Wolf RPG

Full Version: When it's over, When it's all done, We say Amen
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The sky shone clear for the moment; the clouds pulled away by the wind for a brief moment. Siarut enjoyed the cool temperature accompanied by the rare sunshine reigning down. Siarut wandered the edge of the stream silently. The water rushing to fast for ice to form along its surface. He ventured to guess that toward the end of the month or early into the following the weather might still turn to its coldest and freeze the currently running water.

He ventured slightly closer, paws just grazing the edge of the frigid water. The instant cold jolt that ran across Sia’s spin provoked a full body shake. Dipping his head, he lapped at the water gracefully.

"siarut?" the wolf that stands a mere dozen yards away seems familiar, but it's been a long while. it takes a moment longer before she is certain, and then a small smile light her features and the steps near, tail wagging easily at her hocks. 

she'd never thought they'd meet like this, least of all the first time they'd crossed paths. it's been fraught with tensions; they'd both been leaders, then, intent on what was best for their respective packs. and then they'd lost that, and them, and now it seemed had they can another commonality. "it's been a long time," is all she can think to see immediately, though the gentle cant of her auds asks silently how he's been.

He lifted his head with a curious tilt. Catching sight of the grey lady, he couldn’t help the shake of his head and a small laugh. He realized he shouldn’t be surprised by her presence, he had found her scent throughout the territory, it was only a matter of time until the bumped into each other.

His tail swayed evenly behind him, and a warmth enveloped him, a kindness reserved for family. Every time they met their circumstances were different and yet the same at their very core. He wasn’t sure when, but she had earned a level of trust from him that was rare.

“Dawn.” He nodded his head, licking the water droplets of his chin and nose. “It’s been to long. How are you?” Stepping back from the water, he settled back on his haunches his ears cupped forward, eager to hear of her story.
he settles on his haunches, and so does she, tail curled neatly as she surveys him. he's different than last time, somehow; perhaps it is the some new scar, some change in his coat, but something feels different about him. "I'm alright," she replies, smile still settled on her muzzle. "I've found my brother, and his kids—they're staying here too, and some more of my family lives at the emberwood, now." she wonders idly if there are more, perhaps, south of the mountains, or even beyond them. she does not think she's ever been that far, but it does not mean some wayward sibling has not. 

"and you?" she queries gently, and then, "how long have you been here?" so much has come to pass since they'd last met, seeing him now reminds her of the chaos of the past year.