Wolf RPG

Full Version: I wanna believe that your faith in me is as strong as it was
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She'd been turned away twice now, and to make matters worse, Lucas has gone off to look for Merrick. Laurel had told him not to go and she had pleaded him not to go, but he had gone anyway, leaving her a right mess again. Where had she deserved such children, who would simply abandon her when the chance came? Laurel was heart-broken, but she also had new life on the way, and she needed to find them a home too.

Kavik had told her that there was a sanctuary here, Elysium, and that they might provide her and her children a home. When she reached the borders of this sanctuary around noon Laurel called for their leaders and waited with submissive body language, her heart hammering in her chest.

@Olive @Khali @Lily

for reference of what laurel up to: @Indra @Marten @Tadec
after being turned away from the creek, indra found their options thinning. a part of her deeply resented ever leaving the hollow. so much had gone wrong since; they had found their family only to split again. wyatt had been found and lost to the coast. laurel had been attacked and now carried the accursed spawn of her assailant within her. merrick had disappeared, and now lucas had gone off in search after him.

indra had tried to counsel some sense in lucas, but in some ways he was resolutely like his mother. he had an idea, the will, and he was going to stick to his guns. indra had seen that immediately, and hated to see him go.

yet like so much of the world, it was simply out of her control.

she stood behind laurel as they waited at elysium’s gates. she was tired, road-worn, and carried with her a thousand-pound burden of fresh grief; a part of her had given up finding a safe home and happiness long ago, and now she just followed after laurel, the singular being other than sorrow that had been the only constant in her life.
The call went up at Olive looked at both Ariel and Seabreeze in turn, silently pleading for her chance to heed their doorbell. As much as Olive found motherhood to be a simply exquisite experience, she was much too mobile for these days when her babies were too young to leave the den. She felt stagnant and longed to moved her legs, and wished to bring her three sons and two wives with her, but alas — they could not yet, but one day they would travel all over together.

Ariel and Seabreeze, knowing the new mother’s restlessness, nodded in agreement and she was off! The druid did not make a total haste to the borders, but she did have a small pep in her step at the thought of conducting official Elysium business once more. The last time she had completed an errand for the sanctuary, she had gone into labor and given birth outside of her home. She expected this particular task to be much, much less grueling.

But what she didn’t expect was to have an entire family at their doorstep. Immediately puzzled, Olive greeted them kindly and serenely.
“Welcome to Elysium, I am Olive.” the pale women, scent sodden with that of new motherhood,  looked at each of the wolves she attended in turn. “How can I help you?”
Laurel watched as someone approached, staying low. She felt more confident having Indra by her side. There was a serenity to the woman that approached that made Laurel feel safe and like they'd have a good chance here. She decided to waste no time with small talk. I'm Laurel, she introduced. Olive of Elysium, we heard that your pack will give anyone a place. I am with child and have nowhere to go. I could use a safe haven. An elysium. She looked at Olive with pleading eyes, hoping that she would accept. She had to, right? They were an Elysium, after all, a safe haven for all to come to. She just hoped they had space for her and her unborn babies.
feel free to skip
they were joined quickly by an ethereal creature, more wisp than wolf with the scent of newborn life and milk clinging to her — indra could not help the way her gaze clawed across olive, noting her elfin features and airy mein with, surprising to her, a sense of unbidden jealousy. indra had never thought a woman pretty — but if she did then, this was it.

she remained silent, letting laurel take the reins of their sorry little enterprise. she had little to add, and simply kept herself at attention and out of the way as she awaited the soft spoken verdict of elysium’s matron.
Their reason for coming was not unknown to Olive, though they hadn’t yet stated it. There was only one reason that a group of wolves such as this, weary and road-worn, would approach their borders — and it wasn’t because they wanted to learn more about the concept of a sanctuary. The thought of this entire family needing a home struck the druid like a punch to the gut, because her instinctive reaction was an unwelcome realization that they simply did not have the room.

The misted druid clenched her jaw as she listened to one of the two matriarchs explain their situation, and her suspicions were confirmed. The other woman stayed silent, and so did Olive for many moments. It was the first time that she had been confronted by this situation, and truthfully, did not know how to handle it. It was at moments like this when she wished that she weren’t the leader and that arturo or dakarai or stigmata could come handle this for her. It was a weak inclination meant for a younger wolf, but she felt it all the same.

