Wolf RPG

Full Version: tundra vs rosencrantz
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@Rosencrantz - for this thread.

using a 1d10 die, odds are misses and evens are hits. each hit subtracts 10 HP, first to reach 0 loses.

roll: 4
HP: 50/50

These don't always work for me.. maybe i have it figured out
trying again... I TOLD YOU IT MIGHT NOT WORK LOL totally embarrassed myself 

i lowkey avoided dice rolls for ages because i was scared of messing it up lmao

roll: 10
HP: 40/50
and here i am messing it up completely lol glad im not the only one!

roll: 8

may or may not post the reply today, but im rolling anyway so i can think it over!
roll: 6
HP: 30/50
Roll: 6
roll: 5
HP: 20/50
Roll: 2
roll: 3
HP: 10/50
Roll: 3
roll: 10
hp: 10/50
Roll: 8

Can't post a reply now, but putting this up anyway! Even if he is at 0, i think he gets just one more attempt to make even rolls :P
sorry! he's not at 0, he's at 10 left, gotta fix that in my last post :P I was doing homework so kinda distracted!! I'll finish his reply to this fight maybe tomorrow <3