Wolf RPG

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Cadeau took off to wander and scout about this neck of the woods, feeling a bit braver since starting her little journey with Illidan to meet other wolves and their packs. The halfling wasn't sure what she would find but curiosity and her instincts lead her on. She kept her dark colored ears perked for noises, head lowering to sniff at a patch of grass for any signs of wolves or prey. A breeze tickled her brown fur, warm and comforting now that spring was here. She remembered the hard winter she had faced alone after running away from home. Cadeau was lucky she had enough wits to scrap by to see the flowers bloom and trees flourish with their lush leafy fronds. She was adamant to see the journey through, no matter what. It was a difficult uphill climb but Cadeau was no quitter, perhaps it was the way things were meant to come together... Head shaking to clear her thoughts, she continued on her treck through the forest trail.
the more she felt at ease within the woods the easier it became to leave them. not because she wanted to actually leave, not in any permanent way anyway. no on the contrary most of why she found it easier to depart from those tall trees was because she knew she would in fact, return. beforehand there had always been that doubt that if she let herself stray from the border she would find herself unable to return. such doubts had dispersed like the morning fog- which might she add had given way to quite a beautiful day. the world was coming back to life around her and although she tended to find a stronger peace with the harsh beauty winter provided, nothing stopped her appreciating the lush scents accompanied with each inhale. 

soft footfalls carried her away from the flatlands, once again leading her west. but not for any particular reason other than to get out and get a little change of scenery not too far from home. nevertheless she was not completely tense-free, wary glances would be thrown here and there as she kept alert for any melonii action. she had still yet to find where they actually stayed but she wouldn't abandon her hunch that it was somewhere around here. 

a little more walking would have her halting upon spotting another, red toned pelt catching the light. at first she'd freeze, hackles instinctively rising at the chance it could be flicker however a closer inspection would confirm that this wolf was very much not. she'd relax once more- dark eyes remaining void but no longer narrowed with suspicion. usually she wouldn't be one to approach another and make first contact but she supposed she owed her an apology so she would move a bit closer only to come to a gentle halt a respectable distance away. her head would dip as she'd murmur in soft but oddly monotone tones "apologies for that i thought you were someone else" she'd leave it at that then, ready to leave should the girl not want anything else from her.
Cadeau could pick up a whiff of wolf in the air as she wrinkled her salmon pink nose, the halfling rotating her large ears in hopes that she would hear where the stranger was coming from. She turned carefully in a circle when she suddenly detected footsteps pressing against twigs and fallen debris in the fresh spring grass, causing Cadeau to tense wearily in hopes she wasn't about to be attacked. She came face-to-face with a wolf who was white as snow, Cadeau wondered how she had missed a color so strikingly different to green foliage around them. 

Her hackles were raised at her and Cadeau took a hesitant step back, head lowering in a submissive manner to show she wasn't looking for a fight. The brown-and-cream colored halfling averted her eyes in another classic 'you're the boss' expression, Cadeau would leave if that was what the stranger wanted. However, it seemed the bitch had other thoughts in mind, as Cadeau turned her attention back to her when she came close, yet still far enough as to not enproach on Cadeau's personal space.

Not sure of what to make of the mixed signals and the apology, Cadeau still kept a careful stance in case she changed her mind and wanted a piece of her fur. "Guess they aren't someone who makes you happy, huh?" Cadeau said in a light tone, masking a nervous laugh behind her polite smile.
now this certainly wasn't what she had been expecting. the pale soldier would raise a brow at the display before her given in response to her own jumping to conclusions. the red girl had dropped her head right away, averting her gaze in an act of submission. her first thought couldn't help but be kind of disgusted by what she'd consider such a pathetic display. she would almost have preferred if the girl had reacted in a hostile manner, not something as pitiful as this. however in mere moments she would chase such thoughts away scoldingly, jumping to call someone weak wasn't right. especially considering....she left the thought hanging with the knowledge that going further along that thread would certainly bring up unwanted memories. something she definitely would not appreciate right now, or ever to be honest. nevertheless the other could simply be of the peaceful sort, still it probably wasn't the smartest way to go about it in her opinion anyway. 