“That is true,” the dove noted at long last. then she drew in breath, not hoping to string this poor family along with lies. “It pains me to say, we have had so many mothers birth their children within our walls that Elysium cannot support any others.” Pained her and delighted her to know that Elysium had been so prosperous this year, but this was the first time she had felt guilty about it. Most of the pack’s resources were being consumed by the council’s own pups, not the pups of others  — and here was a woman, a family, in need and she was unable to assist them. It, for all intents and purposes, felt as if she failed.

Olive’s gaze met that of both women in turn.
“We would not be a true sanctuary if we did not protect those already within our fold.” she entreated, explaining the issue fully. It was true, and the reason she could not welcome them as freely as she truly wished to. Olive had seen what happened when a territory became overpopulated come springtime and the game paths run dry. Sunspire had fallen because of it, and Oaxaca had died because of it. She was open to creative problem solving, to help them in any way she could, but…

The Shakti Women loosed a sigh, unable to contain her dolor.
“I know you must understand, although this is… most unfortunate…” she lamented. Then she looked up, surveying the adults who stood in front of her. “We can take some of you — but we cannot take all of you.” it was the only thing that she could think of. “Hear me though, I am so sorry.”
There was a long silence then. A too long silence. Laurel's tail twitched tensely as she waited for the answer, her face expressing very much her feeling of "well?"". She'd been told this was a sanctuary where all were welcome and where all would be protected. Surely that included her and Indra, even though they'd been turned away by so many other places? Her jaw clenched in tension as she waited, trying to stay calm but feeling that she was failing.

She knew. She knew right away, from the moment the woman spoke. They were going to turn them away. So many had turned them away in their life and this was just another place who would tear what they had from their grasp and spit on them. It was hard to stay calm as the woman explained herself, saying they had many mothers and had no more space for more. What utter bullshit. What kind of shit sanctuary was this?

To add insult to injury, the woman then went on to say that they could take some of them, but not all of them. That she was sorry. Really? Laurel said, the hair in her neck pricking up. You're sorry? Is that it? What kind of bullshit sanctuary is this? If you're a sanctuary that only takes care of your own, guess what? You're just the same as any other pack, except it's full of retarded rejects instead of useful pack wolves. You know what, fuck you and your sanctuary. Laurel bared her teeth as she took a bold step forward. I should tear your face off and take over your pack to make you feel what it's like to be in that position. Well, maybe not exactly the same, but close.

Her blood was boiling and though Laurel knew she should leave, and wanted to leave, it was hard to keep herself and her anger under control.
indra had known too, before the woman had spoken. it was etched in the sorrowful crease of her kind eyes, diffused in the soft bend of her posture, the very same posture that often was adopted by bearers of bad news and beggars alike. indra stiffened alongside her sister, no longer listening to the even cant of olive’s words.

for all the diplomacy the matron summoned, it was lost on the redleaf pair. spurned, indra hastily turned on her heels — but not before she delivered a long, hardened stare in olive’s direction. laurel’s words might have been cruel, but if looks could kill surely the kind waif before them would have dropped dead instantaneously from the venomous bite in indra’s gaze.
This was it — this was the moment that someone challenged Elysium’s existence, and threatened to ruin the careful balance that they had struck. A place such as Elysium was only allowed to exist because of an agreement and the support of all those around them, but here was a rather large group (and growing larger) who was reacting vehemently to their peaceful mission. It didn’t make logical sense, but when one’s family was at stake, logic was the first thing to be thrown out the window. Olive, as a mother and midwife, saw through the anger that Laurel portrayed and understood her innate fear immediately.

However, Olive would not allow the beautiful, rich land of Elysium to become exploited and resource-poor due to overpopulation. There was a limit to all things, even the capacity of a sanctuary. This was not a free for all, it was a place where the sick and weak came to heal and live a beautiful, lovely life. If they had no space, it was simply a matter of timing — not a matter of not caring. But, Olive mused, even if they had the space for a large family and pups, after hearing how these two wolves spoke and reacted to the situation, she doubted that she would have allowed them near the vulnerable souls of the sanctuary anyways. Peace, above all things — and these wolves were not peaceful. Their place was not here.

