Wolf RPG

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AW - someone from Sagtannet maybe? <3

It was wet here, in a way that Torbine wasn't. Sludgy and cold, frozen over water turning to slush under ink-black paws. The air wasn't salty and fresh like it was at Torbine - there was a mustiness that made Lenny's nose wrinkle up in distaste. Mud clung to the long fur along the girl's belly and legs, the fluff dragged down by the weight. 


Large ears angled around, trying to catch any sound in the night. She'd come here looking for her littermate - Kyr had always been the adventurous one, though their personalities might suggest otherwise. Lenny was happier at home, but it no longer felt like home with her twin missing. 

Tipping her head back, the oil-black girl let out a long, low howl, seeking for anyone who could perhaps direct her the right way. This slushy wetland was hard to navigate, and she doubted her sister was here. But maybe someone had seen her.