Wolf RPG

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76°, currently it is clear and set during the night. Located in Great Bear Wilderness, moonspear | ooc notes: set after the attack from Alison! Don't know how that thread ends yet, but she needs some newer threads to stay active :P | tagging: @Evergreen and @Ira for references! No reply, please!

It felt like months, though it had only been only a few days since she had come here from the field. The wounds still felt fresh, the once snowy princess with a pristine pelt as white as freshly fallen snow; was now stained, crossed with angry red wounds, unsightly if she were to think of it. It saddened her greatly, she had spent most of her time deep in this new pack's lands, away from the borders - she had not spoken to anyone just yet, the amount of new faces, smells, and the land was overwhelming; and if anything she had done her best to remain hidden and tucked away until now. 

Quietly she padded through the thick forest, with how the land was laid out, she could only assume they were on a mountain. Where was she? What pack was this? She couldn't remember anything after she had lost consciousness in the field, the last sight was that woman who had suffocated her - then, nothing. What did Evergreen and Ira think? She feared that they believed she had just up and left, abandoned Kaistleoki without a word. She would have preferred to be thought of dead. 

Looking around, she kept to the trees, trying to keep herself from gathering too much attention. It hurt to move, hurt to breathe, the healing had not been completed or nearly enough along and yet she still wondered... where was she and which direction was home?
He roamed the night, content in its depths as his prowls began to give in to the pull of curiosity. With a little time to kill, and nothing else vying for his attention, he let his nose wiggle over the winds so that his paws could follow soon. The sterling Ostrega made quick work of the path, going easy, because it felt like the mountain was simply second-nature to him as he slowly zeroed in on someone very unfamiliar on the Spear.

Most of all lately, Jarilo had stayed away from whatever this circumstance had been to land her here, now. He had no earnest business helping heal, and he was actually happier to help watch the pups lately if he wasn't at guard of the mountain as a whole anyway. So largely, Reiko's tenure on Moonspear had gone unbothered by him until he surfaced from the woods towards her--moving with a long-striding walk that only he paused when he was well within her sights. He couldn't help but glance to her wounds, but ultimately decided it was good to see her moving around a bit.. within reason, right?

Hey, he chuffed, trying to fringe on some halfway-friendly-looking neutrality but truth was, he didn't know how to feel about her or her presence here now. He had only just appeared, though and with only bits and pieces of her story, plus having seen the wolves that had done this to her, he had his share of questions. Starting with, perhaps simply: Who are you?
Hydra had been briefed by her family as to what had happened that day, and on her list of things to do was to explore for those that had initiated such an... unfortunate encounter for the woman that they looked after. Certain her children were in the safekeeping of her mate and sisters both, Hydra sought out the woman. This scene was too familiar to her; she felt herself assigning blame to the victim, this time, as she had not done for Rannoch all that time ago. Hydra by now had learned that not all things were so black and white, and sometimes karma found others early.

She came across her brother and the stranger simultaneously, as her luck would have it. And the stranger looked far better than she had days ago. Hydra sidled alongside her brother, ears erect and tail rigid behind her. Days ago, this wolf had not even been conscious after all—it was best she know who it was who greeted her.

Hydra remained mute, wanting to know much the same thing.
Vela had taken her patrols very serious after her return from the ocean. She needed it to just deal with he death of her father. It was something that had been important in his life and just sitting by the crashing waves reminded her of him. For a moment he had been there with her. Vela returned soon after though, after all, her sister was about to burst and the territory needed to be the safest.

She had been looking for her brother, and while tracking for him, she found him ánd her sister with some stranger. Vela's deep blue eyes looked at the breathtaking female. Vela pushed herself forward towards the beautiful stranger. However, she was injured. Her pristine pelt was not pure white. It seemed that Vela's eyes where drinking in every inch of her body. Once she realized she was staring her wide eyes popped back into her usual scowl.

Lol Vela right now:

[Image: tenor.gif]
LOL Mar that absolutely killed me (◍´͈ꈊ`͈◍)

Carefully she rounded a tree, cerulean eyes peering around only to find the face of another! It was a young man, not much older than Reiko herself, he wasn't huge and so that should ease her shock, but already on edge of finding herself in a strange new land, Reiko was a little more afraid of the new face than she normally would be. Wide-eyed, the young snowy damsel backed up, giving herself as much space from the male as possible without running away. 