nevertheless such thoughts remained expertly hidden behind eyes of swirling darkness- resembling some dark pit with no emotion to be found whatsoever as the wolf regained its composure. well she said wolf but there was something...for lack of a better word different about her company. nevertheless she didn't push on it, it mattered little to her what this girl was made of anyway. when she did finally speak it was in light tones but tundra didn't miss the nerves bathing in that little laugh of hers and would flick an ear. had she scared her that badly? she hadn't even growled. 

her head would shake, gaze darkening slightly as she spoke; "definitely not, she betrayed someone who was supposed to be a friend and then put our pack at risk" it was enough to perhaps justify her reaction without actually giving away anything important. a few more moments would pass with the woman glowering at the thought of the damned wolf before she'd give her head a shake in an effort to dispel the negativity. a small smile would now grace her features in an effort to make the girl feel more at ease, perhaps slightly guilty for giving her a fright. "i hope you don't mind me asking but..." she'd blink, casting a sweeping look over her before pushing on pointedly "is that how you'd react to any kind of hostile situation?" she knew all too well that there were several wolves who if they had intended to approach someone with aggression in the neutral lands in the first place, would simply use an act like that to their advantage.
Cadeau wasn't spineless but after her encounter with the wolf she only called 'the beast', she did not want to partake in a fight she wouldn't gain anything from. Nursing wounds alone in the forest had been awful, movement and acquiring food was harder when a wolf tore apart your flesh like it was wrapping paper. If she could avoid a confrontation like that again she was going to. Her conditioning back home didn't help either, considering she avoided tearing into any dogs to try and make herself seem less dangerous even when dogs threw themselves at her with teeth bared.

Cadeau shrugged her shoulders in reply. "It really depends. If you'd lunged at me I would have bit you back," Cadeau barked to the wolf. "If I can worm my way out of a fight, I will. Last spat I had left me aching for weeks, I'd rather not walk around a bloody mess like that again." She gave the stranger a sardonic kind of smile
It had been rare in recent days that he strayed beyond the confines of the mountain and its adjoining forests. It had been difficult now to embark on just a short jaunt outside of them and the reasons were few, namely, Hydra. He had been in pursuit of her for a stretch, only now emboldened by the height of her estrus, and the inability to quell a fire that burned hotly within. It may have been that very reason that forced him down and out from the mountain too, where more humid and warmer climes had greeted him swiftly with the change of elevation—he needed to clear his own head, set it straight once again.

Of course, his change in routine didn't mean he'd manage this task alone either. It was just as likely he would not remain alone for long, for @Hydra pursued him much in the same way he had her. If not her, then perhaps another. It was the wilderness after all, and he was not a fool to think that others did not skirt closely to claimed grounds. Even miles out like he was now, the mountains of near and far loomed until the forests swallowed them whole.

And it was there that he swiftly learned, he was not alone. At first there was one voice to punctuate the solitude, and then another. Both of feminine lilts and given the season, that was all it took to lure him in. His steps were soft through the foliage, not entirely masked as he narrowed down where they were tucked away. The words were indistinct in their beginnings but soon recognizable words took hold, and he knew he was close.

Wait, hostile situation? Now his interest was piqued as an explanation followed.

