Wolf RPG

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@Chai maybe?

Daylily was feeling surprisingly calm and in her element today. She thought it must have to do with the stability within Whitebark Stream and her high position in the ranks. She’d never been this respected in Oakstead. Well—that wasn’t the right way to put it. All members of Oakstead were equally respected and treated well, but Day had always been seen as… a child. Her interests had remained solely within the spiritual realm, and others had often commented that she had her head in the clouds. Yet here, Dawn seemed truly interested in her beliefs, and had never told her to focus on “more important things.” So, yes, she was feeling quite good; even if her head was in the clouds, from where she was standing, she was very clear-headed, thank you very much. Happily, she sat on the bank of the stream and observed the day, humming softly to herself.
Chai was still feeling a little nervous about being in a pack again. But with Bhediya around, a woman that she admired, the timid she wolf felt a little more at ease. What kept nagging at the back of her mind was, if she wouldn't fit in here. If she didn't get to know everybody, remaining a part of the pack but not truly integrated. She felt that is what had happened back in Kaistleoki, though she didn't blame any of them for it. It was her fault. Chai swallowed a lump in her throat, determined to make an effort this time.

She was still thin from lack of adequate food, and her muscles had weakened as a result. Being proactive, she opted to take a gentle jog along the length of winding river, to slowly work her muscles back into normal shape. Her paws hit the earth firmly, a dusting of snowy powder spewing up in their wake. Her chest heaved, breaths coming in rapid little puffs. By the upcoming stretch of stream, she spied the form of a pack mate, sitting peacefully. A pang of nervousness shot through her. Slowing, Chai released a gentle chuff, approaching with her head low in her classic timid fashion.
Daylily turned at the sound of approaching pawsteps and was about to smile at the female who had come over to her, but was surprised to find the woman in a position of submission, her head low. Or was that simply nervousness? 

“I-I…” Daylily stammered, wondering what to do in this situation. Technically, she supposed she was higher in rank than the woman, but such things had never really mattered in Oakstead as long as everyone did what they were supposed to do. Rank only came into play if someone was in trouble, or you were trying to convince a pup to go to bed at night. “Th-there’s no need to lower your head like that,” she called, her tail wagging in encouragement. “I’m… not going to pull rank on you or… or anything.” She smiled shyly, hoping her words were enough to get the woman to feel comfortable. “Um, what’s your name? I’m Daylily.” These next words were an attempt to get a conversation going so they could get past the awkwardness.
Momentarily, Chai's ears lifted when the other stammered, much like Chai often did, assuring her that her display of submission was not needed. She blinked several times rapidly. She had never really considered it an active display of submission. "O-Oh...it's not that." She shook her head with a gentle ghost of a smile. "It's just always the way I've carried myself. Since as long as I can remember." She supposed it was ingrained her nature these days, all thanks to her less than picture perfect childhood. She doubted no one would understand unless she took the time to unravel the story of her past to another.
Raising her height a little more...closer to her more natural stature, the timid female padded forward. Her tail swished gently at her hocks. "Nice to meet you Daylily. I'm Chai. I guess I'm still getting to know everyone here."
Daylily breathed a quiet sigh of relief at the woman’s explanation. She knew well the feeling of carrying herself in a submissive manner, having done so for most of her own life. It was just something that happened anytime she was around others. She always felt… beneath them. Although, that had been changing slowly since her time with Whitebark Stream.

“Chai,” Daylily repeated quietly. “I… I know how you feel,” she admitted, trying to open up to the woman and possibly make her feel better. “I, too, carry myself in such a manner. I-I suppose that’s why I was so shocked when I saw you act that way towards me. It… Well, no one has ever acted that way towards me.” She glanced shyly at Chai out of the corner of her eye, her ears pulling backwards along her head.

’I’m still getting to know everyone here.’

“Well, everyone here is very kind!” Daylily said. “S-so far, anyway.” She thought back to her first weeks here. “I don’t know where I’d be right now if it weren’t for Dawn. She took me in.”