Wolf RPG

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@Rosalie short post sorry!

Athan dipped his muzzle and paws into the water, trying to wash out the blood that was staining his silver-white fur. For once he had caught quote unquote normal prey, but he had made a bit of a mess. A lot of a mess. Despite his love and seemingly worship of that scarlet liquid, Athan was very vain about his features. He groomed himself to almost obsessive detail, checking once and twice that the red droplets had left his fur. He turned his head as best he could to look at himself. There was still more streaked to his side, so it was with great reluctance and deliberation that he immersed himself into the Lake, shivering at the mid-spring chill of the water.

Thanks for starting!

It had taken a lot of mental persuasion to coaxes the woman from her children and lover. But there was something to be said about distance. Distraction had plagued the petit female since her last conversation with Kavik, confused by the words he claimed and the relationship that had morphed between them. Had Alessia been confused in such a way, was this why there were now children she called her own? Lie had no idea and wanted nothing more than to confide in her best friend; but had yet to discover the prime opportunity to breach the subject.

This led to her distance. Unable to remain confined in the small space surrounded by her lover and her lover’s mate, Lie found herself wandering the lakes edge. She told herself the duck was the reason she was here, surely the children would admire the idea of playing with a duck. So, she went about her business, pretending to hunt, to distracted by thought to really take notice of her surroundings.
He immersed himself deeper into the Lake, walking as deep as he could before his toes lifted up. He dunked himself, once, twice. He strode out as quickly as he could, feeling the cold seeping in. He strode ashore and shuddered, shaking the water off of his body. He checked himself again, and, satisfied with his cleanliness, he began to groom himself.

He could hear someone coming near by. He looked up to see someone walking on the shore. Hello, he said to the woman. He shook his head once more, shaking the dripping water from his body.

Looking up sharply from her daydream, Lie was startled to catch sight of the alabaster man. His shake alerting her to his presence just as his words reached her ears. Slowly his scent permeated the air, the water having masked the woman’s sense. “Hello.” Lie matched his tone, curious as to what the stranger might be doing in the frigid water. Spring had only just arrived, and the temperature had yet to rise in the depths of the lake.

“Not dissuaded by the cold I see.” There wasn’t much she could think of in terms of conversation, having not prepared to greet a stranger so close to the territory. Not know the creature the lurked before her, Lie was confident in his presence, as she was with most wolves that came across her path.
I am grateful to have some northern blood in me, He shook himself again. The cold bothered him to an extent — there was something about diving into cold water from relatively warm air that was bothersome. Spring had only just arrived, true, but the air rocked on the precipice between warm and cold. He felt that deep in his bones, even as he began to dry — the air wasn't enough to dry him, unfortunately. Are you from nearby?

He shook again, pellets of water finding their way on to her own fur, Lie took a minute step back. She wasn’t sure of how to answer his query. This was the first instance she had met with another outside of Swiftcurrent while part of Swiftcurrent. Tilting her head to the side, and giving a small shake in the negatory. “Non.” She offered, and gave the man a small smile. “Just passing through, thought a duck might be a nice snack.” She offered what she hoped was a believable story.

“But it seems you’ve scared them all away.” Looking out around the water, and the lingering ripples, “I supposed that means you owe me dinner.” Not a woman with strong boundaries, the first thoughts that came to mind often spilled into conversation. A smirk settled on her lips, as she offered a light laugh.

My apologies, then, He said, dipping his head to her. He was glad there were no ducks around in their eponymous lake. He didn't like birds, especially not ducks. He didn't like hunting them — he despised feathers — nor did he like being around them. Too noisy, too brash, really. 

His eyes widened for a moment at her request, a slight pause before he chuckled. Don't hold me to it, He hoped that she was joking, but it was often hard for him to tell.

His own laugh joined her own with a more reserved manner, not quiet as carefree as hers more forced than genuine. ”I guess it’s just no my day.” She shrugged, and shook her head slightly. “I suppose…I can’t really blame you.” Lie turned away, looking around at the surrounding area, trying to decide what else could be around.

“What are you doing here? Clearly this was the next line of questioning, she had explained her purpose surely he would explain his.

She didn't, shrugging instead. She seemed distracted, her mind somewhere else. He saw the opportunity he had, his experienced eyes focusing on her seeming lack of clarity. But, he had just spent the time and energy to rid himself of the stains and gore of his last hunt, which he said as much to her.

Cleaning myself, he said. He gestured at the paleness of his fur. My fur stains easily. He was vain in that sense. Had he been a true Melonii, with his fur black instead of the paleness from his mother's Arctic heritage, this would not be as much of an issue. But he had to keep up appearances. He had seen a few strigoi and wolf-eaters such as himself, more ghoul than the refined character of the vampire he had once met, reeking of rotting flesh. He was not that kind of monster.

Rosalie nodded; he held an oddly serious tone for the levity of the situation. A small inkling of suspicion travelled the length of her spine, which she tried to shake out. Despite the effort, the feeling lingered and Lie felt the desire to leave.

“I can understand that.” The woman offered a small smile, looking over his cloud coloured pelt, “I guess I’ll leave you to it.” She dipped her head slightly, and turned to leave. “Have a nice day.” She felt guilty feeling so childish in the presence of the man, he seemed kind enough if a little reserved. Lie figured it was better to wander elsewhere or return home, rather than risk offending someone.
She seemed nervous, something beyond shyness creeping into her. He did not risk anything by agitating her further. He had just cleaned himself after all. And she had been right: the day was cold. It would take a while to dry. He would have to find somewhere nice and sunny to nap in for a while.

He nodded back to her, letting her leave. Have a good day, he returned, turning back to the water to give himself one last douse.


Dipping her head softly, she pursed her lips. All evidence of a smile had been wiped away, as she turned swiftly. “And to you.” Still not in the mood to return home, the woman headed for the long way around, heading back into the trees.