Wolf RPG

Full Version: I wanna take advantage
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No obligation for anyone to join, but can if you wanna thread with her! Will close on 20th with no replies

She strayed from her den, daring to leave Hashut with her young for a few mere minutes while she took a breather. The new mother had not left her den for a long time. Not properly. She just needed to stretch her legs.

She gently loped through the forest, knowing where she needed to go.
She came to the gave soon enough, but not that of her unlucky young.
Her dear Venny who she'd tried time and again to take her as his mate and to let her bear his young.
But he'd chosen Serem.

She slowed, feeling the air thicken and close in around her. Emotion was drawn up within her, anger, sadness, guilt. She sat beside the small mound she ensured she made over his body. Plus her and Valour couldn't be bothered to dig anymore.
"I miss you, Venny" she murmured to herself, and his spirit.
She could feel his tough warmth against her. When they first met, she thought they'd end up killing each other. But no.
She'd fallen in love.
"I wish you could see Arwen and Leshen. And your kids."
She felt the hotness in the corners of her eyes, welling up and threatening to spill.

She laid down, resting her head on his grave.
He didn't deserve this.
"I'm sorry I didn't kill her first." She whispered, knowing that she should've known.
But she didn't, and couldn't blame herself. Not really.

At long last, which was probably only a minute, she brought herself up and started to head back to her family.
Since the altercation at the hunt Memory had steered clear of the scent of the Fae. 
especially seeing as she now has pups and the sound of her screeching and spitting like a cornered badger was not exactly to miss. 
He wasn't even entirely sure what had brought him this way, aside from trying to find closure. Well...by proxy anyway. 
Someone had moved the mouldering remains into a proper grave, it seemed. 
He started forward, ready to say his goodbyes- and a few other words- but Vanity's dark pelt slipped in front of him, and he sat silent, waiting, feeling almost guilty for watching this small private moment of vulnerability. 
As she turned to leave he made a small noise to announce his presence so she wouldn't collide with him. 
"You knew him well then?" He asks softly, a bit guarded. "Everyone I talk to tells me he was a monster." 
Her ears pricked at the soft chuff, cupping towards it.
Memory. She'd chewed him out at the hunt then they both ended up walk away.
She lowered her head slightly, unsure of what to expect. 

However, it seems that he was a melechony mood like her.
His words seemed harsh in the air, like a soft sounds when you were sick and just wantes silence.
How long was he watching? 

"I guess I did," she replied. She did spend a lot of time with him, talking about pack affairs and telling him of her lands. He never revealed much of his life, no matter how hard she pried. 
"He wasn't really a monster. Just a not very gentle giant." And she loved him the way he was. Sid Serem think he was a monster too? 
"He did bad things, but so have the rest of us," at least Vanity certainly had. 

Her head tilted, now curious of his asking. Was he trying to get under her skin to challenge her rank? Her lips made a firm line, waiting for him to talk more. 
Her words brought a realization to him- 
she had been in love with him. 
He nods in understanding. 
Nix had been his world. The father he needed. Which is what made the pain of his betrayal so much worse. 
"I'm torn," he utters softly. "Everyone I tell about Nix tells me he's a lot like Venegance. It's easy to hate someone when you think about all their evil acts. And you try to search for the slightest sign of an indication they weren't some monster....but then I'm stuck wondering if I was just a pup trying to find love and affection where there wasn't any." 
He didn't know why he was unloading all of this on her. Perhaps convienience, perhaps wanting another perspective besides Valour's bitter commiserating. If she were here, and he didn't find her so fucking insufferable, he might share these words with Hela as well. 
Her second response makes him bristle, dredging forward the two conflicting thoughts always in his mind. 
"There's enough innocent blood on my paws to drown myself in one of these days. Which is why I'm leaving here- I need a chance to find something other than blood. Other than violence. To make my own choices. " To maybe not hate himself so much. "All the fucked up things I did in that pack- and after- were because of Nix. I didn't choose this path. Nix did. Nix and maybe some cruel higher being, lazily deciding where I go and what happens to me." He snorted at the thought, some thing hunched over a glowing surface, eagerly plotting. 

4th wall break,, lol
Vanity had no idea who Nix was for she never had much desire to interact with the man and ask about his life story. Yet, somehow, they both could share the same pain in the moment despite their differences.
She understood and knew he did too.