Olive was silent for several moment after the other women gave her a stare that could kill, and subsequently fled. The druid watched her go, then returned her attention to Laurel and narrowed her gaze.
“Your position is much too precarious to be speaking of the Seraphim in such a way.”  The druid didn’t believe the truth of the woman’s poisonous words, but it did not mean that they should be spoken. “…and now my goodwill is waning.”  The Shakti Woman truly believed that her offer to care for some of their party was fair — after all, if their group was smaller, wouldn’t it be far easier to find a pack with the space to house them? — which was more than a fair deal.

A younger Olive might have staunchly believed that violence could never befall her and her pack, but the woman, with several families and packs under her belt, knew that was not the reality they lived in. Not every wolf believed in love and peace — some lived deep within a pit of guilt and hatred from which they could not escape. This situation needed to be diffused, and quickly. The most efficient way to accomplish this? Empathy.

“Your family needs help that exceeds our capacity. You are angry and desperate, and I understand, because I have been where you are.”  Several times, actually, and each denial rerouted her back to her ultimate fate: to led Elysium. Those were uncomfortable times, but in hindsight, Olive was able to see that the Gods had been looking out for her the entire time. Whether or not the remaining woman listened, Olive continued. She wanted to be heard. “Trust that whatever will be, will be, but we cannot force the hands of the gods.” It was not easy to remain calm and kind in the face of baseless injustice, but Olive managed to keep her voice low and serious. Her visage, calm and unwrinkled. Her hackles lay low, as did her tail. This was no time to assert her position and further rile the agitated mother-to-be. Perhaps the matter could be over and done with, right here and now, with no further negativity.

“I hope you find the aid you require, but you will not find it here.” 

She watched the stranger carefully, not trusting her in the slightest, but attempted anyways to telepathically communicate that it is time for you to leave. 
Everything was fine in the first bit of olive's response. Olive remained calm and though Laurel was angry she definitely didn't want any actual fights. She was in no position to, anyway. But when Olive said that her goodwill was waning, Laurel bared her teeth again and hissed: Is that a threat?? She didn't like to be threatened. Laurel felt she had dealt with enough shit to not have to put up with this.

You do not know what my position is like at all. I hope you will find yourself in my position one day, and I hope to your pitifully unjust gods that he will tear you apart when that happens. The last words were spat and unstable as Laurel's body shook from her anger. Laurel's tail twitched tensely behind her as she stared long and hard at Olive, and then she turned around, ready to leave with this curse upon the woman, unless Indra decided otherwise.
indra did decide otherwise. hearing olive’s decree there was no room was one thing.. but hearing the not so thinly veiled threat in the woman’s words, was something else entirely. 

she had stopped midstride when she heard the warning in olive’s voice, the cocksure way the symphony intoned they were in no position to react emotionally to what was a rather emotionally charged situation. what way were they supposed to react? despondently? they were not stones — they were living, breathing things — and olive turning them away sealed their fate as something grim and terrible. what wolf wished that on another wolf, or did not see that they needed empathy, not scorn?

indra turned around slowly, her hair on end as she processed what had just been uttered. her motions were slow and thick, as if she were some rabblerouser that had heard a sniping remark said under one’s breath the moment she happened to pass by. 

who the fuck did this woman think she was, spitting in the face of wolves who had it worse off than her? what kind of sanctuary was this where wolves were turned away and threatened, simply for being understandably upset? 

and what kind of sanctuary leader kicked the downtrodden while they were down?

her blood was boiling even before laurel spoke. indra did not sit well with threats. many wolves had threatened her in her life, and just as many had walked all over her... but no wolf threatened her sister — not without serious loss of limb involved. 

with a snarl indra dove towards the seraph, pure aggression slugging through her steps. she launched herself at the woman indiscriminately, her teeth bared in hate for anything — face, cheek, ear, shoulder... she didn’t care so long as she sank her teeth into it. 

let this woman turn them away, that was fine — but threatening her sister came at a blood price indra was all too ready to exact.
Lily hadn't been able to find anyone to watch her wayward kids. She'd scrambled upon hearing the call, knowing that Olive's birth had just happened like a week prior. The Shakti was in no shape to be greeting visitors, in her view. It was with much relief that she managed to rope Qilaq into babysitting duty, but by that time, it was too late.

Nothing alarmed her until the volley of curses—an incredibly foreign sound among the willows. Not just the words themselves, but the way they were uttered. So vitriolic. . .and from an unfamiliar voice. Lily picked up the pace, beginning to trot down the forest trail with haste.

She arrived to see a stranger launch themselves at Olive, teeth bared, intent on violence. 

