Wolf RPG

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The siren emerged from the embrace of the Sea, alive once again.

She had been following the coast south for days, and every morning she submerged herself in the ocean at daybreak with the whispered oath of the Sirensong clan. Those of the Cove no longer followed the old ways, but those who had dispersed before the dangerous changes came still knew their place in the world. Thetis Nereides had been one of those, and had taught her daughters well. They still believed they were born of Sea and Moon, with the bodies of mother and consort as nothing but vessels.

Dexamene had been born in this way, too, in the isolated whelping cove of Aegean Sound. She had been baptised in the Sea, brought into Her embrace, and had been marked by the vessel's teeth beneath the light of the Moon. The small mark, directly between her shoulder blades and shared by all of her sisters from the Sound, had long faded with age. There was nary a scar left, but she knew the Moon's essence had touched her and seeped into her through it.

She lowered herself in the ocean waters so only the top of her snout, her eyes, and ears were above the undulating waves. The scent of salt calmed her, and Dexamene breathed in deeply, rejoicing in her Mother's spirit.
(This is before the encounter with Ragnar and Syver )

Padding through the thinning trees, the weary femmora still managed, but barely slipped amongst the scarce and small sapplings, until she made her way to the beach. After running full speed away from a hungry mountain lion that seemed twice her size, that almost matched her speed, Raven plopped her obsidian hide on the now sandy ground. Takeing a gander around with heavy lids, she sniffed the air a bit sor signs of danger. The midnight she wolf smelled a pack territory about a day away. Good. She was in free land then. With that knowledge, she swore she would find food and shelter the moment she awoke from a much needed rest, and with that, she lowered her lids over silver orbs, making her almost invisible in the shadows of a overhanging tree.
Hope you guys don't mind me joining, :D

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The young wanderer approached the beach once again, the sea spraying its salty foam onto his face making him blink away the droplets of water. Was there anyone on the beach today? Everytime he approached the coast it seemed that there was at least one wolf there, he knew that some wolves liked the sea but some was afraid of the churning yet calm waters.

Today he sniffed the air as a gust of wind blew towards him, bringing two scents. Both female. Weird but he continued his approach towards the sea, gaze scanning the path in front of him. Squinting slightly, he noticed a black female sleeping in the shadows of a tree. A faint smirk flashed through his face remembering Ellie and her reaction to him waking up.

He walked over to her, nudged her not too gently with a paw, towering over her sleeping body. His gaze drifted though, onto someone in the ocean's waters. Only a snout, ears were visible from his spot. He canting his head in a curious manner, forgetting about the female by his paws.


From her position in the ever-shifting waters, Dexamene watched and waited. She had never been as openly brash as her mother, but always more adaptable like the true Mother of all wolves. She was a watcher first and foremost, though she had an edge to her that was as frigid as winter's first frost. Mostly, she was silent and observant.

It was these traits she attributed her survival to, and her continued solitude. Somewhere on the coast, she spotted the dark figure of a female lower herself to the ground, shrouded from sight by the tree, but Dexamene knew she was there. She had seen Raven approach the trunk, after all. The Nereides had no reason to disturb another wolf, so she merely dunked her head beneath the rolling surface, cresting with her ears and head tilted back so the water ran in refreshing rivulets down her face.

It was only when she opened her eyes again and spotted another wolf, clearly a male from his build, in close proximity to the first that she acted. She churned water and silt beneath her feet, rising like some sort of small bear from the ocean's embrace and making a beeline straight for them. She drew near just in time to see the male reach out a paw to touch the female, and her approach quickened with the lowering of her ears and the twisting of her face into a warning snarl.

She easily met the short distance between the two wolves, and instantly sought to place herself between Shadow and Raven with a disgruntled snarl. “Do not presume to touch her again,” warned Dexamene with a flash of her turquoise eyes in his direction. Her bared teeth, while soundless, served as a warning from the siren that he was not allowed the privilege of laying a single toe upon a female, as he was a male and males were nothing in her society.
(Shadow said hed be back soon. We have to wait for him.)

Raising her head after a droplet of presumed water thunked in the top of her crown, and a nudge in the side of her ribs, Raven opened a silvery orb to a soaking wet black hued dark brown and hazel brown tail, and sat up, thoroughly confused, then pieced together the situation, and assumed of the dark amber draped femmora protecting her from the icey silver coated large hessian. With her back to Raven, she couldnt see the eyes of her heroine, but she noted to thank her in case potential future danger was in progress.

