Wolf RPG

Full Version: Between you and I
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AW; preferably used for Scout or Counselor .

The lumbering beast emerges from the water's grasp. Dark limbs soaked, along with the thick fur of his underbelly. Toes spread across the isle's bank, assisting in pulling his mass safely ashore. The rivers were strong from the recent rainfall, yet the Bull is stubborn enough to take the challenge. Old as his joints may be, his healthy and muscular body seal his victory in crossing. Swiftly, he begins to shake the clinging water from his coat, uncaring if any were within reach of the spray.

He was just coming back from an external perimeter dwell, making sure nobody had thought nearing the woods was a good idea. Too much was going on for Shadewood, and it all seemed to put their posse leader into a state of mind of ...what, paranoia? Morgan shook his rugged mane of earth and wood out- was seeming to get a bit tangled up without Vetty's regular goormings. He missed his girl, but she was nearing her time a' birthin, and he really wasn't trying to be in the way. She wanted her space, and yea that was respectable and all, but he knew she was a'hurtin from it. He was near when she wanted food and comfort, but when she didn't, he rode out as quick as he could. 

He guarded as good as he could, but his mind kept wandering back off to Cry, and he wondered what had stuck to him so hard. The man had changed- and he couldn't guarantee whether it was a good change, or whether he was just following another pathway down that Dutch had fallen. Cry seemed too put together ta be goin' crazeh, but...who was to say?

Seeing a wolf just as large as him surging forth through the river's isle coming towards him, he knew it to be one of their own. A fellow Keepsman- what a relief. "Howdy, frien'," he greeted the brother in arms as nice as possible. He wasn't very good at nice, but he tried, regardless.