Wolf RPG

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They just needed to follow the river east and then continue with it as it curved south. That's what he remembered and kept telling himself. Only, he was still a little confused about east and west, and for the first few hours, he hadn't been completely sure they were going in the right direction. He didn't want to worry Spook or let him down, so he just kept leading them farther and farther from home, hoping they were actually travelling east. Relief coursed through him when he noticed the water turn a gross, brown color. He definitely remembered this from the last time he had gone this way. He laughed a little nervously and turned to his friend. I need to confess that I wasn't sure we were going to right way until just now. He looked away and laughed nervously again. But the brown water means we are, he continued. Hopefully, Spook wouldn't be upset and would be too distracted by the fact that they were now for sure going the right way. He stopped and looked down at the river. I wonder why it's so brown? he asked. Maybe someone had filled Spook in on it at some point.
And so here they were, out adventuring at last! Let's be real, for the first hour or so, Spook was probably more on edge than was reasonable. He wasn't sure if something bad was going to happen or if Arbiter was gonna change her mind or what. But nothing did happen, so eventually he started feeling better.

Spook didn't seem to mind too much that Pheiros hadn't been sure. He wagged his tail, just glad that they were on the track to start, Better than I would have done, still! I think I came here once before too -- but I didn't stay very long, I went right back home. It was sort of a vague memory, but maybe he dreamed it up. Nobody had bugged him that day. He had been here, right? He looked around, but some time had passed so it all seemed weird now.

Spook wandered to the water's edge, looking down at the water too, I dunno. It looks pretty gross though. His nose wrinkled, Is it even safe to drink? I never tried it. It had seemed fine when they were wandered by it a while ago... But maybe just this section was unsafe. It wasn't like Spook had a great idea of what was normal for it. Before he didn't care, he just headed back to the forest and all was good there.
Pheiros smiled, unsure what to say in response to his friend's praise. It wasn't often he got praise but when he did, he was never sure what to do or say; mostly he was just left feeling awkward and wondering if the other wolf could tell. He pulled his mind from the moment of anxiety and focused back on Spook, who was talking about how he thought he had been here before. At least his friend wasn't angry with him for not initially knowing where they had been going. 

He studied the river as Spook pondered out loud the potability of the brown water. He shrugged. I'm not sure, he replied, lowering his head to sniff the strange water. It didn't smell too bad so maybe it wouldn't taste bad either. Without any warning or anymore questions, Pheiros gave the water a few small, hesitant laps before lifting his head and mentally examining the taste in his mouth. He scrunched his face a little. It tastes like dirt, he finally said. Not something he would want to drink too much of; dirt wasn't a very appealing taste.
Dirt water? Liquid mud? No matter what it didn't sound too appetizing! Spook too made a face, Ew. Well, if this river turns into the creek or the creek turns into this river, that means it has to clear up at some point, right? Or was it a different one? I don't remember. Which was the thing that was getting to him now, he frowned, wondering why those memories seemed so distant. It wasn't like he traveled much though, so that was likely why.

Just leaving things that way seemed a little weird, so he wagged his tail and suggested goofily, I guess if we find something else weird it'll be my turn to taste it? Not that he was hoping it'd happen, that'd be kinda gross.
I think so, Pheiros answered with a small shrug. He was pretty sure he remembered this place and it's weird water, so Spook's assumption would probably pan out. I feel like we're going in the right direction, he said, attempting to reassure him. 

Spook offered to taste the next weird thing, his tone playful and his tail wagging behind him. It was cute, and Pheiros's heart fluttered in his chest as the thought passed through his mind. When the feelings first started popping up, he didn't really understand them, but now he was sure: he liked his friend as more than a friend. He was way too awkward and insecure to ever tell him, though. Not right now anyway and not without some hint that he might feel the same way. He didn't want to risk losing him as a friend. Pheiros laughed and offered a shy smile, turning away and moving forward. He sure was glad his warm cheeks couldn't be seen beneath his fur. He was not ready to explain anything yet. Deal, he said, relaxing as his heart began to calm. 

