Wolf RPG

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AW! tagging puppies for ref & feel free to join <3

dawn upon the moors. she overlooked a field of heather and mint, breathing their scents as the ocean zephyrs flitted through the meadow. beneath her, beneath the dome of sod and soil, @Arcelia and @Solaire slept.
in another time, erzulie would not have stolen her eyes from them. but nieve was tense, marisol scarce, clementine near-fading, and reyes gone. her eldest too needed her heart, and so for the time being, the harlot gave it in entirety, whispering prayers to the ever-present loa.

soundly solaire slept below. but with dawn came stirring, and though eyes remained shut as they would be for days coming, her body began to shift against her sister. wiggle, wiggle, awakened- and she rolled onto her side, away from arcelia and into empty space. there were two senses- taste and touch. touch was always satisfied by the soft earth beneath her. but taste was insatiable, and so she began to mewl and whine, crawling blindly for her mother.
she knew them by voice now, and slipped down from her perch to re-enter the den. "mwen isit la ti bebe mwen an," erzulie breathed, a voice from the swamplands wherein marie had spread out white wings and found her.
she looked upon little solaire and smiled. "you already gonna be a hot wind," the courtesan pronounced, her kiss moving from the reddish child to the sleeping pale arcelia.
sound was not something she yet knew, and so the approach of her mother was felt only through the vibrations which rumbled in the earth beneath her. maman's sweet coos might've been comfort otherwise, but for now they were not known. but touch fueled her, and so when erzulie brushed her maw to solaire, the fireball hummed with sweet delight, soothed by the gentle touch. she rolled slightly, reaching upward with the smallest paws towards the muzzle of the cinnamon woman.
the little paws came up, and erzulie sighed. this was the purest of pleasures. to be mother again. perhaps it would be the last time, and so the harlot would enjoy such things while they lasted. she kissed solaire's tiny toes, murmured snippets of an old song to the closed ears, nestled arcelia closer.
something- something, came in contact there. she knew not what, but it was an odd and yet not frightening feeling- the gentle kisses on her tiny paws were a comfort if anything, and after a moment of wondering what this sensation was, she settled into it, releasing sweet warm coos that expressed her simple joy. if only she could hear, her mother's melody would be much appreciated- but for now, all she knew was the subtle vibration that coursed through the air, the hints of what noise might be. 
we can wrap and have a new thread since her eyes have opened?
absolutely! <3

happy to croon over and sing to her sweet babe until solaire surrendered to sleep, erzulie found she had grown far more relaxed than she expected.
she slept well in the later hours to come.