Wolf RPG

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OOC: set at the northern part of the Heartwood

Following the river was a good tactic to explore. Plus it kept him near a source of water, which was good in case he got lost. All this wandering had him working up a mighty thirst though, and after spending a couple days in the Heartwood, he found his way back to the tributary that lead into the lake to the south and followed it north to it's river source.
Stopping at the edge of the flowing liquid, he dipped his head down and began to greedily lap up water; furiously at first, for a couple minutes before it slowed and trailed off into him simply licking his inky lips and lifting his fluffy head to look around. It was more open here; the mountains were hazy on the horizon, but they weren't too far off if he chose to walk there.
Maybe another day. Right now the dark wolf-dog decided to flop down and enjoy the riverside view. Leon soaked in the beautiful scenery and felt his subtle excitement begin to grow slowly. Eagerness to continue to explore and discover would feed the fire of his wanderlust for some time.
And some small subconscious part of him was quietly hopeful that maybe... just maybe, he'd finally find a place to call home here.

The silver wanderer looked around, he had traveled in The Heartwood for some days now. And he felt it was time to go back to the Creek. Who knows what was happening back at home right now? Another fight with The Sunspire? Not likely, after all it was mostly Fox that had provoked them causing Leaf and Magpie to be captured. Hopefully Bazi would be a better leader than Fox but both were young, and wisdom came with age.

After tonight, he would go back to the Creek, he thought to himself. Paarthurnax, a small part of his brain murmured and an image of the beautiful tawny white medic appeared in his mind, and her beautiful vibrant copper eyes.

He shook the thought away, instead concentrated on finding a river, he was as thirsty as hell. Finally he found a river and saw someone else, a wolfdog by the smell of him. But he did not cast so much as a glance as he bounded to the water's edge and dipped his muzzle in, drinking deeply.
The presence of another was noticed when that keen pink nosed picked up their scent before they came boldly forward toward the edge of the river and damn near dunked their whole head in the water to drink. Looks like everyone was thirsty and his tactic to keep close to water was not at bad idea at all.
Leon's bored eyes lingered on the gray wolf's form with mild interest. They needed water more than they needed to say hello. A part of him wondered if the fellow would leave as quickly as he came once he was done drinking and he was unsure if he should let the first person he's run into go that easily.
Leon remained totally silent for a good while before considering beginning to speak to the stranger. One large ear tilted toward the male while the other limply hung to the side; he shifted where he lay, causing his fluffy tail to unfurl for a moment onto to curl right back up along a hind leg.
"You a local?" he finally spoke gruffly, bright silver eyes looking toward the silver lad but his expression was stoic and cold beyond those dark features. If anything were to pique his interest, maybe he'd perk up some more. But so far he didn't seem to have high hopes for making buddies at the moment, even though he'd like that if he could.

"You a local?" The ashen male finally raised his head from the water and turned his steely gaze onto the halfbreed. Should he answer or not? Or head home? His gaze wandered to the sky before slumping down beside the shore. He wasn't going to go back to the Creek yet, might as well humor the wolfdog.

"No, just exploring this area, why'd you ask?" he answered, turning his gaze back onto the halfbreed. He dipped his muzzle into the water and drank again, his tail flicking slowly, when he rose from the waters again, his ears were pricked and head raised.