Wolf RPG

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Somehow, Taktuq had managed to roll onto her back while she was asleep. When she woke up, she understood that something was wrong, but that was the extent of her comprehension. The predicament was only able to distract her for a moment, as her growling stomach reminded her of the reason she was awake—she was hungry

The smell of milk, coupled with her appetite, changed her mood quickly. Unable to access Nanook's breast, Taktuq grew restless, and she began to wiggle feebly. When her efforts failed, she resorted to fit-throwing—the only other action she could take in her condition. Her face twisted with visible anger, and she began to squirm and scream at the top of her lungs. Taqtuk's tantrum wouldn't stop until she got exactly what she wanted; desperate times called for desperate measures.
The little ball of fluff had been peacefully asleep, to young to understand what a dream was. But perhaps his mind had taken him back to his only experience, that of the womb. He wasn’t sure what woke him, for his ears were to new to hear and his eyes remained firmly shut. But something had pulled him from his gentle slumber upon his parents warm chest. He wasn’t hungry, well he could eat, like most newborns he could always eat. But sadly this wasn’t the reason he had awoken.

Perturbed by the wakefulness The newly named Selamuit wiggles and squirmed, his own squeak unknowingly joining his sister’s.
He could not hear her, but his sister was screaming. The only thing that Iki could discern was wrong was when a flailing limb from Taktuq smacked him on the nose, and it stung. The little boy wrinkled his muzzle and let out a choked out wail of his own, little paws coming to touch the place she'd whacked with a pitiful whine. It didn't really hurt anymore, but the recent offense was still fresh, and the youngest Ateneq was good at holding grudges.
Nanook cracked open a tired eye, roused by the wails of her children. Or child, more like it -- Sela and Iki squirmed with their own little squeaks and whimpers, but Taktuq's little garbles hit the air like her very own soliloquy.

The mother watched her daughter. From the way Taktuq wormed about, she concluded the child just didn't like being on her back -- which meant Nanook saw no obvious danger in letting her fuss around a little while longer. Could her daughter find a way out of her situation without her help? Nanook would watch the display a little while longer, as curious a scholar of life as she had ever been, and, if Taktuq couldn't right herself, only then would she reach in to flip her child around.
just a cameo! skip him going forward <3

There was commotion around the little bear but he was completely unaware of it. His belly was so full that it pudged out on the sides, and he had fallen into a deep sleep not too long ago. Nothing aside from physically moving him from where he slumbered would wake him. His siblings moved around him, his sister's cries filling the den but going unheard by his undeveloped ears. 

At one point, he stirred some, probably stimulated by the movement of whatever sibling was near him, but he never woke. He just remained crammed against his mother's armpit, surrounded by warmth and passed out while milk still clung to his lips.
Sorry for the delay, guys!
Taktuq's cries did very little to mitigate her situation. She grew increasingly agitated as the seconds dragged on, and soon the volume of her complaints began to amplify. In addition to her wailing, Taktuq's wriggling intensified tenfold. She moved with enough effort that would undoubtedly cause her to bump into her littermates. 

Taktuq's first temper-tantrum began—it wouldn't be her last, nor would it be her worst.
Sela let out a groan, unheard to his own ears and drowned out by the cries of his sole sister. He was much more content then her, as he nosed his way toward a meal, hunger finally clawing at his tiny tummy. He could feel a warm bundle on his side, which he snuggled into. Happy and content, unable to hear the wailing of his sister, he slowly drifted into a milk induced nap.

what do you think? can we close this?
In time, after a considerable amount of fussing, Taktuq accomplished her single-minded goal. She flipped onto her stomach and squirmed towards her mother's abdomen and the scent of milk. Her previous plight was forgotten quickly. 

Taktuq gorged herself with sustenance and then fell asleep once she could no longer eat. Her nap continued well into the evening, only waking once she was hungry again; the newborn cycle continued.