Wolf RPG

Full Version: What are you running from, and may I interfere
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for @Eleni <3

He had come to the meadow to search for the missing prey only to find that the icy air and relentless drizzle made his chest ache. He had pushed himself to get here after growing frustrated with lying around the lake feeling like crap, and now he was seriously regretting it. His chest was on fire; breathing was difficult, and the exertion of walking here had forced his lungs to work much harder than they were really capable of right now. He eyed a promising group of trees in the distance between fits of coughing, thinking if he could just make it there, then he could rest and all would be fine. That was easier said than done, though, and if he hadn't been the ridiculously persistent man that he was, he might not have been able to make it to the small patch of much needed relief from the freezing rain.

He collapsed to the ground on his haunches once under the trees, thankful to finally sit down as he was overcome with more coughing and wheezing. He struggled to draw in breath once the episode was over but eventually was able to slump miserably to the ground. He shouldn't have made the stupid decision to take a walk; it wasn't like he wanted to eat anything anyway, but he had hoped to make himself at least useful enough to find something for the rest of the group to eat. Instead, he was stuck here for a while until he somehow found the energy to try and make his way back.
She should have been more watchful, observant of his presence. The cough that he had acquired had not been entirely unnoticed but what could she do besides be mindful? The cold killed plants if the earth's own wreckage had not. Most healers would have a stash for the colder months. She had not had the pleasure. So what did she do? Stare from distances before pulling away to bathe in her own self-pity that she was so useless.

She could not be so cooped up forever. If she could not physically heal him, she should at the very least make sure to not emotionally neglect him. The budding of whatever they had was certainly still tender...especially after where they had left off.

There he was. Crumpled onto the earth under some trees. She had missed whatever coughing fit he had endured moments ago. Eastwood? Her voice was a soft whisper.
The coughing and trouble catching his breath had taken a good amount of energy as usual, and he had almost fallen asleep despite how miserable he felt. Sleep didn't come easy when he felt so bad all the time, so he took it whenever he could get it regardless of how it came about. His heavy eyelids drooped from exhaustion, barely closing before the soft whisper of his name made him flick open his eyes. Eleni. He hadn't seen much of her recently, but that had been for the best probably. He didn't want her to worry over him or become ill herself. He didn't know if he could give her whatever was making him so sick, but he didn't really want to take any chances...at first. But the last few days had been lonely, and he found himself aching for her company. So he didn't try to push her away now, as selfish as that might be. East lifted his head, coughing a few times before offering her a raspy: Hey you. He managed a weak smile but couldn't hold it for long, nor could he hold his head up anymore; it fell back down on his paws, but his gaze remained on her face. He hoped she would stay, but he wouldn't blame her if she left.
"Hey you,"

She imagined it would have sounded much more alluring had it not been preceded by coughs. Without a word she weaved to be closer to his place, when close enough she sunk to her belly and laid on the earth next to him. If he made no attempt to stop her she would tuck herself into his large side. Perhaps she should have been more caretaker-like, asked a few questions or offered help. Yet she had missed him fiercely, missed the silence they could find in their private moments.

I missed you. She confessed, although she wondered if it really was a secret. Never once had Eleni been known for poker faces or hushed emotions. She was a feverishly emotional creature.
He wasn't sure whether or not he was contagious, which was why he had tried to keep on his own lately as hard as it was to do so. But there was no pushing her away once she settle against him; he just couldn't bring himself to do it, as selfish as it was. Instead, he curled around her, resting his head on his paws once he had ensured that they were as close as possible. Her words seemed to echo the exact way he was feeling about her. I missed you too, he answered, the words raspy. He cleared his throat, hoping it would remove some of the harshness from his voice. He coughed instead, though, but cleared his throat again when he was done. I didn't want to get you or anyone else sick, he finally added. He honestly hadn't expected to be sick so long. Not that he had ever been this sick before or had any healing knowledge, so maybe it had just been wishful thinking; he was not the sit around type, and spending most of his time resting had been almost as hard as not spending any time with Eleni. How are you? he asked, nuzzling whatever part of her was closest. His sickness aside, things had been rough for everyone, and it didn't look like things had changed much while he hid away and tried to get better.
It was a relief that she was missed and that she had not taken some grand misstep with her admission. His next words earned a soft scolding from her. Oh hush now. It flowed in her native tongue with ease. She thought nothing of it as she buried herself deeper into his side. You won't get better if you stay away from everyone. You need to be near for us to help. She wondered if he'd find it foolish advice but in these cold almost-world-ending times it was all she could mainly offer. Very little was left to be useful in a medicinal cache.

I'm better now. It was a relief to be near him again and feel safe tucked away against his brutish form. Granted she never felt unsafe with the rest of the group but there was a uniqueness to this right here. She would welcome his touch only to hopefully return it if allowed, aiming to press her forehead to the side of his own head.
Although he didn't understand the words she spoke, he felt like he understood the intention behind them. She burrowed closer, stating the she disagreed with the way he had chosen to deal with his sickness. He sighed a little. Maybe, but I would feel awful if I got you or the rest of the group sick, he replied. But, you're right, I need to stay close in case something happens. He wasn't in any condition to do much right now, so wandering too far from the group could lead to trouble. 

She pressed her head against the side of his own, a quiet sigh moving from his chest in response. I'm glad, he replied softly. But then he quickly drew back, turning his head to cough a few times. Once he was sure he was finished, he turned back to Eleni, pressing his nose into her fur to slowly nuzzle her. As soothing as her presence was, it didn't keep his worries from his mind for very long. East pulled back just enough to rest his anxious gaze on her face. Has there been any change in the prey situation? he asked. His eyes flicked up to the ominous sky before resting on her once again. He had a sinking suspicion that her answer would be no or that things were worse, and he worried about how they would do through the winter if the prey didn't start returning soon.