Wolf RPG

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set to 1.18.2020

The scent was so few, that Aerasha cared little to the possible trespassing that she commited while walking to Whitebark Stream. Though even so, she would do so regardless with the excuse of 'visiting,' of some sort of neighbor while unofficially being a Skairpa member. She though she was, however was still going through a few trials to get Kiwi's approval, so the title of the group was not officially with her. Formality aside, she counted herself as one!

The forest was white, in every way. To the sky, to the rivers covered in the sheet of white, and even the trees itself blended in. Everything was white, unlike herself who was an earthy delight full of creams and blemishes. Anyone with an eye could see others if they weren't pale, but maybe not Aerasha, she's generally not to attentive at the moment, "Wowww," a comment slipped out, "can I step on it?~" The stream she stared at was still in ice, though she couldn't tell if it was thin, or thick.. The dame wanted to play upon the ice.
Sorry, this is short and terrible.

’Wow. Can I step on it?’ The voice Daylily heard was so innocent and curious that she was delighted. She moved through the trees towards the stream that had become her new home and saw a girl in pastel colors staring down at the ice in the stream bed.

Her eyes widened with fear and she called out, “I—I wouldn’t!” She rushed forward, afraid the girl wasn’t paying attention to her. “Your weight might be too much,” she continued. “You could break the ice!” Now she was very near the girl, her orange eyes still wide with concern. “Please, come away from there.”
Soft paws were carefully to be placed upon the ice-bank, but froze as a voice called out in worry. A wolf of unknown, came out and stopped the Princess from going forward, and she tilted her head while this wolf fretted over her behavior. Though while intended to be good, Aerasha was caught on 'weight,' thinking this wolf was calling her fat! "Buutttt, i'm as light as a cloouudd," like a child, she gave an excuse, a bit upsetted over the comment that meant no harm.

"Aaandddd, what if... I don't?~" The words spilled more playfull as her lips curled in a devilish smile, very much now wanting to see if she could skate across.
Daylily was brought out of her immediate and overwhelming concern for the girl’s safety when she heard her speak. It was a strange way of talking, dragging out each word so slowly. Day was now more worried about the girl’s mental health than about her physical health. Was she, perhaps, a bit slow? Oh dear… This was all right, of course. Day wasn’t one to judge anyone—she could be a bit slow, herself, sometimes. She tried to think of how to get the girl away from the edge of the stream without somehow offending her again. How would she speak to a pup in this situation? She needed to distract the girl with something more interesting than the stream; she tried to think fast.

“Of course you’re light as a cloud, dear,” said Daylily soothingly. “A feather, even. But, you see, there are fish sleeping under the ice in the stream. They’re hibernating for the winter, and if you walk around all over the ice, you’ll wake them up.” She stepped closer to the girl, in case she decided to try and step on the ice regardless of Day’s warning. She intended to rush forward and grab the girl by the scruff of the neck if need be. “Why don’t you come away from the edge, dear? Perhaps you’d like to play in the snow with me?”
A child is how she acts, and how others will treat her if she continues at the play at hand. Aerasha definitely understood how this one was talking to her, for she may act strange, but the clouded lady wasn't a slow one! "You knowwwww,~" she started with a playful note, but not as if she ever stopped her tune of play, "fishhhh, don't sleep?" Her head turned and looked at the other like she was a buffoon, and chuckled at the others attempt to coy her off.

"Butttt, okayyyy," though the others attempt was funny enough that she would follow along, and get awfully close to Daylily, "what kind offf, fuunnn do you have in mind?~" She had offered to play, so what kind of games would this stranger give to Aerasha?
Daylily cringed when the girl told her that fish didn’t sleep, thinking she’d been caught. She opened her mouth to beg the pastel-colored female away from the ice, but then she suddenly gave in. ’What kind of fun do you have in mind?’ the girl asked in her strange, sing-song voice.

Daylily had not thought that far ahead; she was just relieved that the girl was doing what she wanted her to. “Well,” she began, drawing out the word as she thought about it. “There is plenty of snow around…” With a mischievous grin, she dug her paw into the snow and flung it towards the girl! Feeling like a puppy again, she performed a play bow, sticking her butt into the air and wagging her tail. “Betcha can’t get me!” she taunted playfully, and waited for the girl’s reaction.
Ohhh, so a game of hide and seek? Aerasha was quite the veteran in that game, but it seemed this one was not. Very obviously, her ass stuck out unsavory, which only sparked a chuckle from the creamy wolf, "How unrefined.~" A mean remark she made toward the stranger, despite being one who was never elegant. She felt a lil' devilish today.

Seconds later did she attempt to 'playfully' smack the others behind with her paw.
Sorry lol!

Daylily yelped in surprise when the girl’s paw came up and smacked her on the behind. That had certainly not been her intention in giving that play bow! Suddenly she was incredibly confused. She looked awkwardly at the girl, wondering what to do. She wanted to run away and hide and try to think through her rush of emotion. Why was she feeling so strange? She felt flushed and her heart beat quickly in her chest. This was what it felt like when looking at a boy she had a crush on; she knew that much… but… She had never felt this way toward a girl before. What was going on?

With some kind of stuttered apology, she quickly turned and fled. She needed to retreat to her den to try and muddle through her feelings.

Aerasha blinked as the other fled away, leaving the Princess to be by herself. She seemed flustered, at the playful and devilish banter she played to Daylily. A shame! She ran, but served her so to treat her like a child! She was a grown woman, however acting like one, didn't realize she would be treated as one. Even though most think there was a slight defect in her mind, but nontheless didn't appreciate the sentiment. 
