Wolf RPG

Full Version: These drums and hard snares bring out the worst in me
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She found Frolic—whom she hadn't seen since just before her first encounter with Moonspear—in a nearby valley, a lake at its center overshadowed by a ring of rocky crags and ridges. It was the perfect place to convalesce, honestly. Quell had always been able to bounce back quickly before, though this particular migraine had taken quite the toll on her. She felt sleepy and weak, totally out of sorts. Hopefully lots of rest would give her the energy for the final leg home.

Q woke late in the afternoon, the overcast skies so searingly white that her head began to pound as soon as she woke. She groaned under her breath, squinting as she pushed herself to her feet and loped to water's edge. She drank noisily, then sat back and scanned for any sign of the otter.
It was a very muddy, slippery and broken place. Just next door to her home in the forest Vallkyrie thought to adventure to the short, stout ring of mountains in order to see what lie beyond. What she found at the edge of the rise was a large lake, quite large so and the beautiful forestry around it long since broken and fallen, leaving no where near the beautiful forestry of what it once had been. 

As she descend, she bound carefully over fallen log and rotten brush, the land still moist, mucky and likely due to the swelling of the lake with no where to go to. She had hoped to perhaps get lucky and make way into new hunting opportunities. Here their could be large rodents like beaver, muskrat and... Otter. She could see it bouncing around happily in the open woodland and Vallkyrie instantly dropped low, preparing for attack.
She spotted him, living up to his name by frolicking near the tree line a few yards from the lakeside. Quell opened her mouth to call out to him when she saw him swivel and make a beeline for the water, slipping expertly into the shallows and disappearing from sight. Her mouth fell into a moue before her pale purple eyes saw the swift shadow moving a little further back in the trees.

"Stop, in the name of the law!" Q yelled, wincing even as her own shout made her head throb. She wasn't actually worried about her furry friend—this certainly wasn't the first time he'd been pursued and that sucker was fast, clearly—and she'd intended only to capture the stranger's attention with a joke. But she couldn't even deliver the punchline as she bit her lip, waiting for the ache to settle.
stop, in the name of the law!

praimfaya, not yet aware that the queen of the spear wants her wolves to go out of their claim with a buddy ( since timelines n' all ) she goes on a little self-given mission to patrol the territories neighboring the spear. given the trouble that arose during her time in crogeda when she'd been fighting in the conclave for her official title as wanheda and the very serious talks of war, this precaution feels warranted.

the yell, carrying over the distance to praimfaya — who's ears perk up — is perceived by the young commander as distress ( the joke went right over her head, unfortunately ). she hurries in the direction of the yell's origins, coming across the scene moments later. at first, she only sees the other girl; blue-black with an interesting smattering of silvery-blue upon her back. as she rapidly follows the gaze of the other girl, whom praimfaya still assumes is in distress, to the older woman lurking in the shadows.

what is going on here? praimfaya demands, wondering if either of the two were apart of the group of wolves that were meant to meet their death at the grip of moonspear's jaws as her gaze volleys slowly from one to the other.
The call caused Vallkyrie to instantly freeze, tensing up at the sudden shout enough so it made the hairs along her spine stand on end.  The otter was gone in an instant, darting into the water and Kyr, in her crouch, now lifted up onto her full leggy height. Who's law?! She called, confused as ever as she darted her head around and then spotted the other woman in the distance. 

She was, well, beautiful. In ways, one might say they looked similar but this woman before Kyr had a more colorful aspect. Vallkyrie was stark black like darkness with a covered moon. From her throat down her chest and underbelly was a very opposite snowy white streak. Her eyes, a pale ice like glaciers, which locked on Q at this very moment. And Q? She was black too, but held a raven-like gloss that shown blue. Her undersides were grayed out, now white. And along her back was a sparkling of what Kyr at first had thought was snow, but was not. Her own eyes held to her with a seriousness, pale like Vallkyrie's and bet hinted with pale color. 

Though cautious, Kyr makes her way over to the young woman with equal curiosity. Her body is held erect, though her tail sweeps low as to not show any sign of domaince over her. She sniffs and smells the Spear, the familiar scent which Hydra and ber charge held. But it wasnt her, it was another - a ghostly pale girl, not even a year old whom demanded answer. Well, I was trying to hunt. But it looks like that got shot to shit. She finds herself shrugging, a smirk toying over her features as she tosses her gaze back to Q, whom obviously put a stop to that.
It was hard to judge expressions from a distance, especially with her eyes now squinted, though she supposed the stranger looked a little perplexed by her outburst. Her head still ached, so Quell said nothing as the other she-wolf ventured closer. She looked a little baffled, indeed, plus cautiously curious. As the pain began to subside, Q licked her lips and opened her eyes further, mouth opening to say something clever...

