Wolf RPG

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Carp stared off into the beautiful landscape that came to his sight, screaming with life and beauty. His tail gave a soft wag as he realized what his life could be in such a pack that could run through the wild happily. He gave off an announcement howl to the leader of the pack to announce his presence and then sat at the border. He was a good boy, so he stayed still. The life around him seemed to blossom and his tired bones felt rejuvenated thanks to how beautiful the flora had been. 

Carp had been travelling a long time before he had settled on a pack to join. It was weird for him to think of how long he had been alone and wanted to talk to someone while he travelled far and wide. He was probably going to be a tad older than the others in the pack, but he hoped to be a good packmate to them all and maybe even be a friend to someone. Hell, maybe he would even find a mate someday. All in due time, he decided.
He was bored as usual, and he had wandered from his safe area in search of something to do. Dad was off doing something, and he hated being by himself in the empty den. He chased a beetle for a while before he finally caught it and crunched it between his teeth, deciding that it was the first and last time he would be eating one of those. When he stood back up to continue exploring, he realized he was in an area he didn't know very well. He trotted through the sand, clearly not concerned that he had no idea how to get home but froze when he saw the unfamiliar man in the distance. 

He trotted up to him warily, stopping a short distance from him and fixing him with a scrutinizing look. Who you, he demanded, mustering up his best tough guy impression.
Carp heard that crunching that was most definitely a bug in someone’s mouth. He almost gave a little laugh because he could smell a faint beetle scent. The wolf was reminded of his first time he had tried a beetle. He had tried it a few days ago because he’d never encountered one before, this discovery found that beetles are pretty bad when eaten.

Then, he noticed the little padding of a fairly small animal with his ears. He was either going to encounter a very strange raccoon or maybe a pup, it had been years since he’d seen the second one. The first had been an unfortunate encounter when he was hunting for food, leaving him with a few scratches that had healed pretty well.

Surprise! It was the pup, thankfully. He let a little sign of relief out of his body, not really realizing he had been holding it. It had been a bit since he had seen a pup too, but he was far more used to the antics of them than a truly wild beast. The older canine gave him a calm smile as the little guy came close. He almost gave an ‘aw’ when Pheiros spoke, it was so adorable to see someone so small try to be so tough. 

“I’m here to join your pack,” the eldest explained. “I’m waiting here at this border for your alpha to come and see if I’m able to.” His voice had a gleeful tone that was also quite hopeful for the best to happen. “Why are you out here talking to a loner?”
He said a lot of words of which Phieros mostly understood, but he had to squint his eyes and concentrate very hard to keep up. He didn't know what an alpha was, but he could probably pretend to be it and this guy would never know he was lying. He mostly ignored the question because it seemed obvious to him why he was out here--because there was a stranger and he was bored. His only answer was a sort of non-committal shrug before he stood up tall again. I alpha he said sternly, the tips of his ears flopping in the ocean breeze that blew by them at that moment. There was no one else around currently to refute his claim, so he had no doubts that he could keep this up. Maybe an alpha just questioned strangers. He could so do that; he always had plenty of questions.

It is already too late to swim when the water reaches your lips.

Just as it seemed likely for Pheiros to get away cleanly with his lie, it was now to be challenged by the woman who had strictly claimed this title with much more authentic authority than a mere shrug and a distorted pair of words. The Blue Swan walked with not only highlighted mannerism of royalty, but she strode deliberately with purpose, with a subtle confidence that ignored the title she had snatched from under the tyrant who stole the crown from Ford. 

She was the Alphess of this claim, and luckily for Pheiros, he would be spared a sharp tongue as she had not heard his meager words due to distance and sounds of the ever-boundless sea at large. No, he was clear of such sin. But her body language, even for someone as petite as she, rose above his own with the majesty he could never possess. 

Hail.” Her voice was just as it had always been- clear as the twinkle of chimes within a brisk fall breeze, yet the sound was not as meek as it once was upon her working on not only healing herself as as she knew how, but figuring out these lands, the different dwellings of these other wolves without being so intrusive. She was the taker of this place, but even as a master, she was still a scholar. There was no level of pride that would upsurp her thirst to learn. 

I oversee this pack. What is it that you seek, traveler?” She asked inquisitively as she neared the pair of quadrupeds.

Not all birds have been taught to fly. Some simply fall until they either learn, or perish.

[Image: xpseg7.jpg]
Carp almost played along to Pheiros' words to play along with his words, but the sight of another wolf made him pull himself together and bow his head down to her in respect. Her confidence was alluring in a way that made him curious about her personality usually. If it was like this normally, he could see himself becoming potentially closer to her as a friend. He was a fan of those who knew what they wanted and confident in their words. 

As she spoke, he lifted his head and decided to be brave and met her eyes. "I am Carp Blackthorn, I am here to ask you if you have space for a new wolf in your pack. I wish to join your ranks and become a familiar face." He gave her a smile then bowed his head back down. Carp sure was trying his best to be courteous to the alpha that had been there. He hoped the pup would behave too, he didn't dare play around as he did usually with pups. It was in his nature to be silly and playful with someone. He enjoyed being that way, it made people open up.
Before this game could go any further, they were joined by another, a woman he didn't know, but her scent kind of reminded him of the way dad smelled. The adults started talking, and he began to grow bored, so his murky gaze dropped from the pair in search of something more interesting but stopped when he spotted the woman's leg. Biting legs was fun! He promptly launched himself at the pale limb, wrapping his golden paws around it and sinking his sharp baby teeth into her flesh.