She could relate to him in some ways though. Her path wasn't chosen by herself, but her Mother prior, to make her into the Warlord. But she didn't hold the same resentments or regrets as Memory did.
"This place certainly isn't the place for you then. Find a quiet pack that greets you with curiosity, not suspicion."
She came to the borders of enough packs to know what Memory was looking for. 
Vanity didn't know what else to offer after that.
She was only sentimental to her dead.

But see voiced a passing question from her mind,
"Do you think Serem loved Venny?" She rose her eyes to him, daring to watch his reaction.
Her response is gentle, permission to leave. 
and then she strikes a question. 
He didn't know much about the fragility of the feminine heart so he spoke candidly. 
"If you want to know the truth to that, I would ask Serem herself. The one time I spoke with her about him...she was more concerned about his children being less... Reckless." 
It was as much comfort as he could give her. 
"It doesn't matter. Wolves like Nix, and Venegance, they don't love. They can't. The only thing they love is their own power and bloodlust." He cast his eye up to the moon, pale light filtered through the trees. "find someone who can give you what you deserve. Who will love you.  For you. I did...she's the most beautiful creature I could ever meet." 
He explained what her friend had told him. She'd not seen her for some time and didn't have plans to just yet. But the fact she was more concerned for her kids more than not having him help her?
It said it all in Vanity's mind.

But what he said after that irritated her further.
Of course he could love, fully capable. He just didn't love her, and she knew it. It was almost one-sided, but only because he wanted to use her.
Her ears twitched, holding her tongue. She knew if she pissed Memory off they'd end up brawling and that wouldn't be good for her.
"You never met him," she murmured softly, concluding he hadn't.
It was for her peace of mind, not his.

But perhaps, his words seeped through the mourning veil she still held. The words of needing to find someone who loved her. Did Hashut? Or was their relationship purely for the insurance of their bloodlines. Of her bloodline.
Soon, she'd teach them of her mountain in the south, and if she couldn't reclaim it, they would.

"Where is she now?" Vanity dared to ask. If he broke down crying, she'd probably leave him to his sorrows. Or console him. Gods what would she do? 
Hopefully, he'd just keep his poker face.
He waited calmly as she processed his words, giving a slight nod at her murmured protest. 
True, he didn't. He knew enough elves like him though, but he kept those words to himself. He wasn't going to add insult to injury. 
Luckily she changed the subject. 
"She lives in the mountains at the top of the Valley. She's a healer for a pack up there. She invited me to join her and I'm saying my goodbyes now..." 
It seemed like the quiet life. She supposed that's what he wanted though, seeing as he was so against the foresight of what this Nix had.
Perhaps if she were younger she'd stray from the path she was destined for too, but no. She loved to have the power and lands and attention.
Oh, the attention she got from many wanting her title through them being mates; or to fight.
Either way, attention was attention.

"Well, you know you better not reveal anything incriminating of the Nightwalkers, or we will have to take out that entire pack." It was the Nightwalker rules. Anyone who leaked information was to be killed, anyone who had incriminating knowledge who were not allied was to be killed, anyone who left without permission was to be killed.
"Tell me the pack's name, perhaps we can make an alliance. Of course, it will be for them to commission us, not like Moonspear." She could make the exception and could come to some sort of deal. Perhaps they send a medic and a mercenary, as they always needed a medic to help them instead of just Serem.
He frowned, confused. "I'm no one's spy. I'm not going to run around talking about a past Im trying to leave behind me." 
He honestly was a little indignant that she would suggest he might put innocent wolves in danger. 
At her suggestion of an Alliance he nods. 
"Renian Empire. From what she said it's a smaller, newer pack." 
We can end on your next post
Of course, Vanity as a founding member of the Nightwalkers and fully supported what Vengeance wanted for his pack.
In her eyes, this still was his pack, forever clouded by a delusion he still lurked in the wood's shadows.
"Good," she mused, nodding slightly too.
But at least her offer of alliance soothed her threat.

She nodded, taking in the information of this new pack. In the mountains at the top of the valley. Couldn't be too far. She thought quietly, couldn't be the mountain range Moonspear resided in because that pack never would've started. It must be the other mountain range past the flat land.
"I will try to seek you myself to offer an alliance." It would be good for her to go, she needed to stretch her legs and ensure everything would be in order. If she became the face of the Nightwalkers, it would be so much easier to gain support from other packs.
He nodded. 
"New packs need protection. I'll try to gain favor with the Alpha's, take my time, prove myself." 
He only hoped it wouldn't backfire. "Your pups probably need you. Tell Famine I said goodbye. He's a cute kid. Got his daddy's fire." He inclined his head, turning away to give the shewolf privacy once again.