”Did I miss all the fun? Seems to be the season for squalls and spats.” His opening line may have been poor in taste as he emerged from the brush—no doubt heard moments before—and his gaze surveyed them both before lingering over the wolfdog as though recognition would come. Yet it wasn't who he thought it was, not initially, though that exotic creature had spirited away from him and the weald both almost a year ago, and his gaze returned to the she-wolf curiously.

yay i finally found this thread. sorry this is bad.
she watches levelly as the girl goes on to explain herelf, nodding slightly. no reaction is given to her mention of being bloodied up before and it's not for any unkind reasons- it's simply nothing new to the soldier and sometimes she can forget that to others such a scuffle can be quite a big deal. "i see" she murmurs thoughtfully, unable to help but shift right into the mindset of the fighter she was bred to be. she may not be good at small talk but this would be more of her strong spot. "you know.." she begins, expression once again regaining its cool, composed resting look. "you could probably use that to your advantage." her tail waves slowly at her haunches as her head tilts slightly to the side in a curious manner. "your submission i mean. if you're naturally of a submissive nature most wouldn't expect anything but that from you. so you can do what you done to me when i acted hostile and if they let you be then that's fine but if they decide to have a go at you anyway- now you probably won't like this much but remember your life could be on the line here. this will work better if you even crouch slightly as if trying to make yourself smaller and then that gives you now two big advantages. you're going to have the element of surprise on your side and your head is going to be quite near to their throat. so simply lunge up and grab it, you can decide what you do next depending on how dire your situation is and of course it's not foolproof there's plenty ways it might not work but it could be a helpful tip nonetheless"

she simply shrugs then, but there's a lightness to her dark eyes that there very, very rarely is. for someone usually so silent that was a lot of talking for the pale girl but then again, she rarely got to talk fighting tactics and it really was the only thing she was good for. kind of sad right? "if you'd want to try it out i'd be willing to help but if you'd rather not that's okay" although it would be kind of funny since tundra was even smaller than her, something she'd used to her advantage before by actually using a move quite similar to that. before her company can even get a chance to respond a voice sounds through the air causing the woman to start ever so slightly. it's not like her to be unaware of someone approaching until the last moment but she supposed she'd been distracted, not that that was really good enough.

dark eyes would narrow as she'd shift to face the  earthen toned man- muscles instinctively tensing lest he prove to be some sort of threat. his tone is that of your typical 'i'm so great don't you just want to throw yourself at me' bravado that all too many men seemed to boast. she would always be wary of any newcomer but with the season it was, men got the most of it. sure she'd left teekon for the worst of it but oh it definitely still lingered. her soft voice slips coldly from black lips as a brow arches "oddly enough it's usually only when men are around that i have such issues" she by no means had anything against most guys but it was just these overly self assured males who thought she'd swoon at that simple line that tended to get under her skin and of course the whole season tended to have her more prone to irritation.
"I do have a backbone, I'd just rather not see it pulled out through my mouth is all," Cadeau told the white female with some humor mixed in her words when she brought up her possible submissive nature. Did weariness translate into being spineless? Cadeau hadn't thought that but perhaps out in the wilderness here it did. Cadeau listened politely and intently to her when she began to explain a fighting technique she could use, the halfling humming thoughtfully. "That is a good strategy there, miss. I'm pretty small and lanky so usually I do a ton of ducking and weaving when someone tries stirring up dung with me. Try and jerk them around a bit before striking." She nodded her head idly.

At her offer of teaching her more fighting moves, she couldn't help but look surprised. Illidan was teaching her stuff through out their journey but perhaps more sources of knowledge could be beneficial. Besides, she would like to see the surprise on her partner's face if she managed to pull the wool over his eyes for once. The thought made her smile, cheeky. 

"That'd be pretty cool, not going to lie." She paused when she realized she hadn't gotten a name. "I'm Cadeau, who are you anyway?"

She turned her attention when the female spoke of men and issues to well the man himself the topic sparked from. Cadeau being too young for what this season of new life brought wasn't very sure what this male's intent was beyond a friendly hello maybe, the yearling casting her eyes to the stranger when he suddenly cut into the conversation of the two ladies.