Hello. Softly she greeted in return, finding herself leaning and half hiding behind the tree she had slunk around previously as if it would protect her against the strangers that one by one, would appear. Two more quickly followed and quickly, the Squire already felt overwhelmed; but she remained where she had found solace. Next to the tree, for now, should no one creep into her space, she felt rather comfortable right here. 

The other two, females, remained quiet. Eyeing her as they too waited for her response that the dark male had posed. I'm Reiko. She finally continued, eyeing each and every one of them as she spoke. Squire of Kaistleoki... The words continued to tumble softly from her lips.

Where am I? These ones, were more akin to that of a lost child, seeking out guidance.
There was a lot to wonder about her.. but Jarilo stayed about where he was, though was keen to lean his nose towards her quite openly. When he noticed Hydra soon after, then Vela now on the scene behind him, he glanced their ways only briefly--glad for the presences, for several sorts of reasons. With Hydra beside him, he kept his own stance confident, but not nearly as forward as hers. He subtly made it clear that she stood above him, even if he was feeling keen to guide this.. introduction/investigation, of sorts, for now.

Nevertheless, she answered with a name, then what he suspected was a title and pack--and not one he had much information about, which in turn prompted another quick side-eye at Hydra to confirm. This is Moonspear, he answered, pairing with a small gesture of his snout that did not encapsulate the whole of it. For the moment after, Jarilo studied her back to see how familiar that was for her. Arcturus said he had sparred with her from before finding her mauled, but that didn't necessarily mean she would know a lot about his packlife and beyond. Or maybe it did. Honestly, who knew, but he watched her ever-so-keenly to try to find out, if he could ever hope to.

He wanted to see what name-dropping his brother might inspire. Arcturus said he knew you from before, and we couldn't leave you there in the field.. he explained. Jarilo might have many questions about this entire situation, but at least he had been conscious lately. How are you..? he asked, which allowed him to segue into what else he wanted to know: Those two wolves--what happened? Her wounds could only speak so far for themselves. Something had to have led up to that.
Hydra followed along mutely. She was content to let Jarilo take the lead in this, and watch how he handled it. Vela came, and Hydra did not miss her initial reaction. For the time being she thought nothing of it, if only because the more pressing matter at hand was this stranger. Hydra wanted to hear the whole of what happened, as Reiko had experienced it.
Vela watched as her brother held the conversation with Reiko. She instantly felt jealous that he was the one that got to talk with her. Vela wanted to talk to the female and see what she was like. She was about to interrupt and tell the female about Moonspear when her brother did so. Hydra seemed to be fine staying in the background. Vela wasn't. "Where is Kaistleoki?," Vela asked curiously. She was not familiar with this pack name.

Vela scowled lightly at her brother. "She doesn't look well, you can clearly see that, Jarilo," she huffed and then realized she basically told the female she looked like shit. That was exactly what she didn't wanted to do. Instantly a scowl came on her face. Great. She wasn't one to stumble though. Vela almost voiced her annoyance with herself with a growl but she contained herself. "Perhaps, if Hydra allows, you should rest here until you are fit for travel," Vela suggested out of pure selfishness. Normally she wouldn't approve of strangers eating their food but this was a handsome stranger. Vela was also curious what happened to the female for her to look so roughed up.
Sorry it's a little longer guys!!

Moonspear. At least she had a name to the group who had come to her aid. Though still nervous about their presence, it eased her slightly that they were giving her something at least, rather than keeping quiet and choosing to simply ignore her desire to learn.

Still, the spotted female who had been a little too excited to see Reiko, had gone unnoticed. She only thought the woman was the friendliest of the bunch and nothing more, so naturally, she started to gravitate her attention more and more to Vela as she spoke up. 

Arcturus? She questioned the name, it was unfamiliar - although the boy's face would be recognized immediately. It seemed that the lack of introduction from her playmate from before might cost her in this little exchange right now. Thank you. Never the less, whomever Arcturus was; she was thankful beyond words.

The questions continued, though the black male and the spotted female were rather friendly - more or less, at least they were not attacking her verbally or accusing her of anything, the curious nature of the two (and annoyance of Vela) was normal. But it was the black female that kept her at bay. There was something about her that made Reiko was more uncomfortable, uneasy, and kept her in place, sheltered by the tree she hugged. Her silence was thick, and it made Reiko swallow uncomfortably.

