Wolf RPG

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@Fang Sorry for forgetting. > _ >''''

Her pack was almost set. She had three followers, Leatherface, Keith, and Rahzie. Once she finished negotiating with the ravens and crows, they could set up shop and the fun would begin. But until then, she could go take a break, heading north towards the meadows and mountains, away from the dark forest for a while.

Curious to what lay on the western side of the mountain, she turned her body towards the slopes of the mountains, tail wagging gently in the breeze. To her surprise, there was a beautiful valley nestled in between the mountains. Trees flourished here, no thanks to the creek running through the center. Pleased that she found a place to relax, she entered the valley, looking for a place to rest a bit.

no worries! Going to assume this is a few days after his thread with Kipling,

Despite his attempts to avoid the sunspire, he'd never managed to go far. The inherent attraction of protection offered by the pack, outweighed the desire to just leave and be forgotten. He had however been away enough to remove most of the scent of the mountain that lingered in his coat.

The vale, he'd been here before, and had never found the place all that intriguing. The occasional traveller heading north or south crossed with little concern. Today however he managed to pick up an intriguing scent, something unfamiliar and new, tracking it down to quench his curiosity.

The vale wasn't a place to elude others from, open and clear, so it didn't take him long to find the dark female wandering around. Hello! He barked, as he came closer. The half-smile presented itself on his features as he trotted closer his tail giving a gentle to-and-fro behind him.



Stepping deeper into the forest, she headed towards the tree. The wind was strong here; even a gentle breeze could feel like a hurricane. It came down from the mountains nearby. She wondered if it would sweep down into the valley and be trapped here. It was almost like a bowl, similar to Ouroboros, her current, but soon to be former, pack.

With the open space here, there was no real place to hide. She saw the coywolf at the same time that Fang saw her. He barked a greeting, to which she responded politely. "Greetings." She caught a wisp of his scent in the wild breeze that passed by them. It had hints of the mountain pack, of which she was familiar with some of its members. "I assume you are from around here?"

He moved closer when she returned his greeting, Amber eyes looking over the dark female before him. A vaguely familiar scent came to him, up its origins were unknown to the halfbreed, but it carried the familiar and exotic similarity of the white youth he'd met not so long ago. Were these wolves scouting the mountains for something?

Her question snapped him out of his thoughts, the ever present half-smile vanishing for a moment before he spoke. You could say that He offered flatly. You're not however, I recognise your scent, only from a male I met recently, he mentioned being from some distance away. The last came out in a curious question, recently finding himself particularly curious about other packs.



Internally she cocked her head in thought. Who could he have met, hm? Many of the males wandered out of the pack boundaries for their own means. It could be anyone really. She could sense something in the tone of the male's voice, which she started to understand once he dropped the smile he had. He was suspicious. Two wolves of a similar scent in the same day? That was a bit suspicious. Though this was purely coincidence.

"Do you know his name? He must be a packmate of mine." She responded in a soft questioning tone that was lifted gently by the lilt in her voice.

He couldn't help but tilt his head, listening to her words with a curious awe. The soft lilt in her voice was intriguing. A few moments passed after her question whilst he thought about the odd inflection that edged her words. Before long he realized she was waiting on a response. Feeling somewhat foolish at his silence he shook his head with a small chuckle. Keith, Little rogue. Entertaining to say the least.

The brief encounter with the other wolf was definitely an interesting distraction for the half-breed, and now here was an almost perfect opposite. Ahh, but more importantly, What's your name? I'm called Fang. He offered, in an attempt to try and worm some information out of the female.



Her voice had mesmerised the hybrid for a moment. While she had a perplexed mask on her face, internally she was pleased. She wasn't even trying to seduce him at all. After a brief moment, he responded. He had met Keith. Yes, Keith. She remembered him, though his side during the full moon was a lot more memorable. The priestess nodded, confirming her knowledge of the boy.

"My name is Meldresi." she returned to the wolf-dog. It was plain to see his domestic heritage in his body. Wolf-dogs were common in the wild, most having escaped from their masters or being kicked out, and some who were born in the wild leaving their mothers to embrace for their wild side. She wondered if this one had a similar story. "Which pack do you belong to?"

The short, simple answers were not lost on the halfbreeed, this Meldresi seemed to be keeping things very close to her chest. Though he was used to that sort of reaction from outsider wolves, his own nature was quite open and forthright, making him often frustrated when others weren't talkative. Eventually they opened up, but the initial suspicion of new people was always a trial to overcome.

The hybrids ears gave a small flick at her question. Belong to? despite his already formed opinion he was nothing more than an irritating acquaintance in the Spire, he didn't like the fact that it sounded as though they owned him. Putting aside the thought he lowered himself, stretching his front legs out before him with a yawn before returning to sit on his haunches. Golden eyes regarded the dark female again before he finally answered her question. Belong to? I guess technically I'm part of the wolves who claim the mountain. He indicated with his head in a general "that big rock thing behind us" For how much longer, I'm not sure though. He certainly wasn't shy about letting others know his intentions it seemed.




The hybrid was having thoughts about leaving, it seemed. "For how much longer, I'm not sure."? That was definitely a sign that this dog-wolf was departing the Mountain Pack. Where he would go, he wasn't certain. But Meldresi had an idea where he could go next.