"If you count cut lips and bloody noses fun, then sure," Cadeau said with a careless shrug. She however didn't miss the bravado in his tone and she smirked a bit to tease. "Don't need to go breaking pretty faces though, now do we?" She was hardly interested however and made it clear with how she stood, face wrinkling up. She hadn't the time to humor boys, season or no season. Cadeau turned back to the female wolf as she awaited a name and reply.
Ah yes, blame the men. Burn the patriarchy. He'd heard this line before, albeit in more words and more teeth for an intrusion that was perhaps not so welcome. It was the sort of fire that invigorated him, the spark to tinder that he had missed through the winter months. It had less to do with the season and more to do with routines he was familiar with, even if the company this time around was less familiar. An amused smile flickered across his features to the first of these statements and hung around as Cadeau chimed in, giving him a foothold in an otherwise unfavorable circumstance.

”I find it as much fun as stepping in a badger's hole, which is a lot more words than saying no,” he said, as though such a line could smooth over his appearance. His attention honed in once again on the paler canine. ”But to each their own, I suppose. What of you, hm? I heard talk of trouble and thought to investigate. The hills have been quiet,” and perhaps their eyes were closed, but this may have only been the beginning of a campy horror film if his tongue slipped a word too far.
she'd blink contemplatively, perhaps she'd chosen an insensitive string of words for the girl was quick to retort that she wasn't a coward, which hadn't really been what tundra had been suggesting but now looking back on the choice of words she could see how it looked. at least the red wolf said it with humour in her tone so she musn't have offended her too much, nevertheless she gives a small shake of her head anyway. "sorry of course, i didn't mean to suggest you didn't" a soft smile continued to play along black lips but the warmth of the expression made little effort to reach her dark eyes, those still seemed to remain as pitless as a sharks.

however albeit it remaining as unreadable as anything, a spark does seem to flicker within glassy orbs when her suggestion is met with enthusiasm on the other end. her pale head nods with amusement as she listens attentively to the younger girl. believe it or not she even manages to draw a soft chuckle from the pale soldier as she expresses her agreement; "yes being small does have its advantages, especially since most don't seem to expect as much from us" the red wolf is slightly taller than tundra but not by much, not that it's exactly a hard thing to accomplish. 

surprise is quick to take ahold of the other at tundra's offer and for a moment she wonders is it a step too far, not that it would be all too much of a loss to her. she wasn't really the mentor type but sometimes it seemed like a waste to hold such skills and not offer it to those that didn't, especially since she'd had to go through so much fucking shit to get to where she was so may as well not waste it. however her judgement seemed to be wrong as the surprise gave way to a smile, seeming to almost be tinged with a hint of mischief. perhaps she'd been too quick to judge her after all, ever since getting over her initial fright she opened up into a much more sure spoken fae. perhaps a little quick to trust but for once maybe tundra could be accused of the same, for she knew as little of the red-head as she did of her.

her position on the soft earth shifts slightly as she is given a response and is surprised to find herself pleased by it. okay maybe there was more than a sense of feeling she had to do it, perhaps part of her did want to. it was refreshing to be in the company of someone of the bright energy she contained and it had been much too long since tundra had been able to really do anything with herself. the canine also introduced herself as cadeau, of course she managed to forget introductions. why could she never remember that introducing yourself was basic manners? nevertheless of course the man had butted in before she'd even gotten a chance to respond bringing her up to where she'd made he retort. 

cadaeu would throw in her own responses to his opening line, something he latched right onto like the little scavenger he was and play along. a sigh would huff from her jaws as she'd shake her head; "no trouble i simply mistook her for someone else and we've long gotten past it" was the only clipped reponse she gave him. she wasn't dumb, she knew well he sought flirtatious banter hence why it was exactly what she didn't give him. don't feed him any scraps or he'll certainly stick around like a pathetic little stray, hopeful for more. the thing was, the idea of pups made her feel sick to the stomach and brought back extremely unwanted memories, memories locked away because fuck they'd kill her if she let them in again. but then why did her mind stray to thoughts of aries? the dark, brooding man had so much more class than this guy with the mental ability of a horny teen. her head shakes in an effort to rid her mind of the memories of his sharp gaze and intoxicating scent. 

luckily cadeau unknowingly comes to the rescue by focusing back on her and she dips her head; "i go by tundra, it's nice to meet you" and believe it or not she means it.
"Don't worry, I didn't think that," Cadeau told the white wolf with a smile. "Or at least, I was only guessing you meant it in a teaching kinda way." She nodded her head, not offended at all by the statement prior. She had a hunch it was only said with the best intentions, even if it made Cadeau need to think harder on how she presented herself to foes in the future.