I don't know what happened... I was gathering flowers and herbs to add to the garden then - A pause. She thought about what had happened before continuing, her tones softening up as she remembered every detail. A russet female came running over, afraid of the man in the distance, saying he was going to kill her. I turned to see who she was talking about, ready to run and assist her as much as I could until we found help - but when I turned around to run with her, she attacked. It was so quick.

I suppose you know the rest... Adverting her eyes, she listened as Vela mentioned how terrible Reiko looked. She felt warm at the statement, cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she whispered the words "do I?" under her breath as if questioning if she really did look that bad.

Kaistleoki is on Whitefish River; wherever that may be from here. A soft smile broke as she addressed the question of the whereabouts of her home.  Then she perked up immediately, finally stepping forward, one, two steps, concern painting her face. Those two didn't mention Kaistleoki, did they? This was a personal attack, not directed to the pack? If it was pack related, she had to report back to Evergreen and Ira immediately.
He tilted his head a bit, a touch surprised to find Arcturus not to be a familiar name. Dark fur, golden eyes. He is my brother. Our beta, the sterling Ostrega detailed, maybe wondering if a description like that may ring as familiar to her. Either way, he mainly tried to shrug off Vela's remark--for he had not meant to say she looked like she was doing great, but he had hoped to hear from her how she fared, appearances aside. At least she's awake now. She's better off than she was.. he returned, glancing between his pale sister and the snow-furred stranger before there was plenty more to hear.

Now knowing what he did just helped to further affirm his suspicions, that he was absolutely right to not like any of it. Even if he had only pulled up on what had been their retreat. They did not mention Kaistleoki at all, not that I heard, he shook his head. Much of this was really the first he heard about the pack. The location, since it was along a waterway in the flatlands, was at least familiar to him. They claimed it was a case of mistaken identity--that you were not their intended target, I guess? But it seemed suspicious, he said, who was that careless? Someone best manage their rogues better, if shit like this was happening. He thought it was messy, if that was even really the case. Seemed like an easy coverup, though. They did leave their sincerest apologies, Jarilo added, mocking the lackluster tone the stranger of a beast had answered with--all to say he did not put a lot of faith in it.

He let that sink in, if it needed to, and wondered what she would think of Vela's mention. Hydra was going to want to know what her next move was going to be so long as it concerned their mountain, and he did too, honestly.
If the queen sensed the others discomfort, she did nothing to ease the feeling; she simply listened, and listened well, to the story so that she could take in each detail. The woman had wanted to be a hero, and instead ended up the victim. Hydra could only hope this was a lesson learned for the other, though time would tell, she imagined. 

At last, Hydra spoke. She must have been their intended target. The woman tricked her before attacking her, she drawled, gaze not leaving the wounded figure of Reiko. She had not heard of the pack Reiko spoke of, and it seemed Jarilo had not either—at least, not from the lips of Reiko's attackers. 

Vela's suggestion was what caused Hydra's gaze to leave the other and fall to her speckled sister. Such a suggestion was unlike her, and Hydra was less than pleased to hear it. It did not serve Moonspear to do such a thing at all, nor her family. The Queen looked back to Reiko, considering for a moment. Reiko traveling alone could mean her death, if whoever attacked her wanted to finish the job. But that was not her problem; already, Moonspear had saved her, for no reason at all other than their being at the right place at the right time, for Reiko. 

No; she is walking, despite her injuries. She can return home. Her pack likely worries for her, Hydra decided, and the Queen took a step forward herself, sniffing in a cursory manner, eyes darkening as she considered aloud, this could all be some elaborate plan in which we are played for the fools, sister, for the innocence that enshrouded Reiko reminded her of the too-sweet Liffey, who had taken what she could before leaving with even more than that. Hydra was not so quick to believe the other was without guile themselves; life had taught her to be smarter than that.
Vela didn't agree with what her big sister decided. The glare on her face was evident for a moment. She looked much like they father Charon when he didn't get what he wanted. However, Vela accepted it quicker as Hydra was in charge and Vela did respect her. Her dark blue eyes turned to female. She wasn't sure if the female could travel alone. She might die. Vela disliked that idea. The lady was far too pretty for that.

