Wolf RPG

Full Version: Because I don't trust you to understand me
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Her muscles burned, practically screaming for her to stop pushing her body past its limits, but she ignored it. She had an abundance of anxious energy when she had woken this morning, and the only way she could deal was to find some physically demanding activity to force her brain out of it's toxic and familiar cycle. She had been thinking a lot about her family lately and feeling guilty for bailing, and she was worried about the dangerous wolves Mal had warned her about, not to mention the very awkward moment with Matty in the mountains the other day; there were too many things she was trying to avoid thinking about, and they had all decided to catch up with her today.

She wasn't sure how long she had been sprinting along the edge of the territory, but she didn't plan on stopping anytime soon; she wanted to see how much ground she could cover before she ran out of steam. It had been something she was curious to figure out, you know, just in case she ever needed to know such a thing and today seemed like a good day to figure it out.
He could hear the thundering of paws on the borders. His brain alighted with adrenaline and he surged forward towards the invisible line that firmly divided Neverwinter land to no man's land, squinting at the pale woman running. ​Aisee! What are you doing? he frowned, wondering if this was some training regiment that he was not privy to.
The question brought her to an immediate, skidding halt. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Running, she said, her tone implying that it should have been obvious what she was doing. She hadn't talked to this guy yet; he was fairly new, and she had been a little preoccupied. Tone softening just a little, she added: I like to do it to clear my head. She shrugged. And I wanted to see how much of the borders I could cover before getting tired. She shrugged again. It would probably be useful information at some point. I'm Simmik, she offered then. And then she waited for his name. Already, there were questions brewing in her head, but she withheld them for now.
quick post to keep this going!

He was indignant at first, but it faded away quickly. Ah, he said, understanding. He knew the feeling well, though he wasn't much for running as his method. Haoniyao. Yao for short, if you want.
She turned and took a few steps towards him, dipping her head in response to his introduction. What brought you to Neverwinter Forest? she asked. She was always curious to know what drove people to join them here, especially since Mal always made it a point that one could start over new here if needed. She couldn't really judge anyone on their past, nor was that the reasons he asked. Mostly, she was just curious, and she never hesitated to seek out the answers she wanted.
She asked why he had joined the pack. Lenny invited me in, he said, thinking of their giggly interaction. This area seemed like a good place to settle for a while. I met Mal a while back as well. I felt that this was a good group. He was curious what else had brought people to this area — to this pack. There were obviously natives, but how many transients were roaming in and out? He really didn't know much about the region they were in, now that he thought about it. He didn't even know the name! You?
She hadn't spent much time with Lenny, but she supposed she could offer Yao a certain level of trust given that he had been invited by a packmate and accepted by Mal. When he turned the question on her, she shrugged a little. I've been here since the beginning. I met Mal after I left home, she explained. Stayed with him and helped keep the forest safe. She still took the job of protecting the forest very seriously, which was why she was trying to see how much of the borders she could clear in one go. She started to walk, turning to her new packmate as she moved. Want to patrol? she asked. No sense in wasting time just standing around when they could do something useful while they talked.
How long ago was that? The beginning. He was curious how long this pack had been around before he arrived. Mal had seemed rather young — perhaps around his age — and yet had started a pack of his own. Where she was from was another matter — something he could concern himself with later.

Yes, He nodded, beginning to step off. He would let Simmik lead the way — he was not yet that acquainted with the woods that was his new home.
Her expression turned thoughtful as she tried to remember exactly when she had left home. I met Mal last fall and he had already been here for a bit. I'm not sure how long. Our numbers really grew once winter hit, she explained. So she supposed it wasn't really the beginning but fairly early on. She stopped to inspect the scent of one of tall evergreens that hugged the edge of the territory. Deciding it could use more scent, she marked it and then moved on. After a few more seconds she looked over at Yao. Where are you from? she asked. She had never heard his accent before, not that she had really met a ton of wolves, but she was still curious about it. The only accent she could really recall right now was her mother's harsh northern accent, but it was very different than the one her new packmate had.
This was a young pack, he recalled. Only last fall. I haven't met everyone — how many are here now? He follows her lead, adding his own scent to the pack borders. I live here now, he thought. Far south from here. Near the coast of a southern sea — I do not think it is connected to this one. He gestures westward, to the ocean. We call it my home Kereenyaga.
She counted the members in her head for a few moments before answering his question, making a point to rub against the next tree she moved past. A tuft of her snowy fur caught in the bark and hung there, the wind blowing it back and forth. There are ten of us, including you, she answered.

She looked back to Yao when he told her of his home. Her eyebrows drew together curiously as he spoke the name of his home; the word clearly of a different language. What language is that? she asked. It wasn't like any she had heard before, which weren't many, but still, it was interesting to hear languages other than the two she knew.
Kidogo, He murmured. His own clan numbered more than ten, let alone the other families that made up the rest of his tribe. It seemed strange for it to be this small, given the fertility of this region. Perhaps, it was because this was a new pack — made up of unrelated wolves. His tribe had generations of history to bolster their numbers.  