She listened to the older female go on to agree that being smaller and slighter in build could be an advantage in a fight, causing Cadeau to puff up with some pride. Cadeau had her fair share of street fights as a youngster before she began to back off later on in life to try and control her instincts, as well as her reputation her half wolf heritage burdened her with. Being speedy and slippery was a benefit, she knew it helped when she was caught in that fight with 'the beast', even if in the end it was a fight she lost. What mattered was she lived to fight another day at least.

"True that," Cadeau barked in reply, seeing they had a common ground in their smaller statures. Her focus turned to the male as she spoke to him, explaining what happened that caused Tundra to nearly treat Cadeau as a threat to her. "Yeah, just a small misunderstanding. I probably should have announced myself instead of lurked around. I'm sorry for that, Tundra." She gave an apologetic smile to the white wolfess. 

"Now my next question is... who are you?" Cadeau squinted curiously at the stranger male, it seemed like his presence was making Tundra uncomfortable and Cadeau, picking up on that, was quick to try and see if she could worm out any legitmate danger from him beyond well... bad courtship tactics she guessed. She wasn't familiar enough with the opposite sex to really get a gauge for what was supposed to be happening here. "Isn't it kinda rude walking up to two ladies and not offer up a name, fella?" She cocked her head to the side, voice leveled and keeping polite, she didn't want to be needlessly uncouth to anyone.
No trouble was good. Winter may have been past them, but there were still dangers in grave wounds in the wilderness. Just as there were dangers in strangers and sometimes even in numbers—he knew those woods had their own history and many stories to tell, and he had only been privy to a few of them. He remained a passive third wheel as their conversation dipped between him and themselves and as introductions were passed around; this time it was the wolfdog who threw a kind barb in his direction, and he smiled demurely.

”It helps to let to be able to get a word in edgewise,” he suggested, ”but I suppose that's my fault for interrupting. I'm Dirge.” At least now they were acquainted... and he hadn't been run off in some sort of misunderstanding. At least not yet, anyway. ”Now that we've got that out of the way, perhaps you'll permit me a chance to satisfy my curiosity—where are you two from? It's been a while since we've had strangers out this way.” Cadeau he was certain did not belong to anywhere in particular, but Tundra? He could sense a medley of things, which at the very least suggested she had somewhere to go.
her head tilts towards the girl as she pipes up in agreement to what she'd thrown to the earthen man before addressing the end of the statement towards her in the form of an apology. at this her pale head is quick to shake; "no need to apologise you were simply minding your own business i perhaps should not have been so quick to presume" her gaze would briefly shift to the surrounding areas, having almost forgotten her prior wariness for wandering through lands she presumed the melonii's resided within. "although.. she muses "if it had been who i'd thought it was it'd have been worth it" the words are admitted wryly, finally allowing her attention to return to her present company rather than the lands beyond.

cadeau goes on to ask the man for his identity and at this the woman cannot help but mentally wince, don't give him reasons to stick around. but then again, cadeau was younger and whilst her first thought would be to put it down to the pure bliss of being naive perhaps she was wrong. maybe the red girl was simply being human and could tundra really fault her for that? she knew the answer had to be no. 

nevertheless this wouldn't draw her to join in and her pale form would remain stubbornly silent, jaw set. as for the expression she wore, well it hadn't really changed side the rogue smile since this conversation had started- or scratch that it hadn't really changed since entering teekon just under a year back. expressions expertly hidden behind features devoid of emotion- doll eyes simply glinting in the light. 