"Perhaps I should escort her to this Kastleoki and see what their pack is all about,' Vela stated. "Plus we can perhaps gain a favor from them," she suggested to her sister. It would be nice to have a pack that owed them a favor, at least in Vela's opinion.
Dark fur and golden eyes, though she did meet a wolf like that, there were many who bore that appearance, just as she did with many others as well. [q]“Is he stoic? Not really Playful? I would like to meet him to thank Arcturus in person.” She took a wild guess, taking note of the most recent black wolf with golden eyes she had come into contact with.

Even if the apology, at least coming from Amarillo, didn’t seem all too sincere, Reiko was put into enough ease hearing that there was no mention of the white river and its pack. But she’d agree with the dark female, she did sound like the intended target... which was both bittersweet. In response, she nodded softly to agree with both of them.

It was the following that lit a small fire in her belly. Accused of being a part of a ruse, this woman was clearly the type to jump to conclusions, no matter how elaborate they may seem. A frown graced her features as the dark woman continued, though she wanted to speak up, it was not her place to for the time being...it would perhaps only make things worse to speak out of place even if she only wished to defend her honor.  It was what Vela said, the pale woman, that crossed a proverbial line.

“No”. She spoke up finally. Her once reserved, shy and afraid posture turned to something a little more proud, stern. “I will leave on my own. No one will escort me. I wouldn’t want to put my elaborate plan into action and lead one of you astray.” Perhaps it would have been better to be left out to die than back here, where thy jump to the opportunity to take advantage of her pack for their “kind gesture”. “Thank you for your brief hospitality, I won’t forget it. If this is all, I will prepare for my departure.” Even if she felt insulted by the accusation, she swallowed her pride and still remained appreciative, giving a light bow to who she assumed to be their leader and waited for a moment to see if there was more to add to this before taking her leave.
Y'all, just getting a reply up to this to speed up the process for Reiko!

Hydra's features seemed to darken, and the corner of her lip lifted in cold amusement as she took another step forward. Good, Hydra responded, ear turning toward Vela, drawling, neither would I. We have seen what happens when one trusts so easily, have we not? There were no conclusions to be jumped toward; the result of that was presented right before her. When one trusted too easily, the end result was hurt in some way or another. There was a reason Hydra had become the way that she had, after all; her hurts were of a different variety, and yet, neither was really better or worse than the other. All Hydra truly cared for was protecting her young, her pack, her family. If this was some scheme, she would not see her children the victim of it. Hydra was a Queen first, a mother second, a sister third—she was a part of the cerberus that protected this place, and the hellish woman was not keen to let strangers pass her gates so easily. This was her family, and she would protect them. 

Still, Hydra was not oblivious to Vela's own interest in the other. Vela, you could assist her in that, surely, her blue eyes turned toward the freckled visage of her fathers doppelganger. That Hydra would not allow to be refused; Reiko was on her lands, and given Hydra's dismissal of her, she was no longer welcome here where her children were beginning to roam. Hydra's gaze turned back to Reiko, and informed: Foreigners are not afforded the luxury of trust within this territory for very long. You are a wolf of Kaistleoki, who we know nothing of, at present, anyway. Hydra wondered if they should be given any leeway in her territory, now that her children could meander... and she erred in the direction of no. Other packs could do as they pleased; it was not their way. If you have no interest in becoming a part of this family, there is little point to you remaining. My mistrust in you is not personal. You have recovered, some, anyway—enough to be on her way, at least— so why should you wish to stay any longer? Her head canted at that, one ear cupping toward Reiko as she regarded the woman that bowed. It was largely a rhetorical question; she did not think she would, and would not be insulted herself if that was how it was... Hydra did not pretend it to be so, or imagine her lingering.
As Hydra took her step forward, he certainly let her be the absolute forefront of this situation, and the son suited the listener's role well beside her. Even knowing what he did, he was unable to shake all of his scrutiny, even balancing out understanding Vela's interest and Hydra's ferocity well enough to find his place too. He didn't know enough to be anything but wary. The circumstances that led her here were strange, he wondered why Kaistleoki let this be like this (and who they were anyway) when one of their own was involved--and worse, he did not trust anything to do with the wolves that had injured her.

Moonspear did not need misfortune. They were protective of much here, and when it came to matters at home, that was when he was on his highest guard. Whatever Reiko said, and whatever Hydra replied with, Jarilo had a bit to think on after this--but he definitely intended to linger, all too curious to shy away early.