Wolf RPG

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set for yesterday
Do you think — ow! Her question is cut off by a sharp pain in her paw, and she halts immediately, lifting the offending limb to inspect it. The scent of blood reaches her even before she sees the flash of crimson welling around something embedded in her pad. She lifts her paw closer to her face. A thorn.
@Eastwood She turns to him, uncertain how to approach asking for what she needs. No doubt he's already noticed the way she shrugs off pain in most situations, and she can't help feeling like she has a reputation to uphold. But she hates pulling things out of her own flesh. An uncomfortable shiver runs down her spine at the thought alone, and she glances between her companion and the thorn in her paw with shame clear in her expression.
The sound made him pause and turn to her, his eyes pulled the the drop of blood that fell from her paw to stain the dirt. He met her gaze and raised an eyebrow. Would you like me to pull it out? he asked, fully expecting her to turn down the offer; she was stubborn to a fault about these things. But she had called out to him like she wanted help, and on the off chance that she might be able to push aside her pride and not have to walk around with a thorn in her paw, he had offered. It would certainly become infected, as well as be a painful nuisance, but he wouldn't make her accept his help. That would get him absolutely nowhere. He moved to stand over her paw and inspect it more closely, releasing a sigh as he looked back at Nirali. Looks pretty deep. He watched her expectantly. Would she let him help or not?
Eastwood gets straight to the point, something she's always appreciated about him, though never so much as in this moment. It doesn't make it any easier, but it makes it less painful. She swallows, biting her cheek and then flinging her words out with the same haste as a sick child swallowing cough syrup. Yes, please, Her gaze is trained firmly on her paw as she speaks, resisting the urge to snap when he comments on how deep it is. I can see that, Captain Obvious, she thinks, gritting her teeth. She wants the thorn out more than she wants to argue with Eastwood, though, so she only bites her tongue and waits.
His eyebrows lifted in surprise when she accepted his offer to remove the thorn. But he quickly recovered, replacing the surprise with serious concentration as he lowered his muzzle to her paw. His gaze met hers briefly to ensure she was ready. Unless she stopped him, he gently grasped the free end of the then between his incisors and quickly pulled it from her paw pad. He spit it on the ground, careful to aim it away from them both, and then he returned his attention to her paw where a pool of blood had formed over the hole made by the the thorn. You okay? he asked hesitantly, knowing a thorn was probably one of the lesser dangers for them to run into here but still concerned regardless.
She tenses almost imperceptibly as Eastwood moves for her paw, offering a single nod when his gaze finds her. Her own eyes squeeze shut automatically when she feels him grasp the thorn, but she remains silent through the ordeal. The only signs of her pain are the brief tension in her jaw and the pause before she can bring herself to answer his question. Yes, She murmurs, drawing her tongue over her pad a few times. She starts to thank him, but something cuts her off. A rustle in the foliage ahead.
Do you hear that? She steps forward, paw forgotten as alarm flashes through her. There's a foreign scent on the breeze, one so fresh she curses herself for missing it before. Eastwood — She never gets a chance to finish her sentence. A guttural, bone-chilling sound fills the air, and some huge golden creature flings itself from the foliage, exotic and terrifying and far too fast for comfort.
He was hit with the scent too, and his muscles tensed in response, every one of his senses sharpening as he realized their suddenly dangerous situation. He barely heard Nirali say his name as he frantically scanned the area. But he definitely heard the sound released by the cat as sprang from the trees and sprinted towards them. It was instinct in moments like these, to throw himself into the fray without a second thought for his own safety; an instinct drilled into him from as far back as he could remember. He leaned back on muscular haunches, throwing himself at the the enemy and barreling into its side. Jaws snapped only air as he was thrown back, and he had to dodge a swipe from a large paw with a very intimidating set of claws. But now the cat's attention was on him, and he lunged forward to meet it, hoping to knock it back or at least get a good bite in. He managed to push the cat back, but only slightly, and his teeth missed yet again. This time claws connect with the flesh of his flank, ripping open the skin in a long gash. He stumbled back some, and shook his head, attempting to gather himself. Adrenaline blocked out the pain for now, but the cat was big and angry and he had no doubt that this would not be an easy fight.