a brow does arch at his protest of not being able to get his own words in but he's quick to acknowledge his place somewhat and offer up a name. progress she supposed but still felt no need to be in any way friendly to him, he wouldn't be much of a loss to her. yet...she cannot help but twitch ears in slight interest as he goes on to ask where they're from, accompanying it with a statement as to how it's been a while since he'd come across 'strangers' out here. so firstly, did that mean she was wrong in her suspicions regarding the melonii or were they not strangers to him? his words also suggested that his own pack came from here.

she'd shift her position now, finally granting him her full attention as selfish wants for knowledge took over. "oh really.." is all she'd murmur at first, words in response to what he'd said about them being the first strangers out here in a while. however despite the slightly suggestive tone she laid nothing more on that before simply letting her home slip softly from her jaws in its normal, icy tones; "blackfeather woods"

she didn't know if he'd care or not about that, she was aware that her pack had had a very bad reputation in the past and some wouldn't know of its revival. or maybe he'd never had dealings with them and simply wouldn't care; she supposed she'd find out in a moment. her head would tilt ever so slightly as she sniffed at the air. his scent wasn't familiar to her but it had a sharp wildness to it that had her blinking curiously; could he be from the mountains? based on the direction he'd come from it seemed plausible but still, she didn't know what pack resided up there so that wouldn't help her out all too much. "and you?" she finally allows the follow up words to roll from her tongue as she lapses back into silence- eyes not straying from his earth toned form once.
i'm sorry to the length of these e.e tundra thinks too much
"If you don't mind me being curious, who exactly was it that yanked your tail this badly?" Cadeau asked Tundra with a tilt of her head, the yearling curious of what this stranger did so badly to wrong Tundra like they had. Had they been a halfling too? Cadeau furrowed her brows, hoping it wasn't. It wouldn't help her case if there was a half dog out there causing trouble for folks here. "Must have been something awful."

Cadeau balked slightly at the question of where she was from, the halfling pinning an ear absently. She didn't really want her home being common knowledge because it usually lead to them figuring out she was part dog. So instead of ruining her cover in this mission of building a new life void of her past, Cadeau lied, "I'm a traveler from over the hills, past the sunrise and all that stuff," Pretty much a wordy way of just saying blatantly 'I'm foreign'. "It has no name. Also it's nice to meet you Dirge." She chanced a polite smile to the male, wanting to show she didn't intend to come across as the cold shoulder type. Her social skills weren't very good it seemed. Isolation did that she supposed.

As Tundra asked Dirge where he was from she focused on the male, more so out of curiosity about other packs in the areas. Illidan and her were on a journey to meet them, she needed all the info she could get. She even chalked this 'Blackfeather Woods' in her mind for future reference when she met up with Illidan again later.
The women were polar opposites to some degree, but somewhat forthcoming with information that he thought useful. At least in what Tundra offered him—he couldn't blame Cadeau for not wanting to spill all the details of where she was; he hardly liked to share his history either. At least in the latter's case, she was willing to extend the courtesy of finding it nice to meet him, and he would take whatever small offerings he could receive.

"Blackfeather, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while," he rejoined, "word was that your lot had gone dark, for lack of better words." They had been eeriely quiet, though his dealings with the place were far and few in between. Tundra may as well have been the first he had met from there; it was usually Hydra and her ilk that did their dealings with them. He hadn't even quite graced the area with his presence.

Dirge extended the wonder of whether or not their continued existence was known openly, but now would not be the time he'd ask. Instead, fair is fair, he continued. "But Moonspear's where I came from, at least for now. Now that the season's turned it seemed fair to try and see where we could extend our hunting grounds." Until of course, he had found them, though his venture out there in word was more or less a half-truth.

