Wolf RPG

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AW for any Kaistleoki wolves <3

The morning found her sore and hungry. She had already suffered her scheduled morning vomit, and as was normal, now that the nausea had passed, she was left feeling like she hadn't eaten in days. She walked to a calmer part of the river and stood in the water while it gently flowed against her injury, cleaning it while the coolness eased some of the pain. Once the wound was clean, she moved from the water, tenderly shaking out her coat. She remembered where Evergreen had pointed out more marigolds during his tour, and so she headed there next. She sat in the small meadow of flowers and began to delicately pull golden orange petals from the plant before chewing them and applying the poultice to her wound.

Now that her injury was tended, she set off to try and take care of her next pressing need, her stomach grumbling then as if in frustrated agreement. She limped back to the river, farther down than she had been before and began searching for a flip of a tail above the surface of the water. Her shoulder grew tired quickly, and she found herself needing to rest for a bit, so she sat near the water's edge to continue her search for breakfast.
she'd trekked further up the river, sliding into the water when the distance felt far enough. the current was strong here, and pushed against her narrow hocks as she stepped deeper in. just when the bottom of the river lost contact with her paws, she dove beneath the current, fighting to sky below the water but letting the current carry her. she exhaled slightly, and after a moment achieved a sort of equilibrium which allowed her to tugged downstream and remain (mostly) underwater. she fought the burning in her chest as long as possible before breaching the surface suddenly, gasping and finding the riverbed beneath her paws once more. she was aware of the stranger on the bank a moment later, and when her breath had returned she pipped a "hello!" she'd thoroughly disturbed all the fish in this part of the river, but was woefully ignorant. 
Her concentration was soon broken by a different kind of splashing; it came from another wolf and not a fish. She suspected the woman to be a packmate she hadn't met yet, and she returned her greeting with a small smile. Hey, she said first, tail moving a little with a few slow wags. I'm Speedy; I'm new here. She didn't even care that the other wolf had scared away any fish; she was pretty hungry, but the prospect of meeting a new packmate trumped her hunger for now. She could always find something else to eat later.
speedy! she liked that name, though the woman didn't seem especially fast, itt would be certain to stick in her head longer than most. "I'm fern! I'm new too." she told her, paddling in place and occasionally drifting further downstream. "what're you doing?" fern didn't exactly take to time to relax, ever, and so assumed others wouldn't do so either.
It's nice to meet you, Speedy replied, watching the other woman swim. When she asked what the healer had been doing, she smiled and answered: I was searching for some breakfast. Of course now, there would be no fish close by for her to catch, but she didn't care. She stood and began to walk into the water. Swimming sounds better, though. Mind if I join you? She would have to redress her wound after, but it was no problem. The water would be good for her wound and her sore shoulder muscle anyway, and she loved the idea of swimming with a new packmate.