A sharp voice cut through the quiet before either one of them could speak. Quell turned to glance at the pale figure standing nearby, her very demeanor so demanding, then looked back to Frolic's would-be killer even as she spoke an answer. Ghostly pale eyes shot to her in a pointed glance, though Q noted she didn't look too agitated about it; there was actually a smirk playing about her mouth.

"Shit, my b," Q finally got a word in edgewise, "it's my Tourette's. Makes me spout off random nonsense sometimes." She flapped a paw in the air. "I saved you from an absolutely terrible lunch," she went on to say, "otters taste just how they look: like giant, floppy wieners." Pause. "Shitdamncrap!"

Clearing her throat, Quell swept her gaze back and forth between her two new companions and said, "Anywho, my name's Q. Who are you? Fargjeckyl." Was she overselling it? Maybe. Would they know any better? Probably not.
as the situation at hand is explained, praimfaya understands that she's misread it, initially. the older woman was hunting and the other girl — about her own age, if she had to guess — speaks of something that more or less goes over praimfaya's head ( tourette's ) and then goes on to sell a pitch that otters taste like 'floppy weiners'. for a moment, praimfaya is a mixture of confused and uncomfortable at the mental image produced and her lips twist into a grimace.

note to self, avoid eating otters.

q, the other girl introduces herself as and then inquires as to who they were shortly before spouting off a bunch of nonsense. an ear crooks back slightly. now that she cannot play the white knight she considers that her presence really isn't needed here but, nevertheless, she remains. i'm praimfaya. she offers to the duo.
The other raven woman's eyes were narrowed, squinted, but she did not do so with a gaze that looked angered or irritated. No, she looked to be in pain... headache, perhaps? She is able to collect herself, however, explaining to the pale young girl (destined to be quite the guardian, perhaps) that she had a condition which caused her to spat out obnoxious and obscene gestures and obe should not eat otter. Kyr took it all in, her little act she was playing and how she was using thar as an excuse for Kyr not being able to go after her kill. She was quick witted that one and so very suddenly did the younger girl reminder her of someone. A sly and wiry ol bog rat by the name of @Belharra. Ah, if only she were here now...

Vallkyrie couldnt help the laugh, her shoulders rolling, her smirk ever present. Ah, I see. You must have that same condition a friend of mine. Says all kinds of nonsense she does. Sings it too. She goes on, feeding the younger girl's little lie with a sarcastic agreement of her own. Praimfaya and Q, she repeats the name, looking the two of them over. The long legged woman shifts her weight over the soggy earth and plops down into a sit. Well I'm Vallkyrie. Kyr, if you'd rather. Say, you smell of Moonspear... How's it fairing? Still full up from the winter hum? Hydra was kind when I came to her awhile back. Didnt have room then. I've made place north of here in the forest. She shares to the ghostly youth, wondering if she would be willing to offer any information in turn. Maybe it was still full... maybe it wasnt. Either way she was in Neverwinter now. It had been some time sense she caught scent of Katya though...
They both seemed to accept the lie smoothly enough, the darker she-wolf even mentioning she knew someone else with the condition. Quell made a huh sort of face at her, suddenly wishing she could meet this individual. Did she live around here? But Q didn't get the chance to ask, as introductions were exchanged in response to her own, right before Kyr addressed Praimfaya about conditions in Moonspear.

Quell's ears pricked at the mention of the nearby pack, Atlas's and Antares's and even Lyra's faces flashing in quick succession through her mind. Her lips parted as if she was about to interrupt, though she decided to listen for the white woman's answer instead. But before she pressed her mouth closed, Q remembered to contribute a spontaneous, "Hinkle dinkle penis wrinkle," to the ongoing conversation.
q, praimfaya notes — aside from the random blurt of strange words that causes a small furrow of her brow in concern — is ( relatively ) quiet. the older woman, however, is not. after her name, vallkyrie — kyr was offered as a simpler option — jumps right into the deduction that she ( praimfaya ) is for moonspear. it is a correct deduction but instinctively, praimfaya cannot help the rise of caution and stiffness that pulls the muscles at the junction of her shoulders taunt as it is asked of her to tell whether or not moonspear was full.

the commander recognizes it as protectiveness. she doesn't lead moonspear and while they may not exist as apart of her coalition ...while she calls herself one of them they are her's. if you've made a home for yourself elsewhere, why is it your business if moonspear remains full or not? praimfaya inquires coolly. she doesn't mean to ruin potential pack relations but also, she cannot help but get prickly when prying questions are asked.
Kyr's exit unless stopped.