He was quiet for a few moments, before finally coming up with something to say. Do you know what trades you want to learn? he asked, always curious to know more about Spook.
Okay. It's really weird being this far away from everyone.. I hope we get there soon -- it's probably going to seem really weird when we get there and it's not... Home. Empty. Or at least it sounded weird the more he thought about it. It was probably good he wasn't going alone...

Spook was a late bloomer, younger, and top it off with a bit of a delays from all that had happened... Well, his anxieties probably still did a pretty good job at burying any other rogue feelings that popped up. Still, he was worried of saying dumb things, of making one of the people who was reliably nice to him suddenly not be nice. He had a lot of growing up to do, even if his gawky body looked almost like an adult.

Did he even know what options were out there? He really only knew what he'd been taught by his parents, mostly that which his mother demanded. Not really? More like I know what I don't wanna do. I don't like fighting as much as my brother and sister. And I mean, hunting's ok but not super exciting. But that's just what Mom said that was basic stuff people should all know. So.. I dunno. Shrug. Do you know what you want to do? He was curious.
Pheiros nodded. Yeah, it is kind of weird, he agreed. He hadn't left the safety of the pack too often, especially lately, and it made him a little insecure to be without a safety net. But he also felt just as excited to be on an adventure with Spook. He looked over at his friend as he finished speaking, concern pulling his eyebrows together a little. He had some worries about returning to the creek, as well. Mostly, he feared it would bring up painful memories of his dad. He brushed reassuringly against Spook's shoulder. Yeah, it might feel strange when we get there, he answered quietly. But if you want to leave, just tell me and we'll get out of there, he promised. No sense in them sticking around if it made him uncomfortable. 

Well, do you like what we're doing now? Exploring? Pheiros asked. I think that can be a trade. He liked it, but he wasn't sure he liked it enough to devote his time to being more skilled at it. Yeah, fighting doesn't seem like something I really want to do, but I do want to be able to protect what I care about, he continued. I'd also like to do something that will help my packmates, a medic or something maybe. He shrugged. I think you'd be good at that too, he quickly added with a smile.
Spook nodded. We just head in, get the stuff, head out. I think we'll be good, even if it isn't a place we'd wanna stay. So weird to think of it empty... His ears flicked around. I know where stuff should be buried, so.. yeah. You don't have anything to get there, right? Better to make sure.

A hushed tone, Really? -- Yeah, i think you'd be good at it I think. I dunno about me though. I don't exactly know a lot of people... Probably would be bad dealing with them.  Pause, then a lopsided grin, I dunno, I've met more people like my siblings than you I think. Look, people like his siblings weren't exactly the type he was good at dealing with, he was far too easy to walk over.
Alright, he agreed with a nod. It sounded like a good plan. Spook's question caught him off guard though. Oh, um, no I don't think so, he said, looking away. The last few weeks there were kind of a blur of grief and confusion anyway, and he wasn't really very sentimental. At least, he hadn't had anything in his possession yet that he felt inclined to keep around. 

The compliment made his cheeks burn, and he was glad Spook wouldn't be able to tell. But his shyness was quickly replaced with frustration. He hated to see his friend putting himself down. I think you would be good at whatever you want to do, he stated with complete certainty. It was a completely genuine statement. Pheiros tilted his head a little at Spook's next words. What do you mean? he asked. How am I different? Was he weirdly nice or something equally embarrassing? Or maybe he just meant his siblings were the only other wolves their age that he knew.
Okay. Was he just weird for wanting his stuff? And now he was dragging his friend way out here... It made him worry that if something bad happened, then it would all be Spook's fault. That couldn't happen, that'd be awful. Maybe it was just because Pheiros looked away at the same time, making him think he did something wrong.

