Wolf RPG

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Well, his sorry party made it to the safety of the trees. It felt like home. Dark, the strong pine scents. Forboding.
He trotted straight into the treeline, not caring if the others joined him or not in his next task: food and water. He led them to shelter, he wasn't obliged to do fuck all else. 

"Do you want to hun' with me or no?" He called back, head tilting a little. The wind still howled but the tree's canopy kept most of its icy clutches from them. Of course, he wouldn't give a shit either way, but he could smell goats and they were best caught in twos and threes. Especially when they were weak like this. They must've come from the mountains to shelter and eat during the storm.
whatever had happened on the coast, asmodeus was pleased to be off it. he trailed behind the dark man with the black eyes so like his own, alongside the pretty woman swathed in soft layers beneath a pair of cunning eyes. as he thawed from their ordeal, he found an appreciation for her lovely company, step sliding into a swagger.

"sure," he called back, but the flat hue of his gaze trailed to the she-wolf. "got a name?"
She smiled at the attention, the soft scent of oestrus swirling around her now that she wasn't being assaulted by the storm. The two males were both handsome, and she considered herself lucky- this land was rich with consorts. 
"I'm a bit clumbsy, but there's enough easy prey here we can manage something." The light coated male had turned his attention to her, and she arched her neck, swaying her hips as she moved closer to him. "Aphrodite. Named after the goddess of love and beauty. And you are?"  She looked up at him through her eyelashes, smiling coyly.
Earp dared to glance back to see the pale duplicate making eyes at the woman who'd joined them. Yes, she was pretty, but one really wanted her they'd have to do better than stare. He chuckled softly in his dark, thundery tome that was barely audible in the situation. However, the seductress had caught on to his looks, and Earp could hear her sweet-talking nonsense into his ear.

His name was asked, and it was given, "Earp. What's you twos?" 
Of course he spoke in a weird way. How couldn't he when he spoke two languages and often got mixed up? "It's only a goat." He replied to the lady, continuing his march, looking for trails.
now that the threat of death by freezing no longer loomed over the trio, the pallid snake turned his attention to the bouquet of the woman alongside him with a smirk. "i believe she is also the goddess of pleasure," he laughed softly, the matte glitter of his eyes meeting her own.

he was uninterested in hunting; aphrodite commanded his full attention with her boldness, her beauty, her vanity, and the body aching for release.
She now had both males attention on her. This was turning out to be a fun breeding season. The pale coated one gave his name and asked hers- perhaps he hasn't heard her. She spoke up a bit clearly. "I am Aphrodite, at your service. Or... perhaps you two may end up at mine." She chuckled softly at the suggestion, as the light pelted male replied about her name's origin. "Yes...I believe so... Perhaps you might like to know how much... pleasure...I can give..." He voice was low and seductive in the pale wolf's ear, and she nipped at the curve of his jaw. Oh, they were so easy.
Sly witch.
He couldn't help but think it. She was probably hungry and her she was eating the pale man's heart. Earp was no such faller fort he games. If she wanted him to play ball, she'd have to really get under his skin if she wanted him badly.
He carried on walking, hoping they wouldn't start fucking behind him. IF they did oh he would break that shit up quicker than a cookie crumbles.

"Shut up lady, hunting comes first." He cast a sharp gaze back at them. Fuck em, if they didn't want to hunt he could hunt a damned goat by himself. Sure, it'd be hard but he'd do it.
asmodeus was entranced, for a moment the promise of pleasure as alluring as the hunger gilding his belly.

black eyes flickered to the man who hunted before them. "what about him?" the serpent purled to the goddess. earp didn't seem to be interested, but perhaps it was a ruse.

asmodeus was in a sharing mood, however. 
She knew the game. Make them feel special. Important. Wanted. She ignored the hunger in her belly, her tail swinging to perfume the air with her scent. What about him? She was asked. She picked up the pace a bit, sidling up to the other male, her tail lifted to give the one behind her a pleasant view and keep him wanting more. "This one hungers in a different way. You want control. You want a fight." Her sapphires gazed up at him alluringly, smirking softly.
She guessed at what he wanted, and only guessed what any mature male wanted at the hight of breeding season. He could act brashly like Preist and make her mother his children and let her raise them, then snatch them away for his kingdom he'd be building in the meanwhile.
But he was not Preist.

"I want to eat." He replied in his gruff tone. Though there was a thought, to have his pleasure with her, then kill the male. Perhaps whilst he was enthralled with her for that extra flair of trauma.