Kiswahili, he says his native language with relish. I haven't heard much of it outside of my home. He turned to her, curious. Do you speak any other languages?
She looked at him curiously as he uttered the foreign word. What does that mean? she asked. If it was impolite for her to ask, she was unaware; when she was curious, she asked questions. 

Kiswahili, she repeated back to him, the word probably sounding not quite right. Interesting, she said next. To his question, Simmik nodded. Yes, I speak the northern language of my mother's home, she explained. She taught it to me and my brothers while we were young. She had spoken it for as long as she could speak real words, her mother made sure of that. She paused to mark another spot along the borders, rejoining her packmate after.
Small, he translated. My home pack was much larger. We didn't call it a pack. It was a kabila. I think the word is tribe. He hesitantly rolled the r, unsure if he was correct.

It is good to keep such things alive, he nodded in approval. She did good.
She only nodded and smiled in response to his comment about her home and mother; it was a subject she didn't really wish to get into and so she actively searched for a way to guide the conversation into a more comfortable direction for her. 

Simmik was curious about his home. He had only told her that Lenny brought him here, but she was left wondering what had made him leave home? She had sort of a rough past before finding Mal and settling here, and so she was interested to know more about him. Why did you leave home? she asked. She hoped it wasn't too intrusive; her questions sometimes were.
It was the first time that anyone had asked him such a question. Even Lenny hadn't inquired yet, though he figured eventually it would come up. Ah...utukufu? I don't know the right term for it. My family...we fight. Warriors...I think the word is. But...there's no more of it. War. He could spin it eloquently in his own tongue, but in this one...it was rough and clunky. I went to find utukufu. So I can be a warrior.
She looked at him curiously as he tried to answer her question. He said a word in his language she didn't know. But she definitely understood what a warrior was. I'm training to be a warrior, she told him in an effort to show that she kind of understood. Maybe we can spar sometime? she offered. Then she frowned at him. What is utukufu? Simmik asked, probably butchering the word. She wanted to know what it meant so that she could understand what it had to do with being a warrior or why he needed to leave home and search for it.
Na'am! That would be good. He smiled. He wondered how this woman — another wolf from a far-away land — would fight. She looked strong, and if her insistence on running was any indication, she was dedicated to her body and thus to being a warrior, as she said.

Ah, basi... he trailed off, trying to translate the term in his head from what he knew of common. It is what warriors hope to get when they fight. Feeling proud of what you did to protect your family and friends...to be remembered and...praised. But there's no fighting back home anymore. So I cannot fight. I have to find utukufu elsewhere so I can bring it home with me. He finished, hoping that he had made some sense to her.
He seemed excited by the prospect of a spar, and she looked forward to learning from him since he was a warrior. She was always searching for ways to better her skills. 

She listened to him explain what the word meant. So, utukufu means honor? she guessed. From what he said, that's what it sounded most like. Her expression turned thoughtful. The warriors from your home only find honor from fighting? she inquired further. Can you not get honor from protecting your pack and training other warriors? She was training to protect, but she wouldn't exactly go out looking for a fight just to prove herself or for any other reason, really. She wanted the skills just in case, and if the need ever arose, then she would be there with teeth bared, ready to defend. It was her goal to be as prepared for that moment as she could, not to use her skills to seek out conflict.
He nods, assuming that honor was the word that best encompassed what utukufu described. There was perhaps, no literal translation for what he described. He frowned at what she said. How can I do that well if I never fight? he asked, confused. I cannot be a good warrior if I never fought.
She looked at him with a confused expression. Well, that's what sparring is for, she explained. You practice fighting with someone else so you learn the skills without actually being in a fight. Of course, there were some things you just learned from the unpredictability of a real fight, but she didn't think fighting was the only way to be honored. Plus, doing things to keep the pack safe is just as valuable, Simmik added. I think so anyway. Maybe he would still believe differently, which was whatever. She wouldn't interfere with his search honor as long as it didn't put any of them in danger.
He merely responded with a quiet hum. He didn't know how to properly convey his feelings through the common tongue, his mouth unable to form his thoughts clearly. He was quiet for a moment, looking away. After a brief stillness he spoke again. We can still spar, he said, his voice light.
It seemed they had an awkward misunderstanding, or at least it felt that way by his quiet sound and the way he looked away. Maybe she had offended him in some way by questioning his beliefs? That wasn't what she meant to do. 

She was about to ask as much, but then he offered a spar. Oh, uh—yeah, I'm always up for spars, she told him. Whenever you want, just let me know. She could use all the practice and pointers she could get. Maybe you can teach me some things?
He nodded, content that their relationship was still open in that sense. Philosophy and martial doctrine wasn't something that he wanted to get caught up in, especially not with someone he considered an ally. Perhaps he could better explain himself at another time, when his grasp on their shared language was a bit better. I would hope to learn from you as well.