It is already too late to swim when the water reaches your lips.

Akira listened to platinum newcomer, a lightly dipped cant of her crown signaling her appreciation back to his greeting. She was grateful for respectful wolves.- they lasted longer and grew favor much more swift than those who disregarded hierarchy. While listening, she summed up her own mindset of how to handle this newly come-about of a pack- from the ground, up. And piece by piece.

It is wise of you to ask, rather than to assume, Carp. I thank you for the consideration. With such, I will inform you that this pack is in need of wolves that can hold their own both in solitude, and even moreso in unity- is there anything you plan to offer Stormrift?”

The Blue Swan had intentionally chosen not to introduce herself- she would not make her name known to the externals of this Bay, just yet. She was not certain who was friend nor foe of anyone here, and would not allow herself to be targeted.
Just as her inquiry had been posed, sea depth tipped auds struck back as she heard the thrust of little pads across scrabbled grit. However, as her attention had been stuck to Carp, she had no time to avoid the snapping jaws of the pup, and little daggers lodged into tender and still healing wounds. A warning growl left her as her narrow skull swiveled a predatory face of ‘Stop. Now’ clear in her sapphiric irises. Raised lips promised a swift discipline should the babe not heed her and cease his innocent antics. 

Not even bothering to take a chance, the Blue Swan extended her neck and worked it around to snap up the youth by the golden cream of scruff, and placed her in a nestle before her front limbs, naturally shielding him from a majority of the battering sea winds while being able to keep a swifter grasp-reach on him. Hopefully he would appreciate the newfound warmth and keep put, but Akira kept him in her lower peripherals, regardless.

Not all birds have been taught to fly. Some simply fall until they either learn, or perish.

[Image: xpseg7.jpg]
He lifted his head to watch the ruler of the pack think about her answer, forgetting that the pup was still around the two. He waited until she gave her full answer and nodded, starting to speak of his skills. "I am starting to get older than all the young and spry wolves out there but that still means that I have not forgotten how to fight or hunt. I also have learned over the years that many parents may need some help with their pups. Especially first parents often need some help with their young and I would like to offer a hand to those who need it. I have not sired my own children, but I have helped out those who have. It has been a few years since those days, but I still have it in me."

Carp noticed she hadn't given him a name to call her by, so he decided that it would just be easier to avoid addressing her until she had given him enough trust to give him such a pleasure. It would just be some building on her confidence in him for him to get it. This was a challenge he was definitely up for.

His attention was averted once he heard the padding of the small boy and then watched in horror as there was a chomp on the leader’s leg. He winced but the alpha female was still holding her confidence as she removed him like one would do with a tick. “And I may be able to stop situations like those.” 
He jumped a little and paused his chewing at the growl, staring up at his new toy without removing his teeth from her leg. But then she plucked him from the ground by his scruff, and he felt his whole body go limp much to his frustration, his face scrunching into a displeased frown. She set him down between her paws, and he had every intention of getting up and marching back over to his previous spot to resume his chewing, but his plans were interrupted as a yawn parted his tiny, black lips. It was kind of warm here, and he was very tired all of the sudden. Another yawn fell from his mouth, and then his eyes closed and he was no longer a problem, rendered completely immobile by sleep.  

he can be skipped/PPed now :)

It is already too late to swim when the water reaches your lips.

He was polite, and in a way, seemed much wiser for his age than what he appeared. Her internal peace was restored as she looked down to see the little golden cream dumpling sleeping amidst her and a slight smile pleased slow and subtle against the ends of her inken lips. Children sleeping was a tender sight, and it warmed her that much more. She knew absolutely nothing about motherhood, and it only just began to bother her as she pondered this one’s parental whereabouts.

Then it seems an answer should be clear in this situation- You are welcome in Stormrift. I would certainly be interested in seeing your ability with these-“, she drifts a cerulean pair down to the curled up ball. If there is more than one child, she supposed. 

A genuine look of interest appeared in her fathomless gaze. “I am Akira.”
 Considering he was a member now, he atleast could have her name. And with it, she beckoned him closer so they may exchange scents. 

Not all birds have been taught to fly. Some simply fall until they either learn, or perish.

[Image: xpseg7.jpg]
Carp's heart screamed in absolute delight when he saw the hyper puppy settle down and be calm enough to sleep. It was like watching a lamb stand for the first time. His lips too curled up but this smile just radiated fatherly essence. He gave the top of Pheiros' head a quick lick before perking back up to the alpha. He didn't seem to care if the pup had a father or not nearby, he could do a similar job until they came back.

"Thank you, miss. I will do my best. These little raggamuffins will be learning their manners soon." The wolf gave her a reassuring wag of the tail as he spoke. He sure was gonna try and be the best mentor there ever was.

Carp noticed her face change and absolutely lightened up. "It's good to meet you, Miss Akira." He came closer as soon as she gave him the okay to. He knew his scent well, vanilla and coconut. Though a slight feminine scent he knew it was comforting to kits and lots of adults too. The wolf was pleasantly surprised by the scent of water lilies and the sea from the other wolf.