He turned on the woman, shouldering her and locking his teeth on her scruff. He'd grown tired of her touches and whining - that intoxicating scent. He didn't hurt her, but he was sure they'd both panic. And just as quickly as he struck her, he released, reeling backward to avoid calamity with his counterpart.
He wondered if there was a relation. 
the throat that had gone parched with a specific thirst now knotted and narrowed, constricting with a guttural snarl as his opposite dragged at the woman's scruff.

it was both a reaction to the dominance asmodeus felt earp had not earned, and a burst of confusion why the teeth had unsheathed for a woman at all. he had been prepared for her favors to be split between them, but not this way. 

the serpent was not built for the unfair nature of pack fighting, the ability of his opponent to call allies. but scuffles with other lone males were far from foreign. in a flurry of snow, asmodeus surged forward on tall limbs, jaws flashing for any part of earp he could meet.

aphrodite's scent fired his blood; a growl that promised to claim her when he was finished.
Aphrodite gasped in shock as the male lunged at her- whether it was a dominance display or an urge for battle, she didn't know. She swung, teeth snapping shut inches from his skin as he danced backwards. " Touch me like that again and the only thing being hunted will be you." She snarled. However she didn't have to defend herself further- the male who she apparently had completely won over rushed to attack the impudent male. She knew her place and sat, watching and waiting.
Despite his offers to share, it seems the male had already decided that she was his. He retaliated, surging towards him with anger in his eyes and that dominating urge. That scent had gotten under Earp's skin...He lunged forward, meeting Asmo's teeth with his, growling from deep within.
Did he want to kill? Earp didn't want to be food.

His tail lashed angrily behind him, a dark sigil in the dark forest under dark skies, looking into dark eyes. He would not kill today. He noticed that the woman was more than happy to watch her white knight save her from the big dark beastie. 

Earp wrangled his head to the side, hoping to dislodge the jaw lock providing Asmo hadn't already decided to try and rip him apart. If so, he'd back away again to move onto the back foot -the defensive. It wasn't submission by any means, but allowance for him to take the woman and leave Earp to his own wanderings and hunting. Of course, if they were to hunt Earp would be in charge, he led them here and asked to hunt. He wouldn't take no for an answer.
he was wholly masculine in that moment, tail flung high and jaws tensing ever so closely before he let go under earp's surge.

reptilian stare watched as the sable male backed away. he was sorely tempted to simply spirit aphrodite off; teeth clacked upon air. 

but hunting was only made possible by being pack. his gaze flitted to the female. she had not come forward to support his claim to dominance, to reinforce his warning. and so now she must choose the hunt leader.
In a skirmish of teeth and fury the winner was decided. The male who had assaulted her backed down, watching her, waiting for her to make her decision. On the one hand, the dark one was Strong and agressive. But, he had also attacked her. She delicately rose to her paws, moving towards Asmodeus. She nudged herself under his chin, embroidering his pelt with her scent. After running the length of her body against his she arched her back, dancing away a few steps and inviting him to take her. 
---------fade out of wolf lemons------
He chuckled low, still watching them. His tail did not lower, and she, of course, chose to favour the pale wolf. He should've made it clear that he was in charge of the situation, but he was too kind to disembowel the man. He didn't really deserve that.
She chose him, and she presented herself to him. Just like that.
They'd be stupid to do it now, whilst there was danger standing right in front of them.
Joined wolves weren't very good at fighting.

He turned, not bothering to display anymore. He didn't want to fuck some common bitch anyway.
He'd find his eerie twin again soon enough. Or maybe his children.
Earp moved away, looking to hunt unless they decided not to do the do and follow him some more.
You can skip Earp now!
asmodeus had wished to hunt, but it was not for that he was chosen by aphrodite. she glimmered starstruck before him, her scent choking the last of his common sense, save for the single brain cell that suggested here was not a good place.

he licked his jaws, tossed a wry look to the departing earp, an answering one to aphrodite. things had reached a rapid conflict and he was unsure that he trusted the male not to return. but the woman turned his head.
She watched the agressive male's fading form and turned back, nuzzling her soon- be partner. "Come with me. We can hunt after. A goat can't possibly need three wolves to catch it." She purred in his ear. "I have a pack. All the food and protection you can get." She nibbled down his neck, sidling her hips along his, ducking her head under his body to take in his scent and probe his more... sensitive region with her tongue. 

Hopefully that's not too nsfw. I can edit it if need be. 
last for me!

ah, fuck, who was he to resist? hunting could wait. asmodeus growled pleasantly and allowed aphrodite her intriguing approach before pulling away to nip her heels and chivvy her elsewhere. no need to give the other a show.
Fade out for wolfy naughtiness, I'll tag you at the pack