male set his gaze on her. Suddenly she was thinking this venture was a bad idea. 

She stayed low still as they approached, then he was talking...strangely talking. Her head lifted a bit, trying to understand. "I...um...I don't..." Korei tried to get out, stumbling over her own words. "I...can't understand?"
My, she was a pretty thing, but beauty often came with a price; no sooner had the man spoken and the girl looked utterly lost. Beyond that, even. She spoke and he understood well enough thanks to the lackluster tone of her voice (a pity really), and he smiled warmly all the same. A timid creature - but he had no intention of harming her, so boldly closed the distance regardless of her neuroticism.

Apologees misses, I ferget m'voice is hard to hear to those not used ta it, enunciated the traveller as best he could; he had the same enthusiastic timber to his voice but took some time to make himself sound more palatable. Whether it worked or not was another story. Still, he eagerly imposed a question: Ah, no need ta be so fidgety lass, or are ya always sucha deer? 

It was meant more as an observation of course. Me name is Cinqefoil; wot might I call ye lassie? Besides terrified, cos that be clearly unfair.
Korei kept herself curled up, her tail hiding her face and it's features except for her eyes, peeking out from the fur. The other came closer, and she tried to shrink down further. But she couldn't, not further. Then, he spoke,and in a language she could understand, no less. 

Her ears flicked at that, a deer? "I...I am not fidgety...just not so well with strangers" she murmured quietly, peeking her face up just enough to not be speaking into her tail. 

She wouldn't have shared her name, had he not asked. But Korei, she was raised to be polite. "Korei...Korei Julia" she answered back.
Korei! What a name. He wondered if it had a meaning but didn't think too hard on the subject; she was talking a bit more now and remained a bit skittish, but if Cinqefoil was anything, he was a pushy son-of-a-bitch and was more than willing to press her for further conversation. He was new to these parts after all, and the wanderer needed to know where he was.

Ah, well I am not a stranger now! He pointed out with a grin. Anois, I would appreciate knowin' where I am, lass. What is this place? He took his attention away from her as he spoke and made a show of looking around, striding eagerly in one direction then another, his head up and eyes roaming.
A stranger. If she didn't know he wasn't from here, Korei definitely realized by now. And she felt slightly less comforted by the fact. She never had a way with strangers. Always went bad, in some way, so still the pale wolfess was wary of the male. "Th-This is near a pack, Easthollow...I don't know the name of this place here, e-exactly..."

Then something occured to her, and her soft heart opened up slightly. Korei Julia tilted her head a bit. "Are...are you lost?" she asked to the male. She wanted to help, if he was.