And she ran. Without thought, without fear. Just anger, and toward the maelstrom, rather than away. She hurtled her little body like a dark bullet, aimed straight at the center of the woman's mass. Her teeth bared as well. She didn't care what had happened, what had been said. Olive was in danger, and the peace of Elysium had been shattered. 

That was enough. 

She just gave birth, you fucking cunt! Lily shrieked, hoping to meet her mark before too much damage was done to the Shakti.

What happened next seemed to happen all at once. Her peace, which Olive though had been stated thoughtfully and considerately, was pulverized by the workings of tortured minds. Her words were written off as a threat — but which wasn’t the lilac mother the one who threatened to tear the faces off of her band of retarded rejects? — and before she had the chance to refute such an inane accusation, there was a flash of red fur and Olive knew she should should brace for impact.

But — why?! This was her home, and these heathens were not going to ruin her paradise by force or inadvertent resource consumption. Olive had never felt hatred before, but at that moment, she hated this family. It wasn’t logical, because she was outnumbered. It wasn’t ethical, because they were a group of wolves in pain. Gritting her teeth, she darted out of Indra’s way and prepared to do something; anything. She would not be a victim today.

That was when a blackbird flew onto the scene, preparing to defend the sanctuary. Suddenly realizing what was at seek, the Shakti women now only wished for it to all stop. 
“No, stop! — Please!” she shouted, her voice cracking and straining with effort.  This was a scene out of a literal nightmare, and if it didn’t end in the next five seconds, the peaceful dove knew she would have to throw herself into the fray and also defend Lily, Elysium, and all the pups held within.
Indra! Laurel called to her sister as she lurched forwarded with surprising speed. Laurel hadn't seen it coming, and with shock she watched it unfold. She contemplated joining in the fray and maybe she would have if she wasn't pregnant with child.

A third joined and Laurel stepped forward again, hoping that Indra would see the wisdom in stopping now but ready to fight if it was necessary to defend her sister from Olive or the new, rude woman; even though she knew it unwise.
reasons nor logic mattered not to indra, who streaked towards olive like a red bullet. what mattered was her sister had been threatened, their lives threatened -- as a wolf cut of a far harder cloth than most, indra could stomach no such insult.

it came to be that her attack was evaded; indra was many things, but she was not a warrior. her rage had blinded her, and a whirling black form darted upon the scene and clipped indra straight in the flank. she was spun around by the force of the impact, her trajectory no longer facing olive.

indra whirled upon her sudden assailant (lily) with fangs bared and her eyes half-sheathed by brimming pink -- her third eyelids both opaquely filmed her furious mahogany gaze. what followed was a flash of vicious yellowed fangs as she defended herself from whatever came further.

no, stop! came the entreaty of the woman that denied them refuge; please!.

no amount of begging would pare down the burning hatred indra felt for olive then; for denying them when they needed help most, and for subtly twisting the knife by words scarcely more than a scantily concealed threat.

indra's lips curled back and she flanked laurel protectively, the tiny bob of her tail stiff. the hardened bite of her accusatory gaze raked olive with contempt, but she made no further move towards the elysium women. "sanctuary, my ass." indra spat, raising her head and turning away. they would get theirs -- someday, they would get what was coming to them.. and indra hoped they never saw it coming.
No! Stop! Please!

It was these words, and these words alone, that brought Lily to a halt, her assault cut short. She skittered backward, away from the brown woman, returning the rude sentiment with some choice words of her own. Fuck them. Perhaps at another time, she'd be more diplomatic, but she was in no such mood at the moment.

Are you all right? she asked, turning to Olive with hushed tones. She pressed her nose against the woman's cheek, then her shoulder, both in comfort and looking for injury. Finding none, she drew back—but there was still rage and worry etched into the lines of her face. How dare they?! What happened?

She trusted the Shakti to fill her in on all the gory details—but even without context, she'd be on the lookout for those two going forward.
Laurel just watched in horror as the scene unfolded. It seemed to take forever until the clash was done and Indra withdrew to her side while she snapped some words at the Elysium wolves. Laurel glared at the pair of Elysium wolves and then nosed Indra's flank in silent gesture of 'let's go'. She started to move backwards, though keeping her eye on the Elysium until she felt safe enough to turn around fully. Hypocrit assholes, Laurel informed Indra and that was the last she spoke of them at all while they turned back to go and look for a proper home with a pit in her stomach and growing worry for her unborn children.

my last post!