Wolf RPG

Full Version: Now all that's left is something numb
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AW could be good for someone’s counselor trade… decided to make this read only, sorry!

There was a chill to the air as winter held its firm grip over the landscape. The snow fell easily, thick yet light, emphasizing the beauty of the season. The silence and the stillness were the first things she noticed as the scenery around her became more and more familiar. Memories of the shakes and the carnage of the quakes pulled at her heart. The very thought brought her to tears.

It had taken time to begin to heal after her last experience here. The trembling started at her shoulders, trailing along her spin until a sob wrenched from her jaws. A horse yell helped her release the emotional strain of returning to this place. Where her life had finally started to make some sort of sense. Where she had found her lover and began her family. This place used to hold such joy, and now she could only find contempt for this cursed Creek. Where she had lost her children, and her lover.