Wolf RPG

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it's funny. the brain has a vast capacity for knowledge. when you fit a whole bunch of subjects in there, there isn't much room for a lot of details. you know a little about a lot.

cam was currently in the opposite boat. the one subject he could write a thesis on was milk. hell, he didn't even know the word "milk," just the concept of it. rich, sweet, wet, warm. milk. his days and nights revolved around it. it was best to stay close, because some nipples seemed better than others, and his two squirmy companions really liked to hog the prime teats.

today, he drank a lot of milk. so much milk that the pup lay flat on his round, bloated belly, legs askew, half-asleep. the heat radiating off his mother was sufficient enough, not to mention the little bit from his siblings as well. like a cat in the sun, he aimlessly dozed.

no thoughts, no feelings. nothing but ruminations on the eighth wonder of the world, glorious, glorious lactose. sublime. supreme.

why would anyone consume anything else, really?