The pretty girl, kissed in permanent snowfall, was rather quiet now savor a spill of words about wrinkled penises in order to keep up her whole 'turrets' thing. Praimfaya however went on to return Kyr's open curiosity and hand-out for a conversation with a sudden tension. Shut down. Wow. Okay... I see a conversation with you isnt going to get anywhere. Her voice is returned with an equal cold snap as her ears fall against her skull, tail flicking out behind her in sudden irritation. Vallkyrie could be all fun and games (Hell, @Belharra was her bff after all!) but she wouldnt stand for disrespect and rudeness. 

I'd assumed you all were a strict lot, She knew the look, the walk, the talk and the aggorance that came along with her. The whole Torbine Empire which made up her Archer blood was just like it. But I didnt figure rude too. She snips, looking the girl up and down with a narrowed icy gaze. She held back the snort at the adolescent in favor of not being rude herself. It would seem the only way she would figure anything out is if she went to @Hydra directly because she doubted if the ghostly girl wasnt willing to answer that question she would not be willing to answer if Katya Noir was around either. 

I've no time for rude either. Dismissing the pale child (though keeping her with about her) she would turn her head to the raven colored woman and dip her muzzle in a silent farewell. Turning, Vallkyrie made way to leave this little mud pit and head back home.
She giggled at her own silliness, though she swallowed and fell silent when the tension abruptly built between the other two she-wolves. After a rather frosty exchange, Kyr turned and left, not without a silent farewell. Quell raised a paw and flicked her wrist in a wave, offering a parting, "Cowabunga, dude..."

Now she was left alone with Praimfaya. Not really sure what else to say at this point, the yearling turned toward her and broke into song. "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts! Deedle dee dee!"
perhaps, praimfaya considers as the woman snaps at her and calls her rude, she had been rude shutting down the woman so icily. regardless, the commander watches the woman leave; unfazed. regardless of how it had truly come across, praimfaya was far from repentant for it. she couldn't help that she felt the need to be protective of moonspear and prickly to those prying into things that she felt did not concern them. she would've done the same would it have been her own geda and as equally as unapologetic.

alone with the other girl — q, praimfaya reminds herself — the commander turns her frostbound gaze to her in full; amusement drawing her lips from their terse line into a small ghost of a smile that praimfaya was trying to fight as q lets out a song. a strange song, at that. what are coconuts? praimfaya inquires, finding the new term to be strange as it tumbles from her lips.
She couldn't predict how Praimfaya would react to her spontaneous serenade, though it pleased her that she seemed more amused by it than anything. "Uh," came Quell's reply, "not a clue! Hey, why are you white?" It was rather apropos of nothing, which suited her false condition pretty well, but Q was genuinely curious. She had met a handful of wolves from Moonspear now, all of them cloaked in black.

Over her remaining companion's shoulder, she saw Frolic finally reappear on the shore, a fish clutched in his maw. Even from a distance, their eyes locked and she subtly nodded her head. Quell then refocused her attention upon Praimfaya, wondering if she would notice Q's brief glance and the small critter lurking behind her.
the first thing that popped into my head when i read your post: [Image: giphy.gif]

no clue! q replies and praimfaya tries to hide her disappointment. she doesn't respond because ...there was nothing to respond to in regards to the coconut debacle. the next question throws praimfaya for a bit of a loop and she starts as she looks at q. what a strange question; what a strange question but not precisely unwarranted given praimfaya's direct lineage. neither of her parents had been light-furred. it is from her aunt thyri that she learned she looked like gyda, like ragnar ...spoken by her aunt with a reverence that makes her think he, too was a heda.

i've been told i look like my grandmother and great-grand father. she says with an errant shrug of her shoulders. why does my fur color matter? praimfaya inquires with a soft bird-like cant of her head. why're you patterned as you are? she returns it in a way that could easily be described as playful.

Praimfaya's answer recaptured her attention completely as she thought, Me too! Of course, she took after her father, who'd picked up his palette from his own father, but Quell knew about family resemblances. It actually tied into her question in an odd way: Lyra, Atlas and Antares had all looked alike. And her new friend here couldn't look any more different than them.

"Oh, it doesn't matter or anything, I just thought all Moonboys were black. You'd think they'd be white though, with that name," the yearling mused a little nonsensically. "Guess you're the only one who got it right. Anyway, I look just like my dad. I'm high-key surprised he didn't name me Mini Me or Wintersbane Jr or something."

She had gotten so caught up in the subject, she hadn't paid attention to Frolic for a few minutes. Now he made his presence known by hurling the fish in the wolves' direction. He probably meant to whack Q, though his arms were short and his aim was terrible, so the fish sailed toward Praimfaya's rear instead.