Wolf RPG

Full Version: Got everything I wanted and lost it
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Her newly found sister was gone, disappeared without a trace. Her mother dying of wounds inflicted by her old pack. The she wolf travels back to the place she left when she pursued her family. This was the only place she knew to go and back she went. Now facing the borders she lifted up her head in a howl for @Valette hoping maybe she could rejoin the pack.

She wasn’t sure what was in store for her when she finally returned but she hoped for the best.
Assuming she left on good terms like we had talked about when she had left Easthollow. If so she would of told her that she was searching for family.
Mar isn't back from vacation yet, so I thought I'd reply to get this going <3 Quick post!

Steph heard the howl, and changed her course of direction to head towards the wolf at the borders. When Kiran came into view, her tail wagged in a friendly greeting. Kiran, she said happily, extending her nose in an intent to nudge the other female hello. How are you? she asked, wondering if she was returning, or simply visiting.
She was greeted by Steph and she returned the she-wolf’s greeting with a tail wag of her own and a smile. “I’m doing well, how have you been.” It had clearly been a while and she noticed she had grown. “I was seeking to rejoin ranks.”
Kiran said she was doing well, which made Steph happy. I'm well, too, she responded. Not much to complain about, being back home and all. Kiran stated her business, and Steph nodded her head in understanding. Well, Valette is the deciding factor on that. While I'm sure she'd be fine with it, we have to wait for her, Steph explained, giving a reassuring smile to Kiran. 

I'm sure she'll be along soon. In the meantime, I'll keep you company, she promised, sitting back on her haunches. Have you been traveling a lot? she asked, making conversation.
She was glad the she wolf was well and she smiled. “Yes of course, i don’t mind waiting.” She then was asked if she had travelled a lot and she gave a swift nod. “I went back to my homeland for a brief period, found out my mother was still alive. It’s been a hectic journey.”

She learned so much about her life and family. “Also was made aware of a sister I had on my fathers side as well as other siblings but I only met one, when I returned.”
Valette didn't feel like answering calls at the border at this moment. She rather wanted to stay with Leta and make sure her child was alright. She wanted to make sure all her children were alright and not wandering off. It was clear that the female was tired, over-alert, and extremely tense. As she approached the borders she had to think for a moment where she recognized the female from. Then she realized it was Kiran. "Kiran, hello," she greeted and then looked at Steph for an explanation. Perhaps she did need help with leading, especially now most of her time went to Leta's recovery.
Kiran explained she had gone back to her homeland, and found out her mother was still alive. That's great! she responded. Did you let them know you were coming here? Maybe they'll visit, she replied. It must have been hard for Kiran to know she had siblings out there she hadn't gotten to meet yet. 

Before she could ask more, Valette arrived. Steph smiled and wagged her tail, and when her mother looked expectantly her way, she didn't hesitate to answer the silent question. Kiran is back from her home land, and would like to know if she's still welcome to rejoin the ranks, Steph explained. She went quiet then, to allow Valette to answer the other female.
She saw Valette approach and she gave a smile. “Hello again.” She waited for Steph to finish relaying what she herself had just spoken instead of repeating herself. “If you should have me back that is.”

Sorry this is so short..
Valette turned from her daughter to Kiran. "You left us before, what will make you stay this time," Valette questioned. It seemed a bit of a harsh question but Valette felt that it was important to ask. She wanted members that were willing to stay and work for the family. "You are welcome to join us again, Kiran. But do understand that we aren't a charity. We have lots of pups to feed," she stated, glancing at Steph for support.
Steph felt the guilt in her begin to rise up to the surface. She had left once, too, what was the difference with Kiran? Yes, Steph was blood, but Easthollow had always prided itself on being family regardless. Steph didn't think there would be any problem with allowing Kiran back in. 

But, as Valette looked to her for support, Steph knew she couldn't let her down. But, she also didn't want to turn Kiran away. So, she tried to compromise. Looking from Kiran to Valette, she offered up a solution. I could look after Kiran, make sure that she's pulling her weight and helping with the pack. It could be a time of trial until she proves she's going to stay and help, she explained, hoping the two would agree.
Deep down she understood and with a sigh she spoke. “I totally understand. I will do my best to earn my place back in this pack.” To hopefully earn back their trust.

Steph then spoke up with a proposition. “I don’t mind proving myself if that’s what is necessary.”
Valette nodded when Steph spoke. "That would be great if you could do that for me," the female spoke to her daughter. She then turned to Kiran who understood that she would have to work to get back in the family ranks. Valette was glad she understood. "It is good to see you healthy and alive. I am sure that in no time you will be back in our family ranks," she offered. "Welcome to Easthollow, Kiran."
I'll archive this here!

Valette accepted Steph's idea, and Steph's eyes shifting to Kiran with a smile, glad she had been accepted. Steph would make sure to check on her often, but wouldn't be looking over her shoulders every moment. Steph shifted to allow Kiran to enter Easthollow, her tail swaying side to side. She would allow Kiran a little time to get settled before she made her first check on her.