Wolf RPG

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He never wanders too far from Kaistleoki, hasn’t for months upon times and doesn’t exactly plan to do so—after all, Evergreen had been decided to stay a guard for the pack whilst Ira and Winterbourne complete a diplomatic journey. He remembers when the pack had been new, and he had no experience at leading—how they went from pack to pack to discuss politics. Staying guard is much simpler.
Yet he also remembers the words of @Aibreann, who spoke of Neverwinter, and it is time that bridge the gap and find information about the pack… perhaps officially meet the man at the top of the totem pole. For now, however, the bear keeps a distance. Large nose sniffing the air—the scent of the pack on the wind, and mismatched green eyes flicker along the meadow where the forest edge begins a football field’s length away.
He calls for the nurse instead of Mal.
The morning started early and abruptly for Aibreann, who had first been roused by the painful clenching of her stomach. For most, this sort of wake up call would immediately ruin the day — but beneath her misery, Aibreann is overcome with relief and excitement. She's been careful about her meals lately, too careful for this to be false hope. Well, she's pretty sure.
She's digging through a cache when the call reaches her, the third one she's visited today. Nothing in any of them appeals to her, but she knows she needs to eat. Evergreen's visit is a welcome excuse to get away from the smell of food, though. She turns away without a second thought, heading to meet him.
Hello Evergreen, She greets warmly when she arrives, tail swaying gently. Concern colors her tone slightly with her next words. I didn't expect you so soon. Has something happened?
Aibreann emerges from the undergrowth before long. Round ears perk upon the top of his skull, and a smile soon winds its way across the bear’s muzzle. His own tail wags in a mirror to hers. He trots closer to approach her, and they meet in the middle.
Hey, Aibreann! He greets with equal warmth. Uhm, no, nothing has happened… I just wanted to check up on you, and, uh, took your words to heart! I think it would be good… to see if our packs would also get along, but uhm, wanted to chat with you first before I run in there.
Her own smile curves slow across her lips as she listens, relieved to hear nothing is wrong and overall pleased to see her friend again. Ah. I appreciate the check-up. I — Whatever she'd been about to say gets cut short. Her stomach lurches, and she steps back quickly as bile races up her throat. There's nothing left in her stomach but acid now, and that's what she vomits into the foliage once she's a safe distance from Evergreen, miserable the entire time.
Evergreen rambles away, blissfully unaware of the ill-ridden complexion of his friend until it is much too late— her words are abruptly cut off, and she backs away from him. At first, Evergreen worries something else is wrong. Like she saw someone she doesn’t want to, so he glances over his shoulder, and over towards the area of Neverwinter.
It quickly clicks that isn’t the case. This is… oddly familiar. Memories going back to Kaistleoki’s first meeting come to mind—now, it’s a mystery if it is a stomach bug, like Winterbourne, or… pregnancy, like Speedy. Worry crosses the bear’s face, but he quickly remembers Aibreann’s words; no stress.
Uhm, is… there anything I can get you? He says, approaching quietly.