Wolf RPG

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From the northernmost reaches she travelled down, bypassing the stream and heading towards the neighbouring forest. Despite being so near to it, she often paid little attention to it; perhaps this would change once the foliage returned but, for now, it was as barren as the rest of the wintry land. Still, she could not help but feel compelled to visit—or perhaps she simply wished to get out and stretch her legs, the coming of her season the week prior having confined her to the pack lands.

Free now from her womanly woes, Kaori could traverse the land as she pleased. And venture forth she did, steps light and direction aimless, gaze trained on the path ahead as she weaved through the trees.
pastel blues, the color of watercolor robin-egg.

even at a distance the woman's pale eyes stood out against her dark coat. he assumed it was a woman, given the graceful mien. and just his luck if it was. he had crossed the mountains, flowed down near the gorsedd wolves, and now found himself in an altogether strange place.

the faces of the women he had met upon his lecherous journey through the teekon were beginning to fade. all, save for visage of @Belharra, erupting in riotous laughter at his intrigued attempt at seduction. she had not begun to flicker at all, and this interested asmodeus, but only in passing.

his attention now was captured by the figure approaching him; the pallid serpent chuffed out a greeting and stood proudly, awaiting her notice.
Further into the woodland she wandered, seeking what, she knew not; although she sought to reason with herself, declare she was there with a purpose, she could not. Her being there was truly and utterly meaningless, wandering aimless. But perhaps, she wondered, a reason could develop; this she assumed upon spying a pallid beast in the distance, and decided upon when he greeted her.

Curving her path by hardly a hair’s worth of degree, Kaori soon found herself approaching the stranger. She was curious more so than anything, wondering who he was—and part of her wondered about his nearness to her new home.

“Hello,” she called out, distance between them gradually lost. “Care to join me?” Several meters-worth of space was allowed to remain between them as she slowed to a stop, an overall friendly posture easily adopted.
"indeed i do," asmodeus purled, circling with a cunning gait to her lithe side. "where could i accompany you today?" the man murmured, eyes sweeping from the surrounding foliage back to the lovely sky-glow of her soft eyes. a man could easily be lost in them. 

perhaps today he would be that man.

"asmodeus, miss," the serpent proferred, wondering what the little enchantress was called.
Easily did her gaze trail after him, following his movements with obvious curiosity; thus far he seemed friendly enough, albeit perhaps a bit odd. No matter, company was company and she, like her mother before her, was prone to giving those met the benefit of the doubt. “Just through this forest,” she replied. “Do you know much about plants?” Answer depending, perhaps she might be able to borrow him for the time being as a temporary assistant. And, at the same time, learn more about him.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Asmodeus,” said the dragoness. “My name is Kaori.”
kaori. an intriguing name, bringing him to mind of the sea. "i know very little, but i am a quick learner," asmodeus smiled, "easy to teach." so the maiden had emerged from home in search of herbs? he might as well make himself useful.

"are you looking for anything in particular?" the man inquired, pallid plume swaying at his heels as he pulled away from kaori, began to search along the bases of snowbound trees for any little plants.
The male seemed eager to learn, or perhaps just to help. His eagerness made his lack of knowledge seem hardly an issue—if he truly was a quick learner, it would likely make no difference one way or the other. But, when questioned on whether or not she was searching for anything in particular, she wondered if her answer might make things easier or more difficult for him.

“Nothing in particular,” she stated, trailing after him and peeking at the tree’s base. “Any signs of plant life will do. If it is useful, I will harvest it. Otherwise, we can be put at peace knowing the greenery is returning.” She would be put at peace, at the very least.
asmodeus was not sure if this would garner for him what he wanted. kaori seemed oblivious to his posturing, but perhaps she had simply not seen him for himself. a plant found by himself, one she liked, might inspire more intrigue. and the pale serpent had time for it.

broad pale paw scraped idly at the icy snow upon the spreading naked branches of a birch. "something here," the man called, peering down at the tiny, pale green leaves of a brave early soul conquering the half-frozen earth around it.