Spook's turn to look away awkwardly, he didn't feel like he'd be good at anything. What was out there? He didn't know. Maybe he'd figure it out eventually. Combine that with another thing and yeah, meek boy, Well you're like.. actually nice and stuff. But he thought he was feeling stupid, so he quickly added, You meet my sister, you'd see. Sharp nod to sort of change the subject. How far away do you think we are still? It was kind of blurted out, probably obvious.
He was a little surprised by Spook's answer; in a good way, though. He cheeks burned again, and his heart thumped in his chest. In the middle of his silent freak out, he did have to wonder why anyone would bee mean to Spook; he always seemed really nice. Oh...Thanks, he offered first, tail wagging behind him. Then with a shy smile, he added: You're really nice, so it's pretty easy to be nice in return. Although Pheiros probably couldn't really be mean to anyone, even if he was angry with them, which also didn't happen often. He was far too concerned with making sure he didn't upset anyone to really have enough boundaries to get angry very easily.  As for Spook's sister, Pheiros didn't know her as well, but he thought it was kind of sad that she was mean to her own brother. 

The way he quickly switched the subject made Pheiros winder if he had said something wrong, but he refrained from pointing it out in case that might make Spook feel awkward. Instead, he just smiled and nodded. Yeah, we're almost there, he assured his friend. He pointed in the distance at the bend in the murky river. We just follow that curve; it shouldn't be too much farther after that. Hopefully. If he was still leading them in the right direction.
Wanna do a mini timeskip here?

Spook wasn't going to be going back to talking about himself for a while, especially not when it had the potential to get more weird and awkward in ways he didn't entirely understand. Look, he didn't want to think about it. Maybe once they were back home he could play it all over in his mind and figure out. Or try at least. So yeah, back to their little adventure!

Okay. I'm sure it'll be weird coming in from this angle, but I'm sure I'll be able to find where I hid stuff pretty quick once stuff looks familiar again. How much could it have changed? A lot? Hopefully not. Makes me wish I explored a little more. As if Arbiter would have let him. He bounded ahead a few yards then stopped and just looked forward, trying to see a landmark that might seem familiar. Not yet, at least. Faintly familiar wasn't good enough.
yeah sounds good!

Like he had predicted, they just had to follow the curve and go a bit longer, and then there were there. He couldn't help but be very relieved that he had actually chosen the correct way to go. As the neared their old home, he offered Spook a shy smile. We can do more exploring together if you want, he suggested, bringing up what he had said a bit ago about wishing he had explored more. I like to explore too. normally, he preferred to do it alone, but he would never mind if his friend wanted to tag along. More time to get to know Spook was always something he'd be up for. 

He stopped on the edge of the hollow, the scent of the pack almost completely faded by now. He turned to Spook again. Lead the way, he offered. He figured that would be easiest since he knew where his things were and Pheiros didn't.
It certainly wasn't going to be a thing he did alone very often. Spook just wasn't that kind of dude, but maybe with a friend it wouldn't be so unappealing... That'd be cool I think, he said with a smile. He had no idea where he'd go beyond this one trip. Were the reasons to go? He didn't know.

This was weird. Not quite like a cemetery or something, but definitely empty. Not quite alive. Spook moved ahead, taking a few slow steps as he looked around. Yeah. It's weird. A confirmation more than anything. He looked back to Pheiros. So we find the den -- well, uh, my family's den -- and it'll be right near there. Just a little bit to really get my bearings and uh -- Spook didn't finish the sentence, but not for any real reason beyond he had looked forward again and started slowly walking forward. It all seemed foreign now. He felt like he was going the right way, just not sure yet.
I think so, too, Pheiros offered with a shy smile. More exploring with his friend sounded way better than anything else he usually did. 

Pheiros was unknowingly on the same page as his friend—this place was strangely empty. Maybe it was because they both remembered it as their home, with packmates and for Spook, his family. Now it was just empty and fileld with rubble from the earthquakes. It was very apparent that no one lived here anymore. Pheiros nodded his agreement with his friend's assessment. Yeah, really weird, he agreed. Spook explained that all they needed to do was find his family's den, and Pheiros thought that seemed easy enough. His friend's voice cut off as he started to tell him he just needed to find his bearings. And then we can get your stuff and head home, he finished for him, not sure if that was what he was going to say but offering it to try and comfort him; he seemed just a spooked (lol) by this place as the golden boy was.
It was pretty much what he was thinking, replying with a hushed, Yeah, as he carefully moved forward through this place of memories. It was kind of making him extra jumpy. A bird took off and he flinched at the sound, his head whipping that way. His ears tilted sideways once he realized what it was. Not too far. I hope. Yep, ignore the fact he'd just jumped. He sped up for about five steps before going back to moving at a slower pace through the forest.

