Wolf RPG

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The valley was a beautiful one as far as he was considered. Filled with dips and crevices, rocky hills and even the grass was beginning to sprout from under the icy earth. Little bright green sprouts covered in frost. Hemlocke usually did not leave The Bracken. After all, it was a very large forest, stretching a length beyond what he had ever seen before, beyond a wolf's measurements. In there plenty of food was to be had from herds of deer, various rodents and fish in the streams and creeks. With much to explore within its vast land.There was herbs, too but it was just that thing which had pulled Hemlocke out from the forest and into the open. He searched for herbs to be had. With the cloak of the darkness in his favor the Hellhound strode.
Holly couldn't sleep. She couldn't even close her eyes for one minute before getting -once again- restless. For a while, she let it drag on. Every time she would mentally shake off her energy, try to settle her thoughts, and sleep. It didn't work. Her mind was mulled and yet somehow she still felt as if her brain was going 90 miles per minute. She gave in. The golden girl couldn't take it anymore. So, careful not to wake the leader of the Skyward, the girl took off. Mindlessly she wandered. Allowing her paws to drag her wherever they felt like. Her mind was the one that had gotten her into this so why should she follow it now and cause herself even more frustration? No. For now she would simply walk, half-asleep as she padded through the silky black curtains of the night.

The woman didn't know how far she traveled, her senses were still inactive. That is until she heard footfall in the distance her brain immediately started churning. It was as if a switch had been flipped, pure instinct took over and the lady crouched, hid herself. Carefully she kept a slow, steady pace and crept up to find whatever had been the cause of her momentary panic. A shadow. One with fur as dark as the night itself. A dark shadow she recognized. Letting a small chuckle escape her the woman drew up and went to walk alongside her companion. "You were not who I was expecting!" Holly's voice was obviously tired, but she somehow managed to keep her voice steady enough to be teasing. A trait she had developed with her sister, she had always insisted on not allowing their mother to know where they went at night- or that they went out at all. The voice had lost most of its strongest attributes but it was convincing enough to slide by, perhaps she could say she had just woken up.
It was quiet. Too quiet. Even the little creatures that were nocturnal as he was were silent, likely due to the fact that a large black wolf strode around in the open. But he didnt search for prey, only herbs and found himself moving along in a lazy lope, pausing every so often to paw at certain peices of greenery to see if they could maybe be any use to him. No luck, no use thus far. It was still yet early in the year. 

With a henavy sigh he stopped, turning his rubied gaze up to the heavens. There was a stirring then. So very quiet he almost didnt hear it even with those large pointed ears of his. Holly was good at hiding and he would have thought it a snake in the grass or small mouse had she not bounded out and made herself known. He tensed from the sudden outburst but only a moment before laxing as she reached his side. Restless? He questioned the little golden woman, whom seemed tired eyed but none the less up and about.