In emerging conflicts like this, Raven would typically haul hide to the nearest shadow, but due to hunger and dizziness, along with confusion and curiosity, she stayed.
Glancing over the hellions shoulder who smelled of fresh and natural sea, Raven opened both eyes, and turned an icey silver gaze onto the hessians to take in his reaction to this situation.
Set before the Shadow/Raven thread at Duck Lake, :)
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The silver wanderer tilted his head slightly as the female that was in the sea strode towards them, ears flattened and snarling, stepping between him and the sleeping female, or the female that was sleeping. “Do not presume to touch her again,” the unknown woman snarled.

He canted his head, a smirk forming on his lips as he took a step forward. Who the hell was this woman to go ordering him around. She was just another wolf, just another loner, what authority did she have? Nothing, at least not around here and she was most certainly not his master and he was most certainly not her servant or slave but he hid his anger behind a calm mask.

"I wouldn't dream of it," he said, the smirk still on his face. "After all, of course I will listen to a mere loner like you." he said, his tone amused, a smirk still on his face. He turned to the dark female who had woken up, "Did I hurt you? I apologise if I did." he said sincerely- he really hadn't meant to injure her or anything-, ignoring the intruding female in front of him. She had no right to order him around.


The female she had placed herself in front of said nothing. Dexamene hadn't expected her to, and given her short temper, it was likely a good thing that Raven had remained quiet. Dexamene, when living in the Sound, hadn't been above putting both her sisters and the consorts in their place, though she was less firm with her sisters, even those not blood related.

Raven's silence allowed her to focus solely on the male, whose lip curled up into an unbecoming, mocking smirk. Before he could get more than two words out, the offended female leapt at him with jaws agape, intending to mark him and remind him where his place truly was.
Before sending an "I am well" to the mysterious male, Raven felt the air heaten with the dark hazeled and black femmoras wrath, and managed to slip past, and throw her average pitch black frame infront of her rescuer, determined to take the blow for him, even though she knew nothing of the stranger who had awoken her. It was in that time spent from getting around to infront of the sea she wolf, Raven's conscious pulsed thoughts into her head, apparently prepping an attempt at a pain blocker for what she knew was comming next.
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The sterling outrider watched, stunned as the black female he had woken up ran forward, slipping between him and the female who sought to attack him. He didn't actually mind the attack because he knew if she did that, it'll be easy to win the fight but what he didn't expect was this female jumping in front of him to take the blow.

"No!" he shouted, eyes widening. "Get out of the damn way." He did not wish for her to get hurt, after all he had started all this by nudging the sleeping female. He attempted to push her out of the way but didn't know if it worked.


I've decided to bring in a different character instead of Dex. Sorry this is disjointed but this will be her last post, assuming Shadow doesn't attack her. You guys can continue without her if you want!

Dexamene had been sent by the Sea and Moon to find those who were pliable and shape them to the Nereides' way. She thought the female who was behind her might be one such wolf, but she was wrong. Even as she lunged for the male, the dark female cut into her vision. Dex was able to sheathe her teeth quickly enough to avoid causing Raven any pain, but her chest thumped against the other wolf anyway.

Shadow was there as well, shoving Raven like some kind of brusque body guard. Dexamene aimed a heated snarl his way, a final warning that he mind his place in the world... But already her belief that these fools could be shaped had waned. She shot Raven a reproachful and disappointed look before back-pedalling a few steps, then turning smoothly and moving back toward the ocean. Assuming they left her alone, Dexamene would melt back into the embrace of the sea and begin her journey back the way she'd came.
( Its ok, not a prob at all. ^-^)

The silver hued he wolf behind her shoved at her for her to not in the way of the blow, but it was already too late. Within second however, the dark brown femmora withdrew her bite, only shoving her chest at her with a force that could have possibly knocked her unconscious if it had been aimed for her head. With claws dug into the sifted sand, Raven held her ground.

When the she wolf sent a snarl at the hessian, and a look of disappoint at Raven, she had felt like she had done something to offend a mother, wilting her where she stood. She watched the female turn and head back to the waters whence she seeminly came, and with a heavy heart, Raven watched her go.
You wanna continue or fade?
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He rolled his eyes at the female attacker when she snarled at him. As if he cared about what she thought. She was worth nothing in his mind, a worthless piece of shit that just wanted to attack someone that meant no harm. As if he needed her warning, "Thank you for leaving us, bitch." he called after her back but did not make to attack her. He didn't want to waste his strength on a puny weird woman.

He turned to the black female and growled playfully, "Why did you shove yourself in the way! I could've handled the situation." he smirked. "Are you alright? I didn't mean for you to get hurt and I didn't ask that woman to suddenly come and interrupt. What is her problem?" he scowled, wondering if he should chase after her and rip her apart, but decided against it.

He sat down, yawned and curled his tail around his paws, blinking at her with platinum eyes. "So, whats up?" he said, grinning.