It took a bit more walking to find a landmark that actually clicked with his memory, but once it did, he was quick to speak up and then pick up the pace, Yeah! It's this way -- all of it should be. He picked up the pace to a trot, looking back to make sure that Pheiros seemed to agree. It only now nibbled on the back of his mind that maybe he was just gonna look like an idiot to Pheiros once they did get there.
Pheiros stayed close to Spook as they made their way closer to where his things were, so when he jumped, Pheiros jumped too. He looked to where the disturbance had come from just in time to see a bird lifting up to the sky. He released a sigh of a relief—just a bird. He said nothing of the moment, though, because he felt just as dumb about it. 

The golden boy increased his own speed to match his friend's pace, growing excited when it seemed Spook knew for sure where they were going now. He smiled when his friend looked to make sure he was following and pushed forward to be closer to his side as they made their way. It was weird how creepy this place seemed now when it had once been so comfortable. He tried not to dwell too much on that thought and instead, concentrate on wherever his friend was going.
It didn't take horribly long after that for Spook to find his way. It was matched with an occasional "um" or "yeah, over here" muttered to himself more than anything, and a check back for Pheiros and continue on, rinse repeat. There was a pause as he passed the den he and his siblings were born in, but he continued on a bit farther before finally stopping at the base of a rather large tree.

Should be right here.. Though a small part of him wondered if somehow it had moved... If someone found it and trashed it. He reached out with a tentative paw, swiping at the dirt. On the second time, a claw hooked a buried twig and much of it pulled to the side, revealing the hollow at the roots. Clearing it aside, he poked his nose in. It was more dirty than he'd hoped. The bird skull he'd hidden there was kinda dirty looking now, as were the many feathers he'd collected. There was that weird rock too with the thing that looked like a bug in it. It looks like it's all here still. Which was cool. He grinned a little when he looked back to Pheiros. For at least the next couple seconds he didn't think it was weird, he was happy about it. He'd remember that maybe stashing this stuff was weird in a moment probably.
Pheiros followed quietly as Spook lead them through their old territory. He watched on with quiet focus, turning when his friend did, or slowing, or inspecting whatever needed to be inspected. He didn't really much like being here, but he didn't care if he got to spend time with Spook. 

When his friend stopped and stated that he thought this was the place, Pheiros looked over the place with interest as Spook inspected it with his paw. He moved a buried twig out of the way and exposed the place he had been searching for. The golden boy watched on worriedly as Spook searched inside for his things. He hoped he found them since they seemed fairly important to him. When he stated that it was all still there, Pheiros' tail waved behind him. Oh, good, he said. Then he waited for his friend to pull everything out. I can help carry stuff if you need me to, he offered. He was excited to see what Spook had collected. Honestly they could be a pile of rocks, and Pheiros would think they were cool simply because Spook liked them.
He looked back to Pheiros again with a smile. Spook was lucky to have a friend that was willing to help out, and he did wonder if there was something he could do to help Pheiros in return, but couldn't think of anything right at this instant. I'll take the skull, could you take the rock with a bug in it? They were the most unique things -- or hard to find at least, he wasn't sure if they were actually unique exactly. Probably not. 

He looked at the small pile again just to make sure he wasn't missing anything. I think we just gotta leave the feathers. Which was a little sad, but that was probably the easiest thing to find anyway. Spook at least wasn't going to risk carrying the skull and anything else. It'd be way too risky and he'd be afraid of breaking it by accident if the feathers started trying to escape or something. He'd started grabbing new ones back in the bypass anyway.