"I am planning something similar." She said, mimicking the mixed breed's actions by sitting on her haunches as well. "My pack is becoming...unsatisfactory." With the original leader dead and a young, inexperienced female taking her place, it was reason enough for her to leave. "Though, I myself am planning on starting a pack of my own."

Now his interest was piqued. Not only for the potential info on why he's stumbled across more than one from this far-off pack but this could be a useful alternative should his desires to leave become paramount. A pack of your own? Hope you don't plan on starting it around here.

his advice was sound, the packs were seemingly entangled in their own agendas and another nearby pack would cause any number of problems. He left the thoughts go unspoken, simply waiting for a further explanation from the dark female.



She shook her head. The placement of her new pack, Blackfeather Woods as it was going to be called, was close to only one pack and that was good enough for her. There seemed to be a lot of drama up north, plus, the packs here were very clustered.

"No, my pack will be further south, near Greatwater Lake." She referred to one of the three water landmarks near Blackfeather. It was possible that he knew of it, but who knows. "It will reside in a forest known as Blackfeather Woods."

Sorry about the delays, and the lack of substance in my last couple of posts, dealing with ick irl.

A questioning expression presented itself at her words. He had not travelled a great distance south, the furthest he'd been was not much farther than the hot springs locats in the flatlands. He had expected to explore more to the south soon, but had not yet made time. When the noir female spoke the name of her soon-to-be home his questioning look changed to back to genuine curiosity. Blackfeather forest? The question was mostly rhetorical, he had never heard of this place and it's very name sounded like something he would like to see. Of course he had no idea what it really was.

What sort of forest is it? The halfbreeds tail gave a gentle thump on the ground behind him as he questioned, forests were certainly his preference, especially over the mountains he currently resided in. I Enjoy forests, more so after living here a while. He added with a casual half-smile.



"Woods. Blackfeather Woods." She corrected, though the title didn't matter all that much. He was interested in it, mainly because he probably hadn't heard of the place before. Mystery was the best way to intice others. "It is not a forest for most people. She began. "It's a frightening forest." She hoped to entice him with the mystery and danger that lay in the woods that she had grown to love.

"The canopy is thick and blocks out most of the sunlight. It's very misty and it gets boggy in the southern parts, since there is a swamp at the southern edge of the woods." The priestess hadn't explored much of the swamp as of yet, but she was sure to do so once her pack had been established. "There's only big prey there, no rabbits or squirrels. The crows and ravens either scared them off or killed them. They fight, actually. They've been having a war for a very long time and its a bloody war at that. If you're into carrion birds, you could always scavenge a battle." It could be a good food source to exploit during the winter. The birds didn't seem to bury their dead, or really carry them off. Their "funerals" would be held at the battlefield, or back home, she guessed, if they had ones at all.

Thanks for correcting me, everyone is always really happy when you correct them. A flash of irritation spread over his features when he blurted Is it that much of a distinction? Of course she answered the question rather quickly, explaining the mystery and war of the woods. The halfbreed tilted his head slightly as she spoke of warring birds and dark woodland.

well, that sounds pretty interesting. I might have to come check it out, how is it I'd get there from here? Yes, a nice adventure to a dark creepy woodland, sounds like fun. His tail gave a gentle thump behind him as he thought on the adventure.



Do you want to make the pledge thread so I could set the pack up. :P

She thought for a moment, mapping internally. "From here, south. Past..." The name of the lake north of the woods couldn't come to mind for a moment, but it appeared in her head after a second. "Past Greatwater Lake. Keep heading south, and you should see it." The priestess did not spend much time north, so her map of Teekon Wilds was vague at best. She would change that soon enough.

[color=#1A2DB3"I frequent there a lot, so I should be there after a while, if you want to continue talking."[/color] While he didn't mention anything about joining, it was possible to gain his interest while he was in the woods and got a first-hand look.

Sure thing, do you mind starting and just tag me in it?

The landmarks mentioned were lost on the hybrid, he was mostly unaware do the names of places to the south, though he could figure it out from the name, how many lakes could there be before a black woodland? He toyed with the idea of asking her to escort him their now, but his already dwindling attendance at the pack was beginning to raise questions. Putting the thought aside he spoke. Mmm, definitely going to have to check it out. For now, Meldresi, I think I should return to my pack. They'll no doubt be wondering where I'm at. Not really, he had doubts they'd even really notice he was gone, however he did need to make himself seen.

with that he offered a nod to the dark female before raising himself up and beginning his return to the spire. Assuming she would take his sudden departure in good stride.



I'll set that up now. :P

As the hybrid excused himself to leave, the priestess nodded. He turned, heading back towards the mountain, while Meldresi decided to linger on. She would spend sometime here before heading back to Ouroboros. Or Blackfeather. She certainly would go back to see if she could find Fang again.

As Fang became smaller and smaller, the dark female turned back into the Vale. She needed sometime to think and plan. Her pack was slowly coming together, piece by piece. She needed to look towards the future beyond its inception. ""Sweet mother, sweet mother, reveal my life's thread to me....Sweet mother, sweet mother, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear..."