His gaze shifted to Cadeau, and he moved to gesture towards the peaks that housed the monolith, stating: "It's the bold one back there, in case you aren't familiar with the area."
sorry for the wait!

slight hesitation flickers through her with cadeau's inquiry, instinctively reluctant to hand information over but she supposes it wasn't really worth getting all quiet about. it wasn't like she wanted to defend flicker and to what other use could this information be used anyway? with a disdainful shrug the pale woman heaves a soft sigh before murmuring; "just an ex pack mate i knew called flicker- her colouring is similar to yours hence the initial confusion. she betrayed the pack and the trust of someone she claimed to be close friends with" her nose wrinkles scornfully at the thought of the weak willed bitch, tundra didn't tend to get too hot headed over most but there was nothing she could stand less than those kind of leech like wolves who cared nothing for loyalty and honour and simply sucked what they could get out of someone before dropping them like nothing once they spotted a new source.

shifting her position in the lush grasses she shifts dark eyes back to dirge. there's a calmer air about her now as she observes him, he's no threat and she's always open to whatever information she can gather so him being a source made him bearable for the time being. a soft chuckle slips tonelessly from black lips as she continues to watch; "you could say that" she muses, head tilting to the side in a small bird like movement. "the woods are under new rule, better rule" she emphasises the last part, aware of maegi's wish for it to be known that the woods are no longer that kind of place that elders would warn pups about. a slight twinge of guilt does stir in the pit of her stomach at the words as if she were betraying relmyna's honour. but she had respected the woman and still did, she hadn't been blackfeather's problem she just hadn't given it the necessary changes that maegi had.

now it's his turn and she's glad when he offers up without hesitation. "moonspear" she echoes, large eyes drifting to the mountains he'd most likely descended from. "first time hearing of you's" she finally admits, eyes falling back to the man. living on the mountains would never be her cup of tea, much too bare and open but she certainly could respect those that chose to endure that kind of lifestyle. she continues to blink curiously at what he leads with next; "oh really? you plan to extend out here?" there's no hostility to her tone to suggest she has an issue with this, but she's definitely interested.

she falls back into silence as he goes on to gesture to their exact peak to the young girl beside her whilst tundra can not help but feel curious as to how many other packs reside within teekon and why the woods had been so quick to lay claim over her damaged soul.
[I am so sorry for the delay ;_; I kept forgetting this one was here and everytime I promised to reply I was either on mobile or got distracted djhedegdgewefguyfgtyf]

There were so many different pack names springing up here that Cadeau wondered if it was even at all possible she could sort them all in her mind on top of the ones she had already learned about earlier. She would need to ask Illidan more about these other wolf tribes, Cadeau guessing that eventually she and her companion would come across these packs regardless. If she didn't know anything she was sure Illidan knew more than she did... at least. 

Cadeau looked at Tundra as the wolfess told her about this packmate called Flicker, the halfling blinking at her. Betrayed the pack? That sure sounded heavy... Cadeau may have never run with pack wolves before but she knew from the old town pack that any kind of barge in trust was a penality worthy of exile and severe punishment. Ones that Cadeau knew all too well, intimately as she felt the old scar under her chin smart at the memory. "I'm... sorry to hear that," she could only think to say, not sure if Tundra wanted sympathy for the betrayal.

She turned her attention to Dirge, listening to him and Tundra have a conversation that seemed to be purely pack politics, something she did not understand very well. "A better rule?" Cadeau echoed with a curious quirk of her brow, wondering what that could be about. If she were to visit Blackfeather one day she supposed getting the scoop on that kind of stuff would be important, wanting to know what she could be dipping her paws into. "Were there problems with your old alpha wolf?" She cocked her head like a clueless nosey puppy.

"This is all so new to me... the land I mean," Cadeau told Dirge with a smile. "I've never heard of Moonspear before... or Blackfeather either," she woofed, brows furrowed close to her soft almond eyes that jumped curiously between the two older wolves.
Tundra seemed keen to wear her pride on her sleeve at once, lighting up enough to speak of Blackfeather with just enough haughtiness that it was amusing. Dirge didn't know much of her pack to refute anything that she had to say for better or worse, though he did consider the possibility that its existence was tumultuous at best. Especially if the leadership was unstable enough to change, and whether or not that change was on good terms or bad. She hadn't heard of Moonspear however and he decided perhaps it was for the better. Let her think whatever it was that would please her, though he only chuckled as she pried for information. Perhaps she was as new as Cadeau.

”We've hunted these lands for quite some time, as do many others. Herds track through here thinking they have safe passage from time to time and the woods funnel them where some of us can benefit from it.” A thin smile punctuated his statement, but his attention turned to Cadeau easily. ”You'll pick up the scenery quick if you keep at it. Blackfeather's our closest neighbor in these parts. There's a few other packs scattered about though, but some come and go with the seasons. I think the only other well established lot I know of are the Redhawks in the wilderness over the mountains to our west. Eccentric bunch to be found there, but decent enough.”
like she's mentioned probably a whole lotta times but only because it was really damn true, tundra wasn't big into this whole sitting around chatting thing. it wasn't out of like, rudeness or anything it's just something she never had the privilege of really getting to do much and it was kind of hard to get used to. so already a longing to get away had started to buzz in the young woman's paws as it began to grow harder to just stay focused on the chatter leaking from both mouths on either side of her. she nodded towards cadeau at her apology with a small smile, not offering anything more because well there wasn't really anything else that could be said was there?

as the young girl continued to ask more, eyes wide with open curiosity- tundra's gaze would flicker with the rarest glimmer of amusement. especially at how formal the whole 'alpha wolf' thing sounded to her, most would just go with leader or maybe sometimes alpha although despite it being the original title for a leader it seemed to not satisfy those who wanted to add their own personal flair. her own home included. she'd shake her head, simply murmuring "no, no she was a good person" she always felt guilty when thinking of relmyna as much as she tried to push it down, they should've been there for her. "the pack in general just had a few things that really needed changing and nothing was really being done about it" she'd leave it at that, seeing no harm in satisfying some of the red toned girl's curiosity but also feeling uncomfortable speaking too much about the pack to complete strangers. one thing that would never seem to change about blackfeather it seemed was that they all liked their privacy.

as she listened to dirge she couldn't help but think of how little she knew of teekon as a whole considering how long she'd resided here now. she'd been quite quick to pledge her loyalty to the forest wolves but sometimes wished she'd allow herself to explore a little more. all in due time she supposed, she was young yet and had evaded death enough times to leave her confident enough that it wasn't really her time to go yet. touch wood.

still though it was getting harder to focus on the words transferring and so with a small dip of her head she'd flick her tail to the side "i should probably head but it was nice to meet new faces" and it wasn't a complete lie, sure maybe she'd been a bit cold to the earthen boy but in reality he seemed okay just maybe not her choice in company. shaking out her pelt she'd glance back to cad "ever want those fighting tips at any stage you can find me at blackfeather, shouldn't be too hard to find us it's the big dark forest in the flatlands" with that she'd depart, eager to get back to her solitude.
Cadeau listened to all this pack talk with a paitient ear but she wouldn't lie and say she really understood it all either. It was a lot of information and it overwhelmed her mind a bit in hearing it. Ever a scholar and her focus being figuring out this wolf thing out correctly, she didn't voice any confusion nor complaints. Tundra seemed tired of all this socializing and Cadeau didn't blame her, she wondered it perhaps now with the white wolfess departure it would be a good time for her to head off as well. She needed to get back on track, after all. 

The halfling offered Tundra a farewell of her own before addressing Dirge. "I think I'll rip a page from Tundra's book and turn tail too," she said with some apologetic tone to her words. "Perhaps we will cross paths again someday," she added before beginning to make her own way to get back to Illidan.
Perhaps they would cross paths again, but Dirge wasn't going to hold his breath. The wilderness was vast and wild within; it was not hard for those who wandered to get caught up in it and let their feet decide their course. Such a thing had happened to him, so eager to see the coast, and now so far removed from it. He offered a parting, thin-lipped smile to Cadeau as she departed in the wake of Tundra, which left him in the quiet wood alone soon thereafter. He did not linger where they had been long and deciding a bit of hunting would put